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Today's reading is posted on today's hope. The topic is rest. The author reflects on the need for rest, and how our bodies sometimes use irritability to tell us that we need a rest. Sometimes, especially when we are busy, we feel that we cannot take the time to rest. But when we do take time for ourselves, we are better able to deal with whatever challenges we face. When we take the time to rest, we give ourselves abd others the gift of our best selves.
What is without periods of rest will not endure. Ovid
Rest is an important thing that i sometimes forget to give myself. Particularly when i am very busy, i can forget to rest, i might not sleep enough, and i forget to take time to do what i enjoy and to enjoy what i am doing. I've learned through the program to pay attention to my mods and emotions, and i do notice now when i am frustrated or have a short fuse. This awareness is very helpful, and i can plan to take time to rest so i can be a better version of myself.
My post is late today because of my crazy schedule, but especially this week, i am aware of how important balance is in my life and how vital it is to take time to rest and enjoy myself.
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu
(((Skorpi))) - thank you for your service and the daily! I can so relate to the busy mode and forgetting rest as a big part of self care. My parents are coming and I've been in spring cleaning mode. We've also had a death so need to attend a funeral - just another item added to my schedule! I can forget to rest, and at times, I forget to eat - when I'm really, really 'in the zone'.
Recovery has given me way more awareness and I believe deeply in HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely Tired! I am more inclined to find fault in the H and T - just my experience. When I become aware that I may need to rest, I will stop and do so. I worked my tail off today doing some hauling, moving, cleaning, etc. and got an invite to play softball. My first inclination was to decline yet when I paused, I remembered play time is self care! I committed and then opted to do some resting as it's hotter than typical and I wanted to hydrate for the evening event and morning golf.
Ovid is spot on - rest is not optional for me, it's necessary! I hope all is going well in your new home! Take care!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Skorpi, thank you for this timely topic! I had a big reminder about rest this past week.
I woke up one morning and my right arm was painful. Felt like a sprain/strain, and it was painful to do normal things like putting on a shirt and fixing breakfast. When it didn't improve after a day, I consulted Dr. Google and decided this might require surgery.
But I decided to try keeping it simple. For the entire weekend, I lay around binge-watching (something I NEVER do) and not using my arm. I applied ice a few times. After three days of this do-nothing cure, my arm is completely recovered! REST worked! Just another reminder that doing nothing is sometimes the best thing to do.
Thanks for this reminder Skorpi, I find it extremely difficult to "rest' execpt when on vacation. I try but have never been successful
Thanks for your service