The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have across the board allergies to almost everything except for Mother Nature and nail polish.
I forget, living here in my pretty much chemical-free house.
Howevs, on the morning of December 1, I had emergency surgery for a very miffed-off umbilical hernia of some years. If they had drawn me a picture in 2004 of what it could look like one day, I'd have fought the mesh war, the anesthetic war, the steroid war and had it fixed. I was waiting to get off Mexican Cokes, lose 40 pounds and line up a plastic surgeon for the same day. (Hint--the biggest addict in this family is Not the alcoholic. C'est moi. I'm just fortunate that I don't like alcohol and can't take drugs.
So then came the saga--is Temple going to be able to type this big enough to see--keep falling back to micropoint. Grrr. Is Temple going to get home to heal herself before these people cause a global, systemic allergic reaction the likes of which I have never experienced.
Husband would not get me out of there AMA. So now we know.
I hate fighting for font size.
Two things sustained me--Daughter, who is somewhat psychic, had not had The Dream she always has a week or two before anyone in the family dies. And if I died, I'd be perfectly fine. But--I woke up after surgery convinced I have 10 to 15 good years available to live the life I've always wanted and nobody can stop me. Anyone who wants to be in my tribe is positive, happy, interesting, and a whole lot of things. Hubs wants to come along. I have no expectations and am okay either way. He has some reinventing himself to do if he wants to live with me and he is resistant to AA and to therapy. But he's trying.
Daughter and I have had a rapprochment. I've had miracle after miracle ever since Dec. 1, 2018 and expect to continue. For instance, one night I had vivid dreams--well I always do that. But my mind worked the first 3 steps. A teacher once said "It" (meaning in her case enlightenment) could be as easy as you want it to be and I've been holding out. Another day after I came home, I did a 4th step or is it a 5th step--the one where I thought I'd have to find a derelict down by a bridge, prop him up and say "You are going to listen to this--stay awake!" I did it pretty much spontaneously to husband but mostly to a 25 year old caregiver--who did not turn a hair, and said "If it makes you feel better, that's all that counts. Husband took it like a man who'd been slapped upside the head with information he was not ready to receive, but like a man, nonetheless. He told daughter, "I don't know your mother." Told him I've always been right here he just wasn't interested in hearing about me. He's doing well for somebody in shock. He'd say when I was in hosp. the first few days and the reactions hadn't set in and I was talking to all these lovely people--"It's amazing to hear you talking to all these people. Always have. His reaction to my speaking, at home, has always been to either zone out or start talking over me. He was raised, if you could call it that, but not terribly evolved creatures who look pretty much like you and me, Bless his heart.
Oh, and the Spontaneous Confession was brought on for the most part by the hospital docs thinking that I was a little buzzed and needed something IV to "quiet me down so I could sleep." Had they checked with me, I could have told them any drug that acts on the brain will achieve the opposite to the desired effect.
Anyway, it's been fun and amusing--Granddaughter in FL and really good friend who lives in my computer in Tacoma and is an enlightened RN were my lifelines. Daughter came once during the hospitalization and she and GD came the 26th and left Sunday. She's been a God=send. Its as if I have a second brain that functions better than mine and she finally gets that I am "the boss of me" so she offers, suggests, does not demand.
It was funny being screamed at by hospital personnel and even one caregiver at home who was finally driven over the edge by me that I needed to lie down and go to sleep. Thought to self" Do the childcare experts know this? With a baby, you don't remove all the things that are making him feel uncomfortable, assure him that he is safe and you won't leave him (I'd been fighting a mammoth battle to not be harmed, remember) and help him sleep. Instead, you get in his face and scream that he Needs to Lie Down and Go to Sleep. (I did not ask for the blanken sleeping meds, remember?)
A hint at the minor miracles--in hospital, everyone who came through the door was beautiful. I asked one day--do you have to be beautiful to work here? Then I realized I was drawing them to me, because my life from here on out is going to be about Beauty and Joy and Music and Nature and Travel--I plan to get up to it--to be 15 years younger than my chronological age.
Another fun moment--I thought one night, in spite of the No Dream phenomenon, "I really am going t cough myself to death here, presently and this 14 year old RN grinned down on me. Somehow she and my daughter--who got so good at pounding down pillows behind me--(she has life threatening peanut allergy--went to the same ecological doc in the early 80s and knows pretty much just what I need) and an Aide who looked like a Middle Eastern Goddess got me through that.
When I came home the 2nd and third times, the Visiting Angels were always just who I needed on any particular day or night. Like the Peruvian who just held me and let me cry the first night--Got up on the bed with me.
I am blessed out of my mind. Our broker, who overcame ALS--yes--Lou Gehrig's disease, prays for me when I call him. Remembers to ask for just what I just told him--imagine--a listener.
I hope this all prints. If it breaks down the system, you'll get a very truncated version.
Love you all.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
p.s. Husband has discovered that he really does love me and wants me to live and wants to be with me.
I think it took all this to get your attention? I mean, Good for you and all that and I forgave you for everything that night the Steps Worked Me! But, seriously?
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
(I know if I haven't miffed you off yet I just haven't gotten to you. I think there are exactly three of you--one a Saint--who don't get the Fantods when I show up.
Anyway, before the age of 5, I did my thing and had a wonderful time. Then one day Mother told me, "Don't talk so much--the other kids won't like you!"
Who the face? Talking, which is my favorite thing right after breathing is Not Good? And other people are supposed to like me? And I am supposed to behave in such a way as to effect that? OH Cripes! And goodbye Childhood.
Years later I realized what the subscript was: Don't tell the other kids about Daddy. That I could have done. And gone merrily along, guiding the play, as I always had.
Anyway, I have one PM from a person who is so good-hearted and broad-minded I haven't run her off yet.
And I'm laughing because a month and two days ago, I'd have thought--gone a month and nobody missed me. Waaaaah!
And now it is okay. I don't have to be popular. I just get to be me--as I always was. What a relief.
Blessings to everyone. My heart aches for those who have added sorrow at the Holidays. I just had to detach from "Days". And I haven't suffered as so many here have and if I had I'd have probably lost my mind.
And may everyone have a Blessed, better with each new day New Year. You are all the best.
And If you pray, please pray for me I was a powerhouse for the first 10 days. Then they wore me down. I am kitten-weak. I think they destroyed a lot of my mitochondria with their blessed antibiotics. Have read that mitochondria (our little power houses) look and act like bacteria and that can happen. And I believe it. Did I say--as a final insult, on the Sunday before Christmas, the Visiting Angels sent a woman who smokes to my house. Full frontal assault. I am now allergic to things I wasn't sensitive to before.
