The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My wife and I went to our first meeting tonight. It was at a local church. We got there on time only to find a sign on the door that the meeting was cancelled. After quickly checking my phone, I found another one 10 city miles away. It took a while, but we got there with 30 minutes left in the meeting.
The meeting was very worthwhile. Some of the stories are happy, and one of them was a heart breaker. Our work is cut out for us. I'm really glad we went.
Welcome Rough Rider to MIP. You will find the tools available in face to face meetings, alanon literature and from the ESH (Experience, Strength and Hope Shared by members of the alanon family. Keep coming Back.
My wife and I went to our first meeting tonight. It was at a local church. We got there on time only to find a sign on the door that the meeting was cancelled. After quickly checking my phone, I found another one 10 city miles away. It took a while, but we got there with 30 minutes left in the meeting.
The meeting was very worthwhile. Some of the stories are happy, and one of them was a heart breaker. Our work is cut out for us. I'm really glad we went.
Welcome to the (those) rooms of alanon. I am glad the meeting you found was worthwhile. Keep going back. Meetings are like many things in life -- you'll find some you like, and you might find some you don't. But, keep going back. Where I live, there are large meetings, with 80 people or so, and there are small meetings, with 8 to 10 people. There are many beginner's meetings where I live. I hope you have some of those where you live. There are many types of meetings. Keep going back.
All the best.
Keep coming back...
God, grant me the accept the PEOPLE I cannot change...the courage to change the ONE I can...and the wisdom to know it's ME...
RoughRider, I am so glad you persisted and found another meeting after finding the first one cancelled. Our work is indeed cut out for us... but as I found when I got to my first meeting, we don't have to do it alone.
You're in the right place... I am glad you found us.
Hey there RoughRider - welcome to MIP! So glad you found us and glad that you joined right in and shared. I also applaud you and your spouse for finding a local meeting and attending. For me, I resisted until I could resist no more and then took a bit more time collecting courage to attend.
I did not attend my first meeting with an open mind - my ego still suggested these folks were 'needy' and I was 'fine'. However, I kept fighting the disease, and received the gift of desperation which had my go back, trying a second meeting/different group. I did feel more at home, and made it my regular safe place!
Recovery is hard work yet the results have been so worth it for my life. I have a new outlook, modified attitude and a ton of tools to heal from and deal with the disease of alcoholism in others. May you find the same - keep coming back! Glad you're here!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Thanks for the warm welcome. Please let me ask a question, and excuse the cynicism. None is intended. Does Al Anon teach you to manage the pain, mask it, or "cure" it? Obviously I'm talking about the pain of dealing with the alcoholic family member.
RoughRider, thanks for your honest question. I found Al-Anon a very effective -- and essential -- part of a "balanced diet" of self-help that also included individual therapy, being open with others who could understand, and reading what science has learned about addiction. My progress over time has gone from masking the pain (I was still blaming the alcoholic -- "my pain was all his fault"), to managing it (still angry but realizing that this was about my recovery and that I deserved recovery), to ... I'm not sure if "cure" is the word, but serenity where the anger is 98% gone as I am able to forgive both him and myself. I am able to catch myself feeling angry over the past and remind myself that is not the person I want to be.
For me, the other self-help efforts would not have worked as well without Al-Anon. Unlike a therapist, it's available 24/7/365, and the people in the program have actually been in my shoes. Like any major learning effort, I had to really work it. Meetings are a cornerstone, but I also had to do the homework of getting a sponsor, working the steps, and practicing Al-Anon every day.
Welcome to the board. Al-anon has taught me that it is possible to live my life with peace and happiness despite what the alcoholic is doing or not doing. It helped me to take the focus off of the alcoholic and put it on my own life where it belonged. That does not mean that I don't have pain still or that troublesome events don't happen in my life, its just that now I have a better way of reacting. I don't have to jump on board the crazy train every time my AD does. It has given me the tools to step back and allow her the dignity of her own choices instead of swooping in trying to fix it all.
