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Post Info TOPIC: Courage to Change, Friday 9/13

~*Service Worker*~

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Courage to Change, Friday 9/13

The reading for September 13 speaks about making the best use of each moment of the day.  With just 24 hours in a day to spend, the author talks about using those hours to grow and improve -- applying tools of the program to what is happening.  And, a brand new 24 hours can begin at any moment, which helps when learning from mistakes.

Today's reminder: This day offers me a chance to make a new start at living. How can I make the best use of it?


Happy Friday to everyone ... This year's September 13 is Friday the 13th, which some think of as an unlucky day.  I am anticipating a very good day and weekend, getting together with my grown children and their friends at a baby shower.  I do appreciate how lucky I am to have all that I have and the people that are in my life.  If by any chance things don't go as planned, I know I will be OK because I know I can always do the next right thing. 

MIP friends, I hope you have a great 24 hours.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2081

Thank you for your service and share Freetime.

Too often I get stuck with thoughts cycling in my head, stresses and worries how I'll manage to get through. Then I berate myself for not enjoying the day.

I realize I need more serenity and joy in my life despite uncertainties, despite the twists and turns that I do not want.

As I double up on F2F meetings and work the steps with more consistency and strengthen my relationship with my HP, my anxiety is gradually becoming more manageable. With the fellowship, I know I'll get through things even if I don't know how.

I feel blessed and am grateful for many things daily. I pray for my HP to put me to where I need to be today, to keep doing the next right thing, and find joy along the way.

Thank you Freetime, and a great 24 hours to you as well!


~*Service Worker*~

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Happy Friday MIP! Thank you Freetime for your service and the daily. Thanks to both of you for your ESH and shares. I recall thinking one day at a time was kind of lame as I was a 'master planner' in my mind. It was really, really hard for me to grasp as I had so many obsessive thoughts and worries. As I practiced staying present and focusing on just one day at a time, I made it even easier for my mind - considering only waking hours vs. the entire 24 hours.

It's funny how this reading takes me back to the beginning of my journey. I am grateful to be able to look back and see progress. I am very 'chill' today as I've switched up my day off from golf to Fridays. The golf courses are busier on Friday and I am usually pretty tired after golf and softball on Thursdays, so Friday is my me day! My hair is in a wrap with a deep conditioner, I've already done a deep facial scrub and a mask and ran 7 miles! Love starting my day with the God of my understanding, a run and just the peace/quiet of early morning nature...

I too feel blessed and am grateful for this day and all that I have. I'm grateful I can clearly see how blessed I am in so many ways. Make it a great day MIP and enjoy! (((Hugs)))


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2795

Good morning, MIP family, and thank you Freetime!

I love that a brand new 24 hrs can begin at any time... I am also aware that wonderful idea can lead to making it the "scapegoat" for negative behaviors (ie: "Oh well, no biggie, I can just start my day over...and not learn, therefore bound to repeat the behavior!). So I make a point to try and do some reflection on what made me want to start my day over. Most of the time it is helpful (read: when it involves my behaviors! LOL).

To "celebrate" this Friday the 13th, my girlfriends and I are taking a haunted tour of a local city after dinner! To top that off, it is a full moon! The two haven't coincided in 20 years! I am ready to have some fun!

I am a firm believer that Attitude is everything... so go forth with positive attitude, and make this Friday 13th, the best day ever!!



"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend

"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."  Mary Oliver



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2771

Thanks FT for your service and for all the wonderful shares above. Our program gives us a positive framework which allows us to stay in the moment, forgive ourselves, take ODAT, and start over if we need to. I was outside with my dogs for a walk in beautiful, start of fall weather. The sun is shining. I'm going to get pumpkins this afternoon with my granddaughter. Friday the 13th-bah, humbug! It's a great day! Lyne



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2940


    smile Freetime, and y'all... living in the moment is a nice place to be. Things happen, but it is much easier to deal with them- when they happen. I used to suffer from 'the paralysis of analysis' and found it hard to create solutions, as they came up. A nice reminder- on a maintenance programme; steady as she goes... thanks... aww ...


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