Did I mention 10 years old sister has been put into a rehab facility during all this? Poor husband--she's to be transferred to a nursing home here in our little town tomorrow. He's going to meet the transport here. She's going through withdrawal/detoxxification from opoids some genius put her one last summer. I didn't know until 5 days in. So now she's going through a lot of the things I have been with the added fillip that coming down--even half a pill a week--is making her crazy at times. Husband has made me first priority. I am touched. This is new.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
What a post Temple!! I needed it cause I just got home from my morning meeting and went face to face with a similar dissertation with another guy I have known in recovery for a long while. It was and is a serenity test and I love that kind of test especially when I hear my HP say "See...came to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity".
Keep smiling sister and Happy New Year ((((hugs))))
Oh N. [Temple...]... as you know I always love long shares, but that short one about hubby really caught me under the chin!!!
So glad those repairs have worked out okay!!!
You might be interested to know that I have a guitar- and also a banjo- I bought back from Texas in November... and I do plan to play them one day, G** willing... ... are a true bright spark of light, my friend!!!
May you shine on forever... one way or another... ...
Ah, Jerry--you and Betty have been my saints like, forever. It was a sad day for me when I got so worked up trying to take care of you and your precious brain that I ticked you off. To put it mildly.
Betty--you are the one who always overlooks my stuff. Or maybe I've never tried to fix you. That's probably it. I did think of you and your Stephen in all the crazy mix. I always see you going off to the opera together. When I'm not seeing you 4th from the left in the Rockettes. (Betty was not in the Rockettes--she's just groomed like a performer.)
I write, write, write because my voice is messed up and it tires me to talk. Also there were scary days when I couldn't get the words out. I was so afraid I'd had a stroke.
Dear David--you know I love you. If I can swing it--like find a tramp ship if they still have them--you eat with the crew, read books and breathe in sea air. I'd never make it flying that far all at once--even hop-scotching.
If SO would want to get her back up over that you could tell her I am older than you.
I also want to go to Hawaii and get a Slack Key Guitar infusion.
David, Grandson Morgan learned to play a Slack Key piece. A hu lili is my favorite--something about the cadence.
Daddy had an African American type banjo--a ringing sound instead of the flat sound of the Bluegrass Banjo. I can still hear the pieces he played in my ear And I can still play the Spanish Fandango he taught me. In his late 70s and 80s, he'd order Classical? banjo music from England. Whoever? Maybe Lute pieces? Mother gave me the banjo when he died but I gave it to his oldest son, because he deserved it as the eldest and he came. And I remembered once when Daddy was in hospital and he came from half a state away and stocked the pantry with Richelieu fruits and other really fine things from a boutique grocer. And he would send me dresses and sweaters and he had one child--later two and worked as a typesetter/printer and as a Magician occasionally. The youngest sister in that family said he would probably sell it. She had her own reasons to resent him, but I bet he's still got it today. Recently located him by Googling. He's 100. He' was 5'3"--just like me and said sister. The youngest brother also played banjo and organ and tap-danced, I read when I found his obituary. They were all giants in my eyes--a professional organist, a surgeon, a Phd in English who taught highschool, a comedienne who'd had a radio show (youngest daughter) and the youngest son, of dancing/banjo fame who flew missions as a bomber pilot in WWII.
When I brought up writing--two caregivers here round the clock, and nobody could seem to find my notebooks. I was writing away one day and looked back at the front of the book and in October I had written, "I am willing for God to change me (probably into the kind of person I want to be--I hope I left it up to Him.) And I thought That was Fast! And a whole bunch more dramatic than I'd have chosen, but maybe God decided to speed up the process--I've not got a bunch of decades left for gradual change.
After the night the Steps worked me over, I had a night where my muscles and joints were self-massaging. Daughter was there and saw that. The only pain I had was from my back; I've had so many cervical sprains over the years. In lieu of trading our Saturn, which had no shocks and $4,000 in for a better car. He still hasn't answered me why that seemed like the thing to do.
Anyway, it was entirely involuntary, but like getting a vigorous massage all night long, from the inside out. That was all I ever had morphine for--the pain in my back.
All the pros praise the surgeon (daughter saw him--said he looked as if he were 12) for his great stapling job. I didn't look at the "work" for days and wished I never had. He's left me with a frowny face with a line of staple marks running down one side and one eye. Looks like it needs a pirate's hat tattooed on it and an eyepatch. There goes my Selfie career.
I know Rosie and Jozie aren't mad at me--I hope they weigh in. Pupsickle must be half-grown by now.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
David--because I have so many fun and beautiful and fulfilling things planned, and because I am so nuts about the planet, I am hoping for shining in the flesh.
They say that Heaven is even better. I can't even imagine.
But however it goes--I was really working for a particular outcome the other day on something or other. Finally came to a dead end. Relaxed==and it turned out better than I had planned Duh.
I've been getting by with Main Force for so long, it is hard for me to trust even God.
Told husband--do you think I've been running this household because it's fun to do all the planning and be the Heavy?
He says if I go to Florida, he'll see everything that needs to be done here and get it done. Now that will be Divine Intervention.
I am so ready to lay down at least half of the responsibility and pick up fun! And good times! And people! i love to collect people. Always want to bring the Peruvian Navy boys back to the townhouse that year in San Francisco--like that. Have been thwarted. No mas. I can pretty well spot a con. When we lived near a small Army base in Indiana, I was always giving rides to Servicemen--that was just something you Did when I was growing up. And I wanted to bring them home for meals. I know when I was in Paris I was thrilled when a native would want to make friends with me.
So--tried to make about half of my caregivers tribe members. They were delightful. and I could learn so much from each of them. And they have a calling. Anybody who is called to take care of the sick the injured, the bleeding has my respect and awe. I am not so called. My first instinct is to run quickly in the opposite direction before I faint or upchuck. I can do a lot==except be in the room for bathroom activities--for family in a real crunch, but I don't know nothing bout birthin no babies. And do not want to learn. Cats, I can handle.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Hey Temple - good to see you....sorry for all you've been through! Looks like you are on the road to recover - Happy New Year!!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
WOW!!! Temple...I was wondering where you've been lately....So glad U R on the mend....WHAT a story...Like reading a great bedtime, non fiction story....LOVE it!!!!! BIG HUGS from the other critter lover, LOL
IAH--thank you for the sweet support. I want to be like you when I grow up, down to the fitness--you have to spot me some decades. But w/o the scary competitive mixed-team sports. Adult remedial ballet or ballroom dancing are more in my line.
Sprang this on daughter a few days ago. Stand, cross your feet, now lower yourself to sitting on the floor and then rise again, all w/o using your hands. She aced it. So could have my mother in her 70s--maybe her 80s, I do not doubt. That's a fitness/how long you are liable to live test. I'd love to get back to that. On Daughter's father's side GMother was a 300 bowler/ 3 holes in one on Par 3, after taking Golf up in her 50s, ace tennis player. And husband played baseball, got right up there in golf in his "yoof", I think he got the highest score on the Physical fitness tests at Camp Chaffee ever in the history--that's the story he got, but it hasn't been verified. Daughter was good on the monkey bars--the way the little thing survived grade school, and dodge ball--apparently that thing hurts--lots--if it hits you, skied in grade school and was good at jr. high level gymnastics. Kind of like our Rosie, but not into team sports or tennis.