RR - that's an awesome question....and I suppose the answer might be different depending upon the person & the alignment with the program. I've seen many who work this program to the best of their ability, and are able to shed the anger, resentment, pain, agony, etc. of the past and live joyously in today and beyond - with the A (alcoholic) still active and present in their life.
I've seen others who 'talk the talk' and seem stuck - can't forgive, focus outside themselves for cause/answers and resist surrendering to the power of recovery and the power of the disease. Some get it and others get stuck.
What I can say is whether one is in the first described group or the latter group, both will tell you that working the program has given them space to heal and deal with the affects of alcoholism. I am one who believes you get out what you can put in and while progress may not be 'when we want/need it', it always comes. We do consider recovery to be ongoing/life-long and we do consider alcoholism a disease. Both of these concepts helped me realize I did not arrive with issues that just came up and it was going to take time/patience/practice to be/do/live differently.
Keep coming back and keep inquiring! I really, really loved when folks kept reminding me to just focus on today...I'm a Type A person so can obsess over good things as much I can obsess over issues/problems!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Aloha Rough Rider (great metaphor for my mind) and welcome to the board and the program I have a ton of hope for you and your wife which comes from this fellowship where I have witnessed so many miracles of recovery including my own. Listen to the language at the closing of the meeting and you will hear "If you keep and open will find help". That for me is and was a truth a recovery promise come true and so the answer to your questions is yes. Al-Anon is called a "social model recovery program" simply because it is about being helped by others who have been and continue to be helped away from this fatal disease of alcoholism which can never be cured and only arrested by total abstinence. There are some here who are called "doubles" meaning we attend both programs AA and Al-Anon having been affected by both the addiction to the chemical and the addiction to the drinker and still for us the answer to your questions is still yes. For me I was born and raised in this disease with both the maternal and paternal sides of my family addicted.
I arrived myself at your questions and the solutions after committing myself to living this program on a daily basis plus attending to other forms of solutions also. We all have different paths in the same direction and for that I am deeply grateful. The tools of meetings, literature, sponsorship, service to and in the groups, living and working the steps and traditions and more gave me my life back instead of insuring me I would bring it to an end. The program is how I live today when at first I resisted it.
Handling the pain for me today is all about choice. Today I know that pain is optional yet I had to learn and accept that as true and then go about learning what the others were doing and then practicing that daily. There are so many mental, emotional, physical and spiritual behaviors that will give you pain free consequences. Keep coming back. In support (((((hugs)))))
Rough Rider, you are very welcome. When you go to face to face alanon meetings, you will not be surrounded by strangers...they are just friends you haven't met yet. And, the people there will understand what you are feeling, experiencing, and going through...because many of them have been through, faced, dealt with, felt and experienced the same thing. They've been there...and they go through it. That's the hope part -- knowing others have gone through difficult times, trials and tribulations, much of what you are going through -- and they made it!
When I started going to meetings, I had cynicism -- primarily because everything I was hearing, the suggestions I heard, the tools, the slogans, the changes that people made and suggested I consider, all of it was very counterintuitive to my thinking. It was opposite of what I had been doing for years!!! Thus, I was cynical.
Be that as it may -- you asked an excellent question. If I were to be myopic and answer the question in those absolute terms -- I guess my answer would be that in time, after one learns what the program is all about, and what it offers, and then one implements the tools, the changes, the methodology, etc. -- my answer would be alanon "cures" the pain...BUT...not in the traditional definition of the word "cure". Perhaps some people think cure, and they think whatever the condition is, it goes away. That is not what alanon does. Alanon is not about the alcoholic/addict. In the opening of many meetings, you will hear the statement -- you can find contentment, even happiness, whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. That is a cure! Yet it has nothing to do with the alcoholic. It has nothing to do with whether or not the alcoholic is still drinking or not. The alcoholic is NOT cured. YOU are. But cured in a way that you are better, healthier, etc. -- independent of whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. If they are still drinking, if there life is spiraling out of control -- that would be sad. Alanon doesn't teach you to ignore it as if it doesn't exist, but it gives you the tools, the mindset, so that while it's sad, the sadness doesn't consume you, and ruin your life. It allows you to be there for the alcoholic but in a different way -- a way that is healthy for you and your well being. Alanon teaches you that you don't have to get dragged into and be a partner in all of the drama, chaos, turmoil, and havoc. If the alcoholic continues to drink, and you learn this program and implement what you learn, then, you will have made changes. You will be a healthier person. And, you will -- using your words -- "deal with" -- the alcoholic differently, in a way that is better, more healthy, and more beneficial to you.
