The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The reading for Monday, 10/19, reminds us that we are not responsible for the workings of the universe. It is important to take care of our responsibilities and let HP do the rest. We can do the best we can, but cannot force actions to take place. Struggling and worrying are useless. Let go and let God is a good slogan to keep in mind.
Quote from Victor Hugo: Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
God never sleepshave never thought about that! I have come through a very difficult situation with my son. I had to make a decision about giving into something he wanted, but it was not something I wanted to do. I thought about it for several weeks and prayed about it. I purposely did not discuss it with anyone else until I decided for myself, as I did not want the pressure or influence. I decided to do what I needed to do for myself, and so I did not agree to do what he asked. This reading reminded me what I have just gone throughthe difficulties I can encounter with loved ones, my inability to force people to see things my way, standing strong, and the uselessness of worrying. Turning it over to my Higher Power is the best way to go.
Thanks Lyne for the daily and your service share. I remember learning about the feeling that comes from letting go and letting God and coming to the awareness, "Oh God does work when I let loose". The affect was so strong that I more easily do it now when the opportunities arrive. ((((hugs))))
Good morning MIP. Thank you Lyne for your service and the daily. Thank you all for your shares & ESH. As with most things, I need the morning routine suggested by others for a daily reminder that I am not in charge, the God of my understanding is. I still can resist and I still can try to influence others to come to my side and yet, I know better and do better when I can stay the course of nurturing my spiritual life.
I do hold tight always to gratitude. I truly am grateful that no matter what's going on around me, I am not alone. I can ask for help from my people resources as well as my HP resource and program resource. I am grateful to be alive, be here and to just be me - all of which were rarely considered BR (Before Recovery).
Happy Monday's chilly here - I turned on the heat. No golf, fall has arrived and that's OK. Football this afternoon/evening - have already washed my car and picked up my grocery order from WalMart. It's a great day to just be!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I am really enjoying the Victor Hugo quote. I had never heard it, although of course I had read Les Miserables in high school. As someone who worried a lot about outcomes, it is comforting to read this and know that I have someone watching over me while I sleep, and I can let go of my worries. To be honest, I didn't always feel this way. Thank you Al-Anon!
Hope everyone enjoys their Monday!
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
WOW!!! Lyne, GREAT WORK and THANKS for your daily and powerful share....I loved reading YOUR part the best
Yea, I can't control/change anything but me....the rest...Loved what you said "God is awake"...its be able to work the first 3 steps...a kind of peace comes over me when I do the "S" prayer and then the first 3 steps and let the more powerful life partner in my life take his divine and better will....THANK you for this reminder about staying in my own lane and being able to say "NO" when its right and giving it over to HP.........
Lynne. i certainly appreciate your ability to about coming through a hard time with your son.
I am at a place where i certainly no longer think about life being only #my way#. I live next a neighbor who has that viewpoint. There is only one way.for him and of course it is his view point. He is one of the management staff in the building and recently all his staff quit in one month. Yet he cannot fathom that he is anything but a #great human being# who is so #evolved# in his cultural soace
I am certainly familiar to those who declare themselves #evolved# and #woke,# while they openly attack other members in meetings. Somehow they seem to think such behavior of declaring other members as #toxic# as their own extremely innovative recovery. I have seen much of that kind of rudeness in 12 step.rooms. it is a bit like 13 stepping which in some of the felowshios I was in was absolutely ramoant. The irony being that those who did that were always orimoting how fantastic their program was while they were boundary breaking by the second. I imagine that is because biundaries are a foreign concept to peoole that is only their boundaries count. Any one elses boundaries are to be dusmissed as #dysfunctional# After all anyone with boundaries would not be 13vstepping newcomers compulsively
Certainly my neighbor believes he is s truly evolved human being despite the fact most of the residents dislike him (yhaf is across the board) intensely. I know many such individuals including my former roommate who most certainly believes he is one of the greatest friends anyone could have. Denial runs deep for certain people and I know those behaviors were flabbergasting to me in the past.
The joyful news is that now when people act out in rude nasty vicious ways. I know it is a mirror to their true selves rather than anything to do with me. When the forner roommmate called me stupid and a loser repeatedly when I was ill I did not retataliate by yelling back at him or throwing out all manner of names him. That is because today I have maturity and restraint which is certainly more than he has (but then of course he is an active alcoholic.
There was a time in my life where Inhad this idea that recovery had grades where I had the grandiosity to grade other oeople's recoveries was the norm. . Now I think what a ridiculous notion that was but I certainly believed in it.
Today I have admiration for certain people who have been through the fire and come out the other side. That is withbd8gnith, restraint and natural grace.
I have trenendous admiration for those like yourself who have dealt with the inimaginable double binds out forth by an active addict/alcoholic. That does not mean that I am in any.sort of place to give anyone grade anyone on their recovery. I do however manage these days to have maturity and grave and restraint when I am deliberately viciously provoked deliberately by persons like my former roommate and others who are so #woke# in their lives to claim they have the right to be viciously rude and malignantly hurtful to others as an attemot to #shame# them.
For that skill, tact and ability to.detach I am extremely grareful. I am glad to be able to.appreciate others have different view points and somehow believe calling people names is their right at all times. How very grareful I am to live life on life's terms rather than #my way#