I like to brag about them. As one of my dance instructors said about the teachers in general--"we can't walk but we can dance." that's me.
Rosie--so where is my picture of Principessa Sophia Pupsickles In her Christmas costume? Is she bigger than the Twins yet?
Loved what I saw of your "slapping drama Queens down to size" in a Nice way! I had a boss-a psychologist, who always responded "Let me think about that" to any invitation or request. I wish I'd learn to do this. And when I told my on-line friend to ask her big, golden Teddy Bear of a husband, how he felt about older women, he responded (good lawerly reply): "I have nothing to say to that!"
Have we heard from Kathleen?
I'm knocked out by all the growth on the board.
Sorry about your Annus Horribilis. It means "Terrible Year." Queen Elizabeth used it in a speech over the radio. Not what you thought? Grins.
But you lived through it! And you are stronger And more resilient now. And I don't see much resentment in you anymore, do you?
Loves, Temple
-- Edited by Temple on Wednesday 2nd of January 2019 11:26:04 AM
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Hey Temple - I chuckled about the sports mention above!!! For many years, the team sports (softball & soccer & volleyball) were similar to therapy for me. I had groups of people who came together to socialize, play, and hopefully win. I am a competitive soul, but winning/loosing with grace & dignity were more important, so I selected like-minded team members. I am no fool either - I went out of my way to always recruit players that were better than me, and we did very well!!!
What I've come to accept/understand is no matter what age/stage we are, movement is 'key'. Both my parents are 84 now and my father still golfs 3 days a week and walks the other 4. Not excessive, but a couple miles. My mother has slowed way, way down since her pace-maker and her heart/health issues and the difference between the two is night/day. They had the good fortune of being healthy for much of their lives, and I believe it's because the did stay moving! That's my goal - keep moving! So start small and just set new goals when you feel like it. As with all things in life, it's not a competition and personal fitness is as unique as each of us - do what feels good!
Keep doing you - and keep recovering....I had an emergency appendectomy 12/1 and am not supposed to golf until 6 weeks. I progressively feel better and better yet do know that any core activity still pulls @ my abdomen. Against my wishes, I am following the surgeon's advice on golf. Self-care wins vs. self-will - urgh!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I always missed all that Tom Sawyer kid stuff, sitting in the rock wall with Mary Lou, and half a dozen other kids, talkin' an' a chewing over stuff...
...and now I have it. No tramp steamer for me- I flew over the state 6 weeks ago. The lights of Dallas spread for miles... I still think of the Tv series of that name, or even of "Peyton Place" as the epitome of America.
Our kid brother passed and I went over- on a whim. I might have regretted it- driving on the right is a culture shock for me. But, nah it gave me closure. The VA vets in his community pitched in and helped me out. They got his small change which was considerable. The banks in that neck of the woods have automatic counting machines... so there must be a great call for sorting such caches of treasure.
It is so sweet and lovely to be able to practise words and phrases from the great literature we have read- and shared reading; at slightly different times.
What is the product of a good education- to be self-assured, poised, and at home in any company?
And this is the education of the world too- the real, true hurly-burly... ...
Bless your heart! We are twins! We both got gut-shot on the same day!
I bet your incision is cuter than mine.
I hear you--The day my father died, at 84, he was ripping up the floor in "my" bedroom. And he had three vegetable gardens going. He had an aortic aneurism. A quick way to go.
My mother was left as the cutest/prettiest 60 year old widow
My mother had a mini trampoline, and was always dancing around the house--never sat on a chair--perched. She did take a nap on the floor every day after lunch, with her feet elevated.
Then in her nud 80s she started walking 5 miles a day with her 40-50 year old friend and I think she overdid it. And she developed polymyalgia and suffered a lot.
When she was hospitalized in her late 80s, with a knee replacement fail, she weighed about 120--she and my father kept themselves slender--by will power--and there was a trapeze over her bed, She could put herself anywhere they wanted by upper body strength alone. I never expect to get anywhere near her. Did not grow up carrying water with my sister in wash tubs, for instance, but it's going to get a whole lot better.
Since we moved here 10 years ago, I remember at least one year where I mostly huddled on my bed, in a sitting-up fetal position, more or less--trying to make myself small so husband wouldn't come in and yell abuse at me.
I know, I know--and what did that get me? NO MAS!
I went into the hospital with a lifetime heartrate of 125-145. That may not be true, but it is what is stuck in my memoryIt is now down to the 90s. I've asked husband to teach me to get it down to the 70s. His is in the 60s. Had a 70 year old dance teacher who'd been an athlete and his was in the 40s. It just did a beat every once in a while.
BP is 115/62, which is about what it's always been. O2 is 95-98. So glad to get off the oxygen--don't need it. I do have a little canister w/o the tubing and I can take a few hits if someone surprises me--like the smoker who slammed me back in hosp. for 72 hours. It's all good--if I EVER in my life go to a hospital in this town again, I know to go to this one. Well, it will be all good when I stop being hyper-reactive to everything.
My respiration rate needs to ome down more. I've lost 10 pounds. 40 to go and then we see. When I started dancing in my 50s, I lost 40 in 3 months, just getting off the junk and dancing 15 hours a week. Oh! Oh! I've been w/o a pool for 10 years. I'm going to have a salt-water or sterilized by light pool or a combination. Swimming is great exercise for me. I am a Pisces, btw. Pisces rules the feet (dance) and is a water sign. Ha!
So--nothing wrong with my metabolism--I have to eat a lot of junk and drink 4 or more Mexican Cokes a day to way this much. But I won't lose it as fast as I did in my early 50s. But it will melt away. Then I'll be wanting plastic surgery. This gets vicious. Why did I not get this off 10 or 20 years ago? Because I let myself get depressed and helpless feeling.
Anyway, I've been fit before--and I love the feeling. And the clothes.
Another oddity--My sister and her son and I cannot regulate our bodies as to being comfortable. Today it's in the high 30s and she's in a rehab facility with three ice bags on her abdomen. I'm here at home and I keep turning the thermostate up a degree, down a degree, put on and take off clothes. I do this all the time--year round. Except on open doors and windows days here in the Hill Country when it is perfect. We do not sweat--except I must have perspiredd some in my dancing years because that got pretty intense and I don't remember my face red and people getting alarmed. I went in a sauna once. Came out and my pores turned themself inside out, trying to cool me. Husband, daughter and Gdaughter adapt; they have to live with whatever is going on with me. I am better todday because I have the house at 72-73, ddown from 73-74 yesterday, and I am not feeling chilly sitting here in short sleeves.
