The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today's reading in C2C is about Tradition Six: Our Family Groups ought never endorse, finance, or lend our name to any outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim.
The author describes how they deal with requests for endorsements that they receive while doing service work. Research projects, charities, and treatment programs often reach out asking for Al-Anon's endorsement. And while as an individual, the author is welcome to endorse anything they like, and as an Al-Anon member, the author is welcome to share information about Al-Anon with anyone they like, Tradition 6 tells us that Al-Anon cannot endorse or become affiliated with any outside organization, because this affiliation could divert the Al-Anon group from their primary aim - helping families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effect of alcoholism.
Today's Reminder: I come to Al-Anon to receive the spiritual benefit of the meetings, principles, and fellowship. I wish to do my part to see that we are not diverted from our primary aim.
Today's Quote: "We must always remember why we are here, and never use the group to promote our pet projects, or our personal interests in outside causes." Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions for Alateen
Tradition 6 has been a very useful tradition for my life, also outside of Al-Anon. It helps me to focus my attention on the goals of the group, and helps me to ask: is this request/idea in line with the goals of this group, or not? No matter whether the group is Al-Anon, a club, or a committee, keeping my focus on the goals of the group helps me deal with requests and ideas that I personally think are fantastic, but might be well outside the goals of the group in question.
I hope you make today a great day!
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu
Thanks Skorpi for your service. Over time Ive come to understand how important Tradition 6 is. I have witnessed how an individual or group can get sidetracked. Especially for us here in alanon, it is important to stick to our primary goal. And of course in doing so, I reap the benefits and rewards of this remarkable program.
Thank you, Skorpi and Lyne, for sharing on this great topic. As I read it, I think that Tradition Six is a good example of boundaries. The boundary to protect Al-Anon -- or to protect myself -- is not "against" any other person, organization, cause, etc. It is simply to protect my integrity and my safety so I can move forward in my primary mission, which is to live my own life.
Thank you Skorpi for your service and the daily. Thank you all for your shares and ESH. I too use this well beyond our recovery. I am one who can 'wonder' down alley ways in my thinking really, really easily. So, this tradition helps me stay focused on the purpose of what I am doing vs. the outcome that may/may not happen!
I am a very private person and have always been 'close to the vest' with my recovery. I have actually been able to suggest both Al-Anon & AA (or other 12 Step programs) without disclosing I am a member. As a person who can enmesh easily into other's problems, with the best of intentions, I do best at talking about recovery with outsiders in a manner of a 3rd party person.
I try to stay focused on why we are here and believe most do a good job. I truly am grateful that those who came before me had the insight to leave behind suggestions that work when we work it!
Happy hump day all. The heat has returned here and I'm glad we golfed early!! Make it a great day!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Thanks for the service Skorpi and the shares. I love this tradition because I think it is a touch of simple genius. Keeping the programme free of outside influence and persuasion pretty much ensures that a huge chunk of human flaw is eliminated from the outset. There is no sponsor to keep happy commercially. There is no financial gain from engagement. It keeps it honest and honesty is such a rare gift. In it, I can relax a lot and just be.