I hope this makes sense to you. All the best...and keep going back (to face to face alanon meetings).
Keep coming back...
God, grant me the accept the PEOPLE I cannot change...the courage to change the ONE I can...and the wisdom to know it's ME...
Forgive me if i am wrong... Al-Anon doesn't cure the problem living with an alcoholic... it makes it manageable. The problem still exists, we just learn to live with it.
I'd prefer the problem went away... Maybe I'll just have to go away. I cant stand it when she drinks. I hate it. Why on Earth would i want to learn to live with it? Yuck. Please teach me.
Donehurting this sign in for me was part of the early attitude change I made while hanging out with the old timers and listening to their ESH. I was done. I didn't have any more capacity to hurt and I had started to hurt her which caused me more hurt emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I was taught "the opposites" by my sponsor which meant use the opposite emotion and do the opposite behavior to get that. He told me and taught me that if I was thinking and feeling and earning the negatives If I would and could think and feel the opposites I would earn good feelings. For instance the opposite of anger is acceptance...not of the morality of the disease just the fact of it. The opposite of self centeredness is compassion and empathy. The opposite of fear is love and so on. I can tell you that even though my alcoholic/addict and myself divorced and moved on we truly loved each other and had no reason to be married. I care about her still. She was no longer a bitch but a child of God who had a life threatening disease which was consuming her and all around her.
I learned that Love was the complete and total acceptance of every other human being for exactly who they were and that includes my self also.
Keep coming back and participating and then give away to others what begins to work for you. She is a very sick person not a bad one. (((((hugs)))))
Should I continue to post my questions in this tread ("First Meeting") or would it be better to start new threads? I don't know what the mods prefer. Assuming it's ok to continue here, let me ask: With regard to my daughter's drug and alcohol additions, does AlAnon help me accept her behavior? We refer to alcoholism and drug abuse as diseases. If someone had terminal cancer, we would seek counseling to help us accept that the person is not going to live a normal lifespan. Am I to accept that my daughter will likely always have a problem, assuming she doesn't seek help?
On a side note, I live in a community of 150,000. It surprises me that there are not more meetings. There is one within 10 miles of home, and they charge $15 per month to attend one or all meetings. There are several meetings per night on most nights. The meeting I attended last night was ok, but I didn't come away with the comfortable sense that I got after the first one. I'm doing some listening to the online meetings, but they don't seem very well organized. As I continue in AlAnon, maybe that's an area where I can make a contribution.
Is there a regular chat room? I saw one connected with this forum, but when I went into it (mIRC) only one person was there.
RoughRider - you can do what makes sense to you.....continue here or start a new - there are no hard and fast rules. Al-Anon does help accepting people, places and things as they are. It doesn't suggest you ignore or judge another, just that you detach emotionally (and physically at times) and instead of focusing on what YOU can't change, focus on what YOU can change.
The program suggests that Alcoholism is a disease, for which there is no cure. Abstinence is one step of treating the disease as is a formal program of recovery. I have been sober for more than 30 years, but that doesn't mean I will not ever relapse. Both programs, AA & Al-Anon suggest we focus on One Day at a Time.
As far as meetings, I've never heard of a meeting that has a required fee. The traditions and principles suggest donations only and we've never imposed a standing fee for anyone. The most common collection method I've seen is a passing of a basket during a meeting. Nobody is required to contribute or judged if they do/don't.
Meeting attendance (F2F - Face to Face and Online) is voluntary/optional. I've been to meetings with just one other person and then some that have had tons of attendees. I never know until it starts how many will be there, but for me, every meeting I attend leaves me feeling better than when I arrived. This has been constant through-out my time in recovery. I do best when I keep an open mind, listen for the similarities and remember why we are all here!