Once, playing tennis" at the park at the end of our street in Tulsa, I got "warmed up." It was an amazing feeling. I have a quick reaction time anyway, and w/o the brain-freeze I could get to where the ball was going to land and take a swing at it. I felt "body flight" while danceing once--it is as if one is flying in a standing position and now and then touches a foot down to reassure oneself that the floor is still there. My teacher said it was unuaually early in learning ballroom.
I must have gotten to some state when I was skiing--little man-made hill practically in our neighborhood in NW Indiana--not standing in lone lines or long hang time in a lift--just up the hill and down the hill. It iwas the first time in my life I was comfortable outdoors in the winter. Learned to ice skate, m/l and went sledding that year, too--late 20s and had a blast.
This was how I was when the caregivers were here--get wound up and tell everything I know. Thought later it was because the hospital had ill-advisedly give me "something to relax me." If they'd asked, I could have told them that any drug that affects the mind will get the opposite effect from what they are seeking.
Just stimulated in general, I think. Have spent th last 3 years very isolated. Will not do that ever again.
So sorry to have sent you my chart. Nobody so far has told me how long before I am allowed to lift. Got the hernia in the first place because I had gall bladder removed--knew not to lift anything. Mother would insist on not getting personnel in the Assisted Living Facility to come help her w/ toileting before I got there. As usual, she waited and that day I was trying to get her to the john before she had an accident and she was in a panic and had to be lined up just so--only one foot was bearing any weight at that time. And I liften the back of the wheelchair and her. Later one day I sat in that chair. I could put it anywhere I wanted with one toe--it was that sensitive. She was in full-cry passive-aggression at that point. Should have let her overflow her garment. I had real problems detaching from my mother.
Anyway, none of this was necessary. And I see I have some acceptance to work on. Everybody is kind of whoever they are, aren't they. And bless 'em.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
As of yesterday Mrs. puppy is five months old and already a good watch dog. She is turning out to be a really nice pet. And she send you hugs and good energy for this upcoming year. We all do
You just don't know how great it is to hear from you.
I know you thought from the funny I wanted to share about husband's making a punny that I had never thought in that way that I am a racist. We all have our unconscious biases, but I really do not consider myself racist (at least not until I've lived cheek by jowl with someone and have Very Good Reasons to be miffed off at 3 or more who look alike or share DNA. And I'm talking about some New York Caucasians here. Grins.
So even if you thought that (and maybe you never did--I have been called paranoid once or twice) Anyway I am glad you posted.
Have been following your threads, of course. Makes me happy to read about your TSO experience. I've forgotten now why you were having oldest kid move out after Christmas. Lord, God I would not want to go through puberty with a child in its 20s. especially one has bull-headed as that kid is.
I know you've got this and won't let your natural-born boy (Is that snarky? I apologize) have his teen years eclipsed by somebody doing it not at Nature's pace and who may have enough estrogen left in there to make it really interesting.Y
You are one tough cookie. And brave. I'd send the oldest to his father, I would. Let Step-Mommy Dearest handle it. Wicked Giggles. And none of it is funny.
See why I run people off? Apparently that didn't get exorcized in the Night of Miracles. Rats! I thought I'd gotten a free ride by osmosis and wanting it so much through some steps w/o conscious effort. Miracles can happen. The worst felon in the prison can be converted as in the twinkling of an eye.
Oh Great OT which I do not now nor will need in the future wanted to come by and have me sign something. She was at the same Nursing Home my husband was visiting about getting my sister moved to today I thought she could ask him when he'd be home so I wouldn't be exposed. I hear some muffled sounds and then I hear her. She's got her head in my house--wasn't "even going to come in!" So I told her to drop them on the floor, flipped the Ozone machine on and went to get the little canister of Oxygen so I could take a few whiffs. She's got the door open again--and will I check save?
A bunch of symbols here. I put the Ozone machine on low--can't run it too long and retreated to here. Rats and double rats. If I had my own bottle of Heparin blood thinner and could place--not inject--5 drops of that under my tongue with a syringe, I could end this reaction like That. But nobody in this part of the world wants to believe that.
Bless Hubs and his Small town. So now I have a headache. The Home Health people are going to want to come and nag and toxify me again next week. Thought I had them all run off for another week. I may write them a letter firing them off and get my own physical therapy when I am well enough. I fired the PT people after shoulder surgery. And healed myself and got back almost full range of motion--which had been way above average.
To be misunderstood is the worst feeling in the world, sometimes. Whine! Poor Baby.
I tell people I'm about five notches away from The Boy in the Bubble I have never been this old or this ill. And I have never been assalted by so many toxins at once. In 1979, we got new carpeting in our house in OKC and I thought I was losing my mind--couldn't finish a sentence.
I forget, here in my house as chemical-free as I can make it, how dangerous the world and close-minded people--can be to me. If I could have come home after the first 5 days--the reactions hadn't started yet--I could have come home and gotten me well. Now I don't think I will let the caregivers come to help me wash my hair. I wasn't allergic to them on Dec. 24 but too many assalts have happened since them.
It's Kafkaesque. My hat is off to all of you who lived through full-on alcoholic craziness and survived. I never had that before.
Oh==a funny. The night of Dec. 24, I realized that Hubs had been in full Dry Drunk episode since early morning--telling me little tanks of Oxygen weren't here, etc.
I discussed with him and consciousy got him half-drunk (on cheap red wine) trying to get him to pass out. He quit in in 1073. Daughter is not pleased about this. I called 911 and tried to have him jailed, or would they tie him to a tree in the yard? I did not feel safe with him. No, but they would take me to the hospital. He'd sobered up enough to be able to charm them, the Rat Bastard. He and his partner were both plastered once--they bid a Grand Slam in Bridge. The other wife and I thought this time we've got them. They instantly sobered up and made the Grand Slam. I think it was No Trump, just to rub our faces in it. I think I'll beat him with a sock full of dried peas and nuts and bolts after he goes to sleep. Just kidding!
So--ever since Dec. 6 has been unnecessary. That really galls me. The door show now be locked every time Mr. Reasonable leaves. If he loses his keys between car and house, tough cookies. "I won't even come in." Just your head and shoulders? Couldn't get the smoker to leave--she had all these reasons why she could be useful while poisoning the air.
Lets have a nice, big Charlie Brown "AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!.
I'm just mad. The adrenaline will help me through it. Then I have to "detox" from that.
Love to you. I think you are a great Mom. And your Baby is amazing. And this one will be again once th dust settles. You've said you enjoy the kid regardless. Good genes. at least on your side.
Oh--and when I Mama coming? in January?
I'll pray for you.
Love, Temple. Sorry for the onslaught. I told people weeks ago to press the middle of my forehead with one finger to turn me off.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I remember when this record came out. I am thinking you weren't old enough to have heard it the first round.
Words are so much fun! I play Scrabble the way my father did--trying to use all the letters in one word. Meanwhile Mother was getting the X on the dark blue square.
