The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
In the reading for Monday 5/17, the author says we really have no choice but to live one day at a time. We can make plans and scheme, but we cannot control results. We can compress ODAT to one hour or one minute, which can make life not only bearable but precious. By focusing on what is going on right here, right now, the author knows they are fine.
Part of the reminder: Let me make today the most fully alive day I have ever experienced.
Quote: Do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will look after itself.
This reading reminded me of a rock song years ago, that used the phrase right here right now. Those four words can put things in perspective for me. Just the same way ODAT can bring my mind into focus on what is happening this very moment. And with that perspective, the past and the future can fade away. I spent years lamenting about the past and worrying about the futureI missed every day I had. One day, one hour, or one minute at a time, is exactly where I want to place my thinking.
Yesterday was extraordinarily tedious
Last time I did the training I was exasperated
This time lots of things went wrong
Same people I have worked with before .
The difference is 100% me
I have changed
I have changed my approach
I have changed my demeanor
I have changed by being able to detach
I have changed by attitude
I have changed my perspective
I have changed my reactivity
I have changed my abilities to do self care
Nothing else has changed. I did
And it was for the better
It was still a difficult day. I just did not make it more difficult
Good morning. It's very early here,I got up at 4:30 A.M. thinking and thinking.
This is exactly what I needed today. It's such a good reminder to stay in the present and not dwell on the past or what the future may bring.
I started making a morning gratitude list again yesterday,I have slacked on that for a couple of months. That's something that helps keep me focused on the present. It's kinda hard to obsess on the past/future when I'm genuinely grateful for what's going on in the here and now. So it's something I can't allow myself to slack on anymore.
Good Morning Lyne. Thank you for your service. I sure do remember Right here, right now"...listened to it and it brought back fond memories. Back to today, thanks for all the shares. I woke up to birds chirping and marveled at the beauty of nature. The reminder to be mindful and enjoy each day nudges me to let go of regimented lifestyle. I will go with the flow and stay in gratitude. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you Lyne for your service this fine Monday morning! LOL!
I have been suffering from neck pain the last 2 weeks. Everything's too inflammed to allow a chiropractor to do much good. So I am having A LOT of practice in staying in the here and now.
Trying not to worry about whether or not this will go away, but getting up each morning and telling myself, "OK, how we feel today? What can we accomplish today."
I concentrate on being grateful for what I have and what I can do... Just for Today!
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
Thank you Lyne for your service and the daily. Thank you all for your shares and ESH. I am STILL a planner; perhaps it's just part of the imperfectly perfect me. What has changed is I do make a continuous effort to be in the here/now and I try not to project outcomes, scenarios, etc. The more I allow my (special) brain to flow away from this day, this moment, the more likely I am to cause myself anxiety and negative energy.
For an unknown reason, since I got the 2nd vaccine shot (I think - that's the timing I can track), I've been gifted with more sleep. I have to say gifted because I know deep within that proper sleep and rest is critical for my emotional, physical and psychological health. Yet, there is a part of me who's averaged and thrived on 5-6 hours average per night for 30+ years and probably had even worse sleep before that. It's not every night yet it's more than ever before.
As a high energy, active person, who is generally productive for 15+ hours per day, I am a bit uncomfortable with a more 'average/normal' block of time. I'm working to adapt yet have felt a bit uncomfortable with unfinished business. Add to that my desire to put me first and be of service, and I'll admit -- I'm in a weird place parts of some days.
Today is tax day and I've got to review and submit. No golf as we had 3-5 inches of rain and it's just not fun for me when it's a mud fest. A(nother) good friend was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer about 10 days ago; they've already done surgery and spread is not yet known. Like many of us, she does all the cooking, cleaning, etc. and her husband has his own health issues. I've spent the morning making meals for a couple weeks for them - being of service - after I did my stuff for me.
I just have to laugh at the God of my understanding. I have prayed for years for better rest/sleep and feel very grateful yet wonder at the timing. What I know is there will always be more 'to-do' on my lists and this program has helped me be better at prioritizing which helps me stay calm and carry on.
There is no value for me in looking deeply at the past, even just yesterday. Nothing I did or felt or thought matters for today. The same applies for me for the future. My brain tends to overthink and over-analyze almost everything so my best bet to stay serene and joyful is hanging right here in the present.
Make it a great day! Do your own thing to find and keep your joy! Feel better soon PnP! (((Hugs))) to all!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I think.what is hard for me living one day at a time is that is the way I had to live with the qualifier. The amount of costs he brought about was legendary. He always played it down
In order not to be overwhelmed with rage and grief Inhaf is to go to one day at a time
When I have a day off which is not often as I seek to be self sufficient at all costs I relish that one day
WHen I am fully reated I can also really enjoy one say at s time. However for the next few weeks I have to work more because I am waking on one payment that has not arrived
My sleep will probably slip then
Nevertheless I will remain self reliant
Self reliance was not possible in living with the qualifier. His addiction was so destructive it simply destroyed everything in its parh
Lyne. Thank you for this much needed reading as I am in the one day at a time and even one hour at a time mode with the loss of unemployment coming up on June 26 sometimes I can only deal with one hour or one minute at a time when the fear and depression tries to creep in but focusing on what is going on right now, I am all right right now. And I am going to carry-on and do life one day at a time and just make myself trust and give gratitude to my higher power because I know today I am OK and all these little blessings he is sending to me is a clear message that he is going to be there and deliver when I need deliverance and I love the quote--dont be anxious about tomorrow, tomorrow will look after itself
Disassociation or the issue of having to remove yourself from today was indeed the way I got through my childhood. It was indeed very very painful to be present. So I simply removed myself
Survival is of course short term strategy. I have been on survival my whole life
Then when I got into recovery I had to deal with my past. In so many ways Inhad to come to terms with how it came to be that I was so deeply committed to someone who was fatally addicted
When I think about the future I am aware we can never really know what is coming down the line. After all who could have predicted a pandemic? No one.
I most certainly never imagined I would recover un any measurable way from my childhood. My self image was one of a person who was deeply dependent on a relationship
Now I am fiercely self reliant. My to do list is all about how can Inve even more self reliant