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Post Info TOPIC: Courage to Change April 25

~*Service Worker*~

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Courage to Change April 25

Hello MIP! 

Today's reading in Courage to Change is about connections between meetings. 

The author shares that making Al-Anon telephone calls can seem scary at first, but that these calls can act as a lifeline between meetings. Reviewing Al-Anon "basics" is as beneficial to the longtime member as it is to the new member. The author shares that many in the Al-Anon program "bookend" new or frightening actions with Al-Anon calls. This is a different way of operating for people who have usually acted alone, but allows us to share our risks and courage with others and receive their unconditional love and support in return. 

Today's reminder: I will reach out to another Al-Anon member today. If that person is busy or unavailable, I'll make another call. 

Today's Quote: We must learn to lean on others, and sometimes accept others' leaning on us.... We can't do it alone." Alateen - Hope for Children of Alcoholics


When I first started the program, I received a call list, but didn't make any calls. I actually really dislike the phone, and I felt like my qualifier was always listening in, ready to jump in and interrupt my conversation at any moment. What I did instead to bookmark my new and scary actions or decisions was to post on MIP. As I developed deeper connections with my face-to-face group, I became more willing to make a call, but usually, I text with other AlAnon members. Putting things in writing helps me to process, and since I tend to jump in without looking, waiting for a response before I act helps to slow me down. I'm thankful for the ESH of other members, and for their willingness to be "on the other end of the line" - be that here with MIP, with a phone call, or a text. 

Today, I'm committing to reaching out to one other member from my home group. 

I hope you make it a great day! 



If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu

~*Service Worker*~

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Good Morning Skorpi Thank you for choosing this topic for consideration today. I know how difficult it was for me to make those telephone calls when i first entered program. After examining my motives, I discovered that one of my many defects, was that I was unable to ask for help or admit that I had any problem that I could not handle.

Thanks to meetings, I found the courage to own my pain, talk about it and then I was fortunate to experience the power of sharing. I know that i hated people giving me any advise and thinking they knew more than I did and I found that alanon principles of not giving advise but simply listening with an open mind and sharing our own ESH was all I needed to recover and grow. In addition we need to embrace the fact that any suggestion that we recommend is an alanon tool. I so love these principles.
Thanks for your service




~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 11569

Good morning all....happy hump day! Thank you Betty and Skorpi for your shares and ESH. Thank you Skorpi for your service and the daily.

I too struggled to reach out simply because I still was 'owning' other people's behaviors, choices, etc. I felt very defeated and a failure. I really had depressing and demeaning self-talk. It's a process and slowly I began to feel the value in the WE aspect of this program.

I too had to figure out how to feel my feelings, own my choices, behaviors and pain and then how to let it go to move forward. I still reach out when I am troubled and I too use the phone, texting, or other. It truly gives me comfort that another cares enough to listen, offer ESH and help me see options I may not have considered.

We are to have rain today, which we do need! I am hosting my little people for a play date this evening and am looking forward to it. We've had a dust up that I stepped away from, so am a bit anxious about the pick-up tonight. I know God's got this and I'm staying present in the here and now.

Make it a lovely day all - thanks for being a part of my journey!


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2771

Thanks for the daily and ESH. I have a program friend and we text everyday. It's become part of our routine. We listen and share, and remind each other of slogans for the day. We are a support group for each other. Lately I try to write on MIP also once a day. They are both wonderful assets along with my meetings and sponsor. Grateful member of Alanon, Lyne



Senior Member

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Good Morning MIP and thank you for ESH and for Today's Reminder to reach out and connect. Many times what I think I have done and what I really have done are two different things.
I have been packing for a trip up north and figured if I layer out 1 outfit per day for the number of days we will be there I would be all set to go tomorrow. Quite smugly sipping my morning coffee when my RAH asked if the mail and paper had been cancelled. " Well No it Hasn,'t and Thank You for Reminding me" I humbly uttered. Once again trying to do everything by myself and not asking for help. It wouldn't have been the end of the world if either of these things weren't taken care of however; I could accomplish more if I tended to my own suitcase and communicate my needs.

Popping back in at the end of the day and re reading my post. Rolling eyes, thinking How important is packing for a trip? Lol Sometimes just reading what we write puts things in perspective . 

-- Edited by Stan1 on Wednesday 25th of April 2018 10:11:01 AM

-- Edited by Stan1 on Wednesday 25th of April 2018 06:25:16 PM



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 675

Thank you for your service, Skorpi, and all the ESH. I am very grateful that one of the "rules" of my sponsor while I was doing steps 1-3 was that I had to call her every day. We don't really have phone lists where I'm from, not that I know of. I know some other members have exchanged phone numbers and contact each other between meetings. I was/am too scared and insecure to do that, though I continue to call my sponsor on a regular basis. This is progress for me. :)

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