I bet you are like me--playing your own game, no matter what the others are doing.
Blessed out of my mind and I know it.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Rosie--Happy 5 months old, Principessa Puppyface! If the rest of her is proportionate to her head, she is getting to be one fine big girl.
I know you have said since you'd had her for about three days, that she had find guarding instincts. No bad guys gonna be up in here unless they want their heads handed to them.
Have you thought of putting up a Go Fund me Page for her and her siblings? I bet they need the occasional steak and pedicure. You've got them fixed for toys and blankets and cleanest living quarters and that beautiful grass. Is it still green, or have you had frost? And a tree would be nice. I always like to give to Arbor Day. To me, a tree is a tree, wherever it is putting out oxygen.
A Tree for Principessa! I got a tree delivered on a big truck once. It was 10 feet tall, with a big ball in burlap and they planted it in a big dish-shaped hole. Can't remember if they staked it or not, but full-tilt. Got shade on the picture window from that day one. If you got enough, you could plant two, hammocks=length apart.
Our neighbor from decades ago did that when our kids were little and I was Google mapping the old neighborhood the other day, and there they were. Very tall and leafy and still hammock and chains? distance apart.
Wish I was a size 4, too, and we could go hit the resale shops. You'd love Houston. Knockout resale shops with acres of 0s, 2s and 4s, languishing. Oh--that reminds me the time I bought my first 0 plus size. The label said OX and I thought, do they have to get personal? And at the Value Village in the Heights--probably not there anymore--progress--Candle Shops--I got daughter red boots bought for the rodeo to be seen in, worn once, and off to the resale store. Friend had a resale store--she used to go to the Goodwill Store in the Heights on Monday and buy up the goodies and resell the resale in her store in the middle of our block. One of the charms of Houston--no zoning. House, house, McMansion, house, A/c shop. In the Heights, they'd have gas stations on the corners of the residential areas. I am not making this up. And I love eclectic/random and I was charmed.
Tell all your fur babies Auntie Temple loves them and thinks they are fine, fine Canines. And they all fell into it. And I think they know it. I haven't read back past my own melodrama, and I hope you had a beautiful, safe love-filled Christmas. You don't let the doggies sleep with you, do you? See? You haven't gone completely over to the other side. I don't think I'd let dogs sleep with me, but around here, you have to wait until the cats bed down to see if there is room for you, if it's a night when they favor the beds.
Blessed beyond belief. See? I don't have to deserve it--I just kept writing down what I wanted and knowing I could have it and Cowabunga! Still not sure what all that hospital stuff
and poisoning stuff was about but maybe God/The Universe was trying to get my attention. Lord--I must be thick.
I hope to figure out how to add to my "Signature" and cornbread notwithstanding (and right now I would kill for real cornbread--not the sweet, floury kind--but I can't find buttermilk real enough to react with the baking soda and make it rise--what is wrong with the world? I will add a positive note to my sign-off.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
What do those of you with access to all of your brain cells think?
I am thinking--I do not need OT and I never want to see "I don't even have to come in the house, but here's 1/5 of my body inside your door anyway." And since she left now my hands have gone all itchy from the inside out. Touched a plastic baggie. Am I going to be allergic to all plastic now, forever? I don't know. Going to take baking soda to stop the reaction. Applied Lidocaine topically. Husband says how about hydrocortizone? And I say I don't know--might stop it and might just make one more thing I am allergic to. Pears were in glass, I tought. Wound up in hard plastic. Now does every bite I eat have to have never touched plastic. Would be fine with me but hard to manage from bed. If daughter were her she'd get it do it. Husband has always had muddled thinking if anything is unusual.
So--the PT people will want to come next week to evaluate me and if they do it will wear me out unless I am a whole lot better. Then PT isn't any fun. I think I'd rather, when/if I am able, to go to the spa at the end of the street when I am better and if I can ever be around outside people again--I don't know--I've been wondering what happens if everything goes off at once? Do I survive a global, simultaneous reaction to everything? I don't know. Never had it this bad--what will more do?
If I'm going to die anyway, could it just be over and done and without the horrorshow?
Anyway, If I get better and it seems I am still being made worse, I'd prefer to go to the Spa at the end of the street and take Tai Chi. That looks like nothing because the aging Chinese do it in the street every morning. Ha and Ha. My Shrink was giving a class at the Episcopal Church in my neighborhood and I pleaded until he let me come. I was in my 40s. He was amazed at how well I did. I went through the sequence twice and my thighs were in tetany. That's lots of little tremors one can't control. Muscles feel as if they are turning into stone. So, yes Tai Chi is a great workout and good for grace and balance and muscle tone.
A Tai Chi funny. Hubs and I were waiting for a bus down by the Embarcadero in San Francisco one night in 1980--our year there. It was a time when you would see small knots of protesters with signs marching on the sidewalks. And across the street there was a lone man, doing Tai Chi. Husband is never up to date on what is happening and it was pretty new to this country at the time. And I felt him freeze and tremble and he had hold of my hand and the grip got very tight--he thought he was looking at something threatening. I told him it was just a young Chines man doing exercises--somewhat similar to Kung Fu.
Or find a class and take Country line dancing. It's a real workout. You are supposed to keep your head level when you do country dancing so the ankles take a real work-out. And on the line-dancing, it is oriented at the walls or the compass points and every time I turn in a new direction I forget what I learned before. So I guess it would eventually be good for my brain. I am used to dancing with one man who leads me--I don't have to think--just follow. And with my reaction time, the owner of the studio/ my teacher used to accuse me of trying to lead and I'd tell him I was just following faster than anybody ever has with him before. Or if I had my own pool, I could seim!
So the question is, am I losing anything by firing the whole provider/company, and not getting physical therapy down the line somewhere when my strength kicks back in?
Thank you.
My on-line friend in Tacoma, who is a nurse, did lots of my thinking for me during this ordeal. And my daughter does it w/ hardly any hand-signals, even. Who knew we were going to wind up not at loggerheads? Who knew she thinks like I do? Who knew one mention and she's got it. I'm not able to do that now.
Sissy is at her short-stay rehab place here in town. Trying to get husband to go so he can maybe get back here before dark. He has to come in and get on the computer before he does Anything. No jury of my peers--women married to maddening men--would ever convictt me, I swear. I am sending her my last nightgown and a pair of baby doll pajamas. Nobody is doing my laundry or caring if I have worn the same pants and silky long-johns for 48 hours straight.
Whiny, Temple--snap out of it. Sissy has a housekeeper who does her laundry. Hubs could have called her in the time he was over here stroking his computer. But he's got this--it is out of my hands. He will make all the decisions. Wonderful,and I know he or God or somebody will make the big decision. I also know, as a woman, when you are flat of your back, the details assume very big status.
