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Post Info TOPIC: ODAT Reading 4-17-2018

~*Service Worker*~

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ODAT Reading 4-17-2018

The ODA T reading for April 17 speaks about the negative voices that are ongoing within.  These voices are destructive forces so that as soon as we hear them , the reading suggests that we  call on a  slogan or the serenity prayer at any time and replace these negative suggestions with positive energy. The reading points out this is the  reason why it's so important to keep the focus on ourselves, and not permit the negative  messages to take hold

The quote is extremely powerful; "let me realize myself and my fellow man as the crowning creation of God. He who  made us all, never meant any of his children to be on important ."
I have embraced this tool and use it regularly. As I am walking down the street, keeping the focus on myself and my inner voices start, I notice that the inner dialogue has changed-- I no longer am judgmental, or critical of others and am  able to witness the beauty of simple things such as a flower, a tree a dog, a bird or , a squirrel, and am eternally grateful





~*Service Worker*~

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Good morning, MIP! Betty, thank you for your service.

I can really related to the destructive forces of negative voices. Thanks to AlAnon, I have the tools I need to bring my focus back to myself and appreciate the things around me. I am no longer immobilized by the negative messages that previously floated through my head, and I am able to take advantage of the opportunities presented to me.

We've been promised more snow tomorrow, so today, I am thankful for dry roads



If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu

~*Service Worker*~

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Lovely message and reading today. The negative self talk can be so powerful and to me this is the main thing Im recovering from, this is the issue. I try to reverse this thinking with daily gratitude lists and im trying to remember asset lists, I also write out any resentments because the actual act of writing them out brings forward the opposites iM looking so its like retraining your brain to see people places and things differently, more positively and it helps accept people places and things just for what or who they are in each moment and takes my mind away from what I think they should be.


~*Service Worker*~

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Good morning MIP....this is an awesome reading that points out for me what can happen and has happened when I allow 'life' to take priority over my recovery. I am grateful that we have so many tools to remind us how it works and to redirect us if/when we need it. Each time I am reminded that WE are all equals and ALL are valued creations of a power greater than I, I am reminded I am no more and/or no less than anyone else I encounter.

I have had sleep issues my whole life and have not been sleeping well - nothing great is going just is what it is! I woke up super early and my mind wanted to begin my day. My body and heart knew I needed a bit more rest, so I turned to the Serenity Prayer and nodded back off! I've started repeating it each time I lay my head down to practice different thoughts as I end my day and it's been awesome - works way better than counting

Happy Tuesday to one and all - thank you Betty for your service and the daily. Thank you all for your ESH and shares. Make it the best day possible!


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



~*Service Worker*~

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Thanks Betty and for all the shares. I think my negative inner voice was installed at birth and it has taken years to get on top of this. I did improve over the years with lots of help, but Alanon helps me in a different and very effective way. I find now that my inner voice is positive most of the time, as though the two oppososing voices have traded places. Yeah Alanon, and progress not perfection, Lyne





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Somewhat early in my Al-Anon experience, I came to realize that a). the committee tapes that played in my head had an on and off switch, and, b). that I was the operator of that switch. Guess what? I then consiously started moving the switch to the off position! Now, I measure my progress in the program by the increased span of time between onset of 'new tapes'. Thanks to Al-Anon, I am better able to quickly reach for and move the switch to off.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 675

Thanks for your service, Betty, and thanks for all the ESH. I only recently begun to recognize the negative voices/thoughts for what they are and begun to understand that those are not necessarily the truth. It took me a long time to get to this point, but today is harder to do this as I have a cold or some kind of virus, and not feeling well. HALT comes to mind, and I've stayed at home but have been working, which may or may not have been the best thing to do. I've mostly been reading books (for work) today in my bed, which isn't that bad. I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but I get the feeling this won't pass in a day, so I'll have to adjust... Trying to accept that the world will not end if I stay home sick for a couple of days. One the positive side, I haven't been QUITE as obsessed with how productive I am today as I used to be before when I worked from home while being sick, so there's some progress. I have let my negative thoughts get to me today, though, and I've gotten sick of them again, so I now try to get back on track.

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