The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
11 plus years sober. Was very sad to hear of Betty's passing. Working daily still as rehab is "essential" healthcare. It is crazy cuz I have plenty of exposure to barely recovering or relapsing people but now limited AA (and Alanon). BUT...on the flip side....still have a job and income and more likely to seek online support and check in here after a being gone a long time.
I am grateful to have an internalized recovery program. Such that even a pandemic is no reason or excuse to relapse. What a terrible time is is to be stuck in active addiction or dealing with it as a family member. Prayers to all!!
Mahalo Pink and thanks for checking in with your recovery. I love listening to the "extra" blessed cause it grows my own recovery. Your ESH is right along with Betty's for me. Thanks again from dropping in.
Hi PC ! It made me smile when I saw your thread notification. Gosh it's been a long time in your chosen field, I remember when you first started and the transition. I hope you and Chuck and fur babies are well. Congratulations on the sobriety milestone. Those are always but always inspiring.
Good to see you PC - congratulations on your continued sobriety! Huge miracle in progress. I too smiled to see your name/post and am glad you returned and checked in. Keep coming back - you've been missed!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Hey PC, congrats on your continued sobriety under challenging times!
Great to hear you are doing well. These are particularly challenging times for many on either side of the bottle, your services are truly a lifesaver. Hang in there, keep up the good work, thanks for dropping in with an encouraging update and a reminder of the power of gratitude :)
"...when we try to control others, we lose the ability to manage our own lives." - Paths to Recovery
Hi PC! Sorry for the late reply - just now saw the thread. It's so good to see you. Your insight several years ago was instrumental in my really 'getting' codependency, and how not to do it, and I was able to get out of a terrible relationship (eventually). I am now finding 'healthy people to play with'.
I dont think there is any.good time to be dealing with an alcoholic.
For me managing stress is not easy at any time. I am certainly aware of many people who.are actimg out in this pandemic. Not reacting to them is so key
Gettimg in my own goals in a pandemic is anothet matter. I am about to be laid off a second time in 6 months. I have something.else lined up but having to negotiate #shut downs# is a new ohenomenon
I.worked with someone who is a former marine recently. He said we have no training for this. Finding new sources of resilence and strenngth is a real feat of perseverance
Congrats on the continued sobriety! That is a message of hope to those who are facing the disease of alcoholism themselves or watching and experiencing it with a loved one.
I missed this back in April as I only come here sporadically. Hopefully, you check back in and see these replies!
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!