Good news--she has a roommate for now--a German woman. So she probably doesn't need the overnight caregiver that I got for her for free by negotiating because the place sent me the smoke-laden individdual an slammed me back into hospital for three days. The woman has never said she is sorry for sending her. Is she afraid of liability?
Hubs won't ever apologize--maybe 5 times, tops in decades. Does he think it shows weakness? Every time I apologize do I look like a fool to him? And who cares? I am the center of my life, now. Well, God is, but I'm just getting used to having my life and not having it on hold for everyone else. Yea, Me!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
hey Temple...Yea, the pic shows her head out of proportion...just the post, I think cuz she is turning into a real looker...will post some mroe pics of her for you
she has toys, and got some bones for holiday along with the two older gals, can't believe the other "kid" is gonna be 2 soon....
yea, I love thrift shops...wish I was in Houston, we could go on a tear, you and me...I hope those awful flooding rains didn't get cold it is there??? up here in Dallas its rainy and in the 30's....I had to PUSH teh fur kids out the door to go to restroom..what spoiled babies theyare
Junior is still missing ...I am really worried about that boy....
I will get some more "puppy pics" for ya soon...gotta see if I want to take them to clinic tomorow for rabies...if weather is lousey, the lines shoudl not be bad.....I'm so cold, "was outside for a bit" My fingers won't type, LOL
I love your new lease on life, and your reflections. I balked a little with my "Tom Sawyer" line. That younger Alanon reader might read our thoughts and sentiments and say "whut!"
But, hey... when our emotions begin to arise...all manner of things come to the surface- healthy broad emotions! ...
and we all should begin to expect the benefits and rewards of recovery!
Regarding "Dear Hearts and Gentle People- I grew up in the radio age... I really missed the fact that my family was not musical, and there was no fun and dancing in the air. And talk about books, movies and stuff like that. It is no secret that you and I lay in the tall grass and talked and talked until the sun went down- and about all sorts of things, and everything. Which was magical.
I was in Houston 1999 to 2008. Since then, we are in the Texas Hill Country--45 miles N/w of Austin. Love the weather. It is dry and I can be outside any day of the year--if it is early enough in summer. Well, all morning in the shade. And lots of afternoons on the high deck. Am blessed.
Lack of culture and drop-dead thrift shops, not so much. But the air is actually clean. Well--maybe not--they keep grinding mountains of granite down, so there is probably some risk involved in breathing. But not like the Gulf Coast when I was 5 to 7, or the lead and zinc mining town (we collected lead) from 7 to almost 18, or the smelting town from 18 to 10, or Gary, IN from 20 to 24 (I washed the glittery steel dust off the windowsills with detergent--the snow was still around in April, black with steel dust. Not as bad as Tulsa, with it's oil refineries during the 80s and 90s, then Houston in the 2000s, muggy, dirty air with petrochemicals--we lived near River Oaks, out of the worst of it, but not good. God never intended Houston to be anything but a swamp. So now here, and New Jersey, and NW Indiana but not Gary were the times we had good air.
Those puppies are rich--so many toys and Mama treats them for most things so they don't have to go to the dreaded Vet.
Have a lovely New Year
I was on here so much yesterday my ankles swelled. And it was fun.
I'm stronger today and had actual food and it didn't make me itchy--except for super-rich chocolate milk this morning--going to lay off dairy. I haven't had food reactions before, so this is new.
Cancelled Dr. tomorrow. Sissy lived through "pharmalock/computer/Snafu as usual machine wouldn't let her have her paid meds in the night. Supposedly all straightened out. One thing to do and the new short-term rehab screws that up. To get her in bed B you ask for bed A. And God help me if I'm put on hold--an interminable commercial for how great the place is. Do your one thing right and I'll buy in. Otherwise, could you just play decent music and let Don Pardo go back to life as it was meant to be?
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Tummy down in the grass, talking over each other in our excitement--and did you know this? And have you read this?
I had a boy who was my friend when I was 8. He taught me to ride his bike and would run along so fast beside me I could see his heart beating through his white t-shirt. I love having male friends.
Can Grandson the Linguist come to NZ and you take him to the local Maoris you know and up on the mountain to see your work? He loves to hike and climb and hasn't had a genuine grandfather experience. I think you could become the connection for visiting Linguists. If the Maoris would stand still for it. He learned some Maori his semester away on the North Island.
You'd be paid--could turn into a side gig. Also if SO would like to introduce outsiders to her people in the Archipelago, that would be cool.i
You might morph into visiting Maori guru and story teller and get to go to St. Paul and swan around. I'd love to live to see you get an honorary Ph.D. Heck--maybe even earn one.
Grandson is a very good writer--might inspire you to write your book on the Aussie poet? Neat character of some kind.
Who needs cornbread? There are hushpuppies! No flour, no sugar, just little balls of fried cornbread. Praise God! (Yankees, look away--I know you can't fathom what I'm talking about.) Love Y'all anyway.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Hey ((((Temple)))) Austin...NICE place to be, especially just outside the city...Heck, you are only a couple of hours from me, LOL.....NO thrift shops??? How dare they??? LOL
I would go through withdrawal aplenty if I could not go thrifting...Been pretty good, managing my compulsion to "thrift" I have 2 dresser drawers with just Jeans...3 full big dressers of clothes, closet and chest in closet..all stuffed with designer clothes. you know my addiction, haha
Took the girls to the vet for their rabies shots...Missus Puppy was her first adventure and she did weighed, basic said my pets were well cared for, and she along with the others got their shots.....she did VERY well....
its rainy and cucka weather today, so it was easy peasy at vet..I was #3 in line (no office visit clinic) I've know the vet for 23 years..
I live outside in the "burbs" of Dallas...I just hate the city, but I am making the best of where I am least I have my thrift shops and gyms to go to....going back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks will be slow till taxes come...then I'll make enough $$ to pay my home and car ins, LOL...
anyway, I just love reading your posts...I had to laugh when you said you were on so long your ankles swelled up....I'm glad U R on the mend...I can't do dairy either...hormones, GMO grain fed to the cows....I drink Goats milk 1/2 with soy in my smoothies...lovely digestible drink....
I hope we don't get a butt kicker of a freezing winter like we had last January....electricity rates are sky high...I shopped for 2 days, and settled on my existing company...a full 2 cents more per kwh IF I use over 1,000 kwh...if under?? the average is about 11 cents or it bad in Austin????
I don't think so. We're in a completely different weather zone down here. I can plant pinto beans for shelly beans (country caviar) in February and with any luck miss a freeze.
I remember years and years ago, children, going to Dallas in February to let daughter interview at SMU. And all the little evergreens were split and twisted into odd shapes--freezing rain.
We hardly ever get enough rain to freeze and then it and cold hardly ever come at the same time.
You don't need to go Thrifting. You need to do triage--am I ever--really going to wear all 20 pairs of jeans or will I wear my favorite 3 until you could read the funnies through them.
We have Thrift stores. They tend to smell of Fabreeze. Which tends to make me die a lot. And beside--have you seen fat girl clothes from a thrift store? armholes big enough for my thighs--shapeless shirts that look like bowling shirts on steroids. I don't care if I am chunky in the middle. I want pants to be close-fitting in the thighs and legs. Else I look like some demented starfish.
Why I do declare Miss Temple--I do Not know what you mean. Cannot even see the Chubbettes from down here in the SIZE FOURS--SIZE TWOS IF THEY ARE EXPENSIVE ENOUGH.
Where was I? Oh yes--sorry for the Scarlett O'Hara treatment. I think you are from New England. How do you parody that? Y'all speak like Paul Revere and it sounds good.
And weren't you a proud Mama! I bet Sophia Swankydoodles was proud of herself. She looks as if she's more intelligent than I am.
Back to work! Raking in the shekels. Daddy used to do people's individual income taxes. For money. Of course it was a small town and everyone knew everyone and he had a little workshop/office in the back yard.
You probably can't do part time at the place that advertizes. H. B. Mellancamps is not even close. It's a different world. If you were doing individuals, you could get some of them to to file for extensions and do them at your leisure. Except that most laypeople are avidly waiting for their "free money" so they can pay off balances on Christmas presents''Jesus is born--let's go into debt! or buy a truck or something--new, of course and with 6 years to pay it off. Banging head here.
Forget it! It's their money--they could change their deduction and have more of it ongoing. That's no fun, right?
I keep telling myself--but I don't listen--that everyone is here to learn the lessons of his own choice and if I try to enlighten the whole world in one lecture I just jimmy up the Karma, so hush, already.
I am glad Betty and whoever else our leaders are are indulging me, because I've been all sick and pitiable. I am having so much fun.
David posted something about time limits and constraining oneself. Made me laugh.
And cross-talk. Hey--I started out in Oklahoma, where cross-talk was a Requirement! Don't get me started.
Hope you are all rested up and ready to go out there and deal with People! And the doggies haven't eaten all their Christmas toys and have enough to amuse themselves while you are gone. I hope you aren't freezing. There was ice on the birdbaths this morning.
Hushpuppies: Deep fried Cornbread!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I don't know why that made me think of this. Maybe the mis-used pretty girl in the movie. Gah! What bad direction. Everybody smile inanely every time the camera is on you--for the whole time.
Anyway, I thought Ferlin Husky had the definitive and original version of "Gone." Then I found Joe Heatherton's. There are two versions on YouTube. Neither of which I can cut and paste on here. Will you, please? Both 1972.
Thank you!
Eat More Hushpuppies!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
This is supposed to be Ferlin Husky's version. Better than the 19 57 version; he's learned to sing on the "i" on "Give" instead of the V and the vowel is better.
I like this so very much. Not so nail-you-to-the-wall in volume as JH.
If this doesn't work, can you look up on YouTube==Ferlin Husky Gone and put it on here?
Inept Am Me.
If cornbread had babies, they would look like Hushpuppies!
Reminds me--a singer, and I can't remember who she was said her dog was named "HishBooBoo." She was making fun of Lily Pons,
a French Opera Singer who was big back in the 40s. The American singer said Pons had to go back to France every now and then to recharge her accent.
She said Pons sang the final line from Gershwin's Summertime, "So hush, little baby, don't you cry." as "Hish, leetle boo-boo, don' you cree." And to a French person "cry" would look like "cree." Anyway, she named her next dog Hish,Boo Boo.
Maybe you had to be there. I don't expect Great Artists to be jealous and catty, and I guess they are just people who can sing.. ,
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
(((((((((((Temple)))))))))))). Oh my goodness I laughed through your whole reply to me. That is so funny. I wish there was someway we could meet. You are absolutely adorable.
Thank you so much for giving me such a great laugh. I read your replies here and I am just giggling and cracking up. Had a good day at work today. Made good money and I got so much done it felt so good, got home and Mrs. puppy was itching to get outside because she hadnt gone to the restroom in hours and bless her heart, she held it till I got home. This is a good little puppy. Ill send you some more pics maybe over the weekend. I worked about six hours today which is A lot for me. And lo and behold they had my favorite candies there in the basket and of course I had to get into it. Sugar high and all, I came home and made supper and took a nap and now Im going to be up all night because my nap was so long. Mrs. puppy and her companions are outside now using the restroom. But Ill get some pics and maybe some videos and post on your post so youll find them OK? Thank you so much for the great laugh. You would be A blast at a party. Big hugs
I think about the gloomy boring drinking sessions I grew up along as a kid. No singing or dancing... not a drop of scintillating conversation.
When I went to the city- at aged 17 I half expected people with berets [with a dimple on the top] sitting at street-side cafes talking about the issues of the day- another disappointment.
I am 100% with Mama- you are such a lot of fun to be around!
Well, if one cannot be a little bit entertaining while suffering (I am having a "sad" this morning) then What's it all about, Alfie?
I remember you--you have a fluffy big white dog as Avatar--when I first came on the board. Back in the days with Kitty? And you were so nice to me and seemed so knowledgeable I thought you were a lifer.
And I see I am back to my favorite trick from years ago--staying logged on for days. I hate it when I do that.
Oooh--I thought you'd never ask. Keep that thought when you see me. If it is before June (and I think June in Dallas is too hot for me) I make about two of you. Hub's one Saving Grace. He took one look at me at 19, registered "pretty" and has never let himself be convinced otherwise. A fine thing in a man. Yesterday he said Not True--I've always been pretty. See previous statement.
Too bad that some time during the next five years he also registered me as Evil, but that is his problem. I got him to repent yesterday for having said "Damn you to Hell!" to me a year and a half or two ago. When I asked if he were also ready to apologize for calling me "Bitch! sometime since that, he had reservations. Well, I make him really mad sometimes. And you think that justifies treating a gently-reared woman (or any woman) just about the worst thing I can think of? Obviously, you are still defending that decision.
He can mull that over--or not--when I have moved on and we visit each other from time to time. Some things are deal-breakers. Our fathers would never have entertained the thought that they'd ever call their wives names. Especially such an ill-bred one.
Anyway--I feel better having looked in and read your comments. Poor babies--the number of hours you worked yesterday kind of dribbled off the far-right side of the page. That's got to be miserable. Are there doggy potties? Kind of like sand-boxes for cats? Especially when they are puppies? I don't think you are usually gone for terribly long stretches. In a room with a doggy door, so the rest of the house didn't catch the air wafting off the relieving station?
So glad you had such a great first day back. Being well-rested and getting your mind off it for a time seems to have been therapeutic. Good for you!
Miss Puppy must have been like Who The Face? I thought Mama was going to be here to play with me 24/7 like, forever! Money? What is that? Oh--for treats and food and toys? And a warm house? Okay. But can't it just come from the sky, like manna? Like Mercy?