As far as the chat room here, there are times when nobody is there and there are times when it's crowded. There is no monitoring of it, so it's 'open season'. Meetings here ebb/flow too - keep in mind that those who lead/open the meetings are all volunteers. Hope this helps a bit...(((hugs)))
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Side note -- I am not so sure you attended an official, (conference) approved, registered, alanon meeting. In 24 years going to meetings, around the world, I've never been to or even heard of a meeting where they "charge" a fee to attend. I don't know where you live, however, absent that, I suggest you go to this website:
This is the Al-Anon Family Group World Headquarters website (Al-Anon World Services). You can find all official, registered, conference approved meetings through this website.
I too am surprised that a community of 150,000 people doesn't have a lot of meetings. In my county, where I live, in Northern NJ, there's about 1m people. Including beginner's meetings, step meeting, etc. -- we have about 45 meetings per week. While I've always felt that was a lot, compared to neighboring counties, I've been grateful that we have access to so many meetings. Go find real alano meetings, and attend them. Meeting makers make it.
Keep coming back...
God, grant me the accept the PEOPLE I cannot change...the courage to change the ONE I can...and the wisdom to know it's ME...
Ok, I misread the web page. There is an organization you can join, but it's not required to attend meetings:
Attendance at meetings is not limited to paying members in any way, however only Members and their guests may use the Lounge. The organization offers meeting facilities to AA, Alanon, and Alateen groups, for which these groups pay rent. These groups have participants who attend meetings, who may or may not be members of the organization. Any condition of attendance for any meeting held at the facility is dictated solely by the group having the meeting (e.g. "Open" or "Closed" AA Meetings).
Sorry for the misinformation. This organization is convenient to my home.
Hey Rough Rider - thanks for the clarification and I can clearly see how it would be confusing....I am in an area where I do have many options for meetings. I know that's not always the case for others, and I also know that some meetings/groups are healthier than others. The beauty of recovery is we each get to make decisions that work best for us.
As I said above, I have 'favorite' meetings yet I now when I am in need, any meeting I attend is way better than no meeting at all! Keep coming back!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Forgive me if i am wrong... Al-Anon doesn't cure the problem living with an alcoholic... it makes it manageable. The problem still exists, we just learn to live with it.
I'd prefer the problem went away... Maybe I'll just have to go away. I cant stand it when she drinks. I hate it. Why on Earth would i want to learn to live with it? Yuck. Please teach me.
Hi need to be forgiven, you asked some very good and very important questions. I can only speak for me and from my perspective, my experience, I think that saying alanon doesn't cure the problem of living with an alcoholic and that is makes it manageable, is partially an oversimplification, and partially a fallacious conclusion. Yes, the problem still exists, however, no, we just don''t learn to live with it. Your focus, your subject is the disease and the alcoholic. In alanon, this is our program, our recovery. It is about us, and the focus is on us. So, perhaps you and I are looking at different sides of the same coin.
Of course, we'd all prefer the problem went away. But that's not your choice. It's not your option. It's not up to you. You can't do anything about it. So, holding onto that, fighting that -- that is part of your problem, or as some say, your sickness, your disease. I completely understand and agree with you -- can't stand it, hate it, don't want to learn to live with it, and so on.
You said, please teach me. If you want to learn, go to face to face meetings. Learn about the program, and learn how to start working it. Learn about the tools and resources there for you. Alanon teaches different people different things. I have long said -- alanon is not designed to teach someone how to accept the unacceptable. However, if that's what someone wants and that's what they get out of alanon, so be it. To each their own. Take what you like and leave the rest.
I suggest you go to face to face meetings and really learn what alanon is about, what it can offer you, do for you, etc. -- if you want it to, if you let it, and if you are prepared to work at it.
Keep coming back...
God, grant me the accept the PEOPLE I cannot change...the courage to change the ONE I can...and the wisdom to know it's ME...