The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Our author discusses the persistent habit of worry: it gathers inspiration from past events to fuel anxiety over the horrific events we become certain will occur in the future.
Fortunately we are able to draw a powerful tool from Alcoholics Anonymous to help us: living One Day at a Time. If we choose to, we can leave past events where they are and not use them to shadow our view of the future...we then have only to handle the events before us.
Reminder: I won't allow myself to be overwhelmed by thoughts/events of the past, nor will I allow future events to take up mental bandwidth until they are today's. In this way, better management of events today allow for a better today, tomorrow.
"Let not my thought fantasies lead me into anticipating trouble, since I cannot know what the future may bring." unattributed --------------- This concept and tool has been one of the most positively impactful to my serenity and sense of wellbeing. When I avoid cheating and making excuses for why I need to borrow tomorrow's worries, it guides me to rely more upon my higher power.
Actually, it kinda tricks me into that since that was not a natural or easy endeavor at first. First, I white knuckled the one day at a time, sort of an active meditation of rejecting thoughts of past or future, focusing on task at hand.
As I found success with this, I was able to appropriately attribute it to my higher power and build my belief and concept of higher power. Most importantly, I grasped more firmly the belief that all does not rely on my to resolve...grateful for the wisdom of Alanon
"...when we try to control others, we lose the ability to manage our own lives." - Paths to Recovery
Thank you Paul for your service. I agree with your share and DM2021 's point that worry uselessly burns up energy . An MIP member shared " there is no point in planning for catastrophe because it never happens the way it does in your head". Pure gold! At times I worry that good things won't last . The odd time I worry that I'm not worried! (lol ). By turning my worries over to my HP, sanity/serenity is restored .
Thanks Paul for your service and for all above ESH. I spent literally years being worried and anxious about what already had happened and what might occur in the future. What a waste of time and energy!! It with this program that I have been able to use my time and energy in more productive ways. When worry does come, I have many ways to productively it aside if not eliminate it. ODAT is always good for starters, the Serenity Prayer, How important is it, Think, and many others, including connecting with program people and my HP, let me enjoy many hours of most of my days. Grateful member always.