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"I don't believe it's an accident that we choose the people we do based upon our dysfunctional comfort zone."
Someone asked me to share that statement as it was part of a conversation we were having off the boards.
Sometimes people are picked in my life .. my parents and immediate family and sometimes I do the picking and we all know how my picker tends to lend itself to the defective side at times.
It is no accident that I picked the men in my life I have .. I have tried something different this time around and it's interesting .. I'm having more conflict in terms of someone else who happens to have a strong opinion like me .. LOL .. this leads to lots of miscommunications and so on .. the difference is he actually TALKS about stuff .. LOL. Sometimes I find out I'm wrong .. like New Mexico apparently boarders Texas (Do not ask why that is important however it was important enough to me to get my hackles up in arms and I was wrong .. LOL!!!) There are times I find out I'm right and I'm learning some interesting stuff. Actually there are a lot of times I'm right I am learning humility in that area. Not everyone needs to know I'm RIGHT .. LOL :)
My first two X husbands (there will not be another X husband at least .. LOL) were both addicts, both had alcoholic mothers, both had very difficult upbringings, both struggled to find any kind of financial success .. my first X actually was going to be a trust fund baby, however I doubt that happened only because he couldn't stay out of trouble. Both also had challenging relationships with their father's in terms of one learned manipulation like a pro the other just pretended nothing was ever really wrong. Both were emotionally unavailable and I have discovered I am as well .. that is getting better. I come from a background of divorced parents, alcoholism, drug addiction and not seeing a model of what a healthy relationship actually is to form any kind of healthy models at least. I hope I am currently breaking that pattern for my kids.
I did not pick these men by accident. This was the level of my dysfunctional comfort at the time. It is sad that is a direct reflection of where my self worth was ... I can sit and deny that I was aware that either had their issues .. I knew on the first date my first X did drugs .. I knew on the first date that my 2nd X had a drinking problem (he had a DUI at the time). There were a LOT of red flags I took to be welcome mats or challenges .. lol .. plus it gave me the excuse to stay where I was at and not move forward emotionally. I am much more aware now which is why now I give so much push back to my current guy.
Anyway, .. just some thoughts ..
As far as family can't choose family .. you can choose how much contact and what kind of contact to have.
Hugs S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
Serenity, I see different post about why we get into or stay in relationships with alcoholics and I do not agree that everyone is the same. I think that is wrong of people to try and say that. I am sorry that you had two bad relationships with addicts/alcoholics that you speak of. I have had three relationships with alcoholics because I am an addict/alcoholic. The first two men, I have a lot of nice memories of, and I hold those men in high esteem. We did not stay together but that is life it had nothing to do with any dysfunctions. The last alcoholic man I was in a relationship with I believe has some kind of mental health problem besides his drinking and it was a crazy relationship. I think he is a true narcissists. I do come on this forum and say things that generalize men like this because drugs and alcohol cause brain cells to change and can in fact cause someone to act very bipolar. The only way to tell if they truly have a problem is to know them when they have stopped drinking or using. It is not uncommon at all for people with mental health conditions to self medicate and that would explain some of the crazy behavior. I think it is wrong to try to say we are all like this and that and it can hurt people feelings. I don't believe that we all are dysfunctional in a sