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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I went to therapy today, it was awesome. I brought my mother along & we had a 2 hour session. We talked a lot... & I wanted my therapist to know where I'm coming from & what I'm dealing with, with my mother. They connected it was wonderful.
The therapist did say something really great that is worthy of sharing, she said, 'when you hold on to anger or resentments you stand in the way of God's wrath. Once you forgive that person & let the negative (hate-filled) feelings go, feelings of attachment that keep you stuck to that other person & it keeps the other person buffered from God... 'cause God isn't flowing through you'.
Well, that was defientely true of how it went with my ex of 6 yrs. I harbored resentment & unforgiveness, felt like he ruined my life. Two weeks after I actually forgave him, utterly & completely... those feds called me, telling me he is being crimminally investigated. Case in point - that was dead on! I forgave & God's wrath is on him now - I want nothing to do with it, I never want to see him again, I will always love him (compassionately from very far away) and pray he gets help.
I am lightned from having forgiven him... i feel more in touch with myself than ever. I was still feeding the parastic psychic vampire. I cut you free and give you to God completely & wholly so I can go on with creating the life I want & can be happy with.
God is love is light, we are all connected, ty for giving me the creative freedom of choice. I will choose to love myself just a little more today.
hugs to you all, this program really works!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
KITTY>>>>>>>>> 'when you hold on to anger or resentments you stand in the way of God's wrath. Once you forgive that person & let the negative (hate-filled) feelings go, feelings of attachment that keep you stuck to that other person & it keeps the other person buffered from God... 'cause God isn't flowing through you'.
ROSIE>>>>>>>> i *handed my perp over* to his God, i can honestly say, of course i cannot love him/ feel compassion for him...he is dead!! its over!!! he never repented!!! so its mute point.....howEVER, i honestly and ernestly prayed to MY God and i said "hey i am done hating him...done cursing him....done done done....i take MY hands off him....and allow yours on.....MAY his name be ERASED* and you know what????? i only think about him when i am in recovery , working on yet another one of my injuries, but i don't dwell on it.....i dwell on me and all things good, and my recovery......i told someone i am too busy filling up my heart with love for me...there is NO room for him and hate.........thank you for this GR8 share...............hugs/ rosie
Thank you for these words. Anger and resentment are huge portions on my plate of inventory, once I finally get to it. At least w/ Alanon I've been able to go put the pot on warm and not keep simmering them (I think).
The other thing I've noticed in a short time here and in program is that I'm not adding (or at least not adding much) to the pot anymore either. Heck I'm trying not to add salt. Bad for the blood pressure and the open wounds ya know. ;)
Thanks again,
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)