Have a great weekend. Glad it's warming up. I'd love to get some time on the deck in the sun. It's been so long. I was bundled up and in a brimmed had, but I could feel the warmth and I was getting ambient sun in my eyes and not wearing lenses of any kind--really good for people.
Hubs has gone to Long John Silvers--to try an score some iced tea, which I will dilute by about a factor of 8, and clear ice and if there is a Heaven, a paper cup. I would make it myself, but have lost the knack--I think it is a function of bad tea in the baggies. Oh! Oh! Maybe some Jasmine tea. I'll try that.
And at Long John's they have North Atlantic planks of fish--you just have to peel off the coating. And did I mention:
Hushpuppies. Cornbread for the culturally isolated.
p.s. Sent Hubs out a day or two ago for Red Salmon--not to be had. Oceans too polluted? Die off from plastic microbeads in the ocean? So wish I had stocked up before the hoarders got there (that's an old joke)
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
You've gone this long without Ferlin Husky? Poor Baby. I mean that. So glad I came along and saved you. That--especially this version--is on my all-time hit list. And don't you love the name? Ferlin. Doesn't get any more country than that, does it? And Husky. Some of my favorite doggies are Huskies--especially the blue-eyed ones.
I know--you were looking for Young Ernest Hemingway in Paris in the 20s. I sent Grandson "A Movable Feast" to read before we went there 6 years ago. Mr. doesn't read for entertainment or culture--only for information--didn't read it. So there we are at Deaux Magots and he doesn't even know where he is. Or Shakespeare and Co.--Oh he does like bookstores.
Times you just want to cuff the cubs around a little bit, you know?
I always wished I'd been a rich woman with a salon back in Paris in the day.
Or a Bohemian Chick in NYC in the 50s. With people reading poetry to Jazz.
Today's young people who think they are movers and shakers frighten me. Too much hubris and not enough education. They think that money is this magical stuff you just get from the government, and it is free. Even Grandson, asked a year and a half or so ago: Why do we even need borders? I was so shocked, I didn't respond. Now I would answer, Well, Sweetheart, if you think living in "beautiful, downtown Mumbai"would be fun, or Medelin during the height of the festivities there, go for it. I'm probably going to shuffle off to Switzerland. And by the way, I am going to spend your inheritance.
I don't know enough to discuss World Affairs. Or the eternal truths. Or Philosophy. Or Economics (I would argue w/ what I've read--they see a zero-sum environment and I think this is an abundant universe--plant one bean and get one hundred--save ten, plant them, next year you get 1,000.) But I love to sit and listen to those who do. My friend-in-the-Computer's husband is a lawyer--the Constitution is his passion. I like to ask a question and then sit back in anticipation. His mind hands him a beautiful essay--in perfect sentences and paragraphs, Justlikethat.
Another learned friend has mentioned Systems--or a slightly cracked former schoolmate mentioned them on Facebook--or both. I don't know about that and at least want to read about it. I don't do Facebook but sometimes a friend will copy and send me something.
And the lawyer's undergrad degree was in political science. Wow--how can you possibly know all this? On election nights, when the analysts (who are wrong sometimes--like Karl Rove in 2008 or 2012--how fun was that?) have their colored maps up and they say--Bilbo will take the pink counties but Fracas will win the red ones. How do they know that?
My theory is, ever since Suffrage, and especially since Tevevision--the "cutest" candidate has won the Presidency. I told that to the Lawyer and he didn't want to believe me, but I think it is true. Somebody interviewed me after the 2016 election--I was one of 116 who had an unusual pattern of supporting with contributions the candidates in the final election, over the last three. Not based solely on looks--sometimes "Which of these two people could I stand to listen to, let alone look at for the next 4 years? Or sometimes, it comes down to wives--but not often. And who do I think is for real a better person--not just slick? And who is in it for his ego, or because it is expected of him, and who for the country?
Hope you are enjoying your standing on it's head Summertime.
Man does not live by cornbread alone; he needs some pork chops or at least some sorghum, as well. Sorghum molasses? You have no idea until you've had the real thing. You can feel your muscles expanding--there be iron in them there plants.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
about politics- I learned at school. We wore uniforms and school caps. Failure to wear the cap into the school grounds merited a detention.
Change was in the wind for us baby boomers. I wrote to the local "rag" which was a twice weekly newspaper. About apathy in local body politics. And there was no notion of civics in the school. I said that the school had no student council.
On the Monday morning the principal announced he setting up of a student council. And the letter to the paper appeared on the Tuesday.
People are just so trusting and compliant, most times. There was no groundswell of opposition to the school cap.
Each class got to select a class rep- for the new council. Our class selected the sweetest and most compliant student as our rep.
Here endeth the lesson... ...
our grandkids are starting to romp through their teens. One day the worked will be theirs. I think we all want to give them something to go on with.
Family legacy, emotional legacy, example of some kind...
we have writers, singer and artists generally who own some of the trials we tend to go through... ...we have sports heroes to inspire us to great heights.
And veterans.
Service of all kinds is honoured in the USA; and an older age, generally too.
Today we see young people roving the whole world- and improving the gene pool. I would like to see some cultural identity retained. But by and large people venture forth, as in ages past.
Westwards Ho. ????
I decided to subscribe to the New Yorker- to get a more worldly view of the planet. and because I liked New York.
It's deep resonating worldliness.
But in writing style- wry insight and wit, little could surpass your words... deeply drenched in personal experience.
I have a friend named Dusty Spittle. A classic grassy plains singer. Part of the genre when the yodel was in vogue. Very Swiss.
Spittle is his real name, and Dusty a nick-name.
Me? I am picking through the rubble of civilisation- to find the lost chord and le mot juste. Aint we all?
Dear David--Thank you for the precious compliment. I'm going to have that embroidered--not by me--I suck at embroidery.* on a pillow for my bed--to read when the world is "too much with me."
The Lost Chord and le mot juste. You should have that on your crest.
love the words for heraldry--the bar sinister--one of my faves. Droit, and rampant. Gules comes to mind, may not be right.
That's a project we could do--make up our own crests. Mine would have a snatch of Medieval Music. And a lilac sprig? And a little girl with a pout, perhaps. And a Russion choir And trees. It's going to be crowded
* I have a friend who is very crafty. The only thing I can do is crewel embroidery--uses fuzzy wool and disguises less-than perfect stitches. And I like odd items and antique watch fobs and corbels and oddments And I told her we could share a shop--each in one-half. And we could call it "Crewel and Unusual."
I found another Cat name in my posting above--Fracas. I want to name "Liam" (my neighbor named him before we stole him) "Django" after the 30s I think it was gypsy guitar player--Sean Penn made a movie w/the sound like Django Rhinehart--way before the current movie. But now Fracas seems a good name for him--he is large, long-haired, feisty, and way beyond orange; he is tangerine and white,
-- Edited by Temple on Saturday 5th of January 2019 03:41:36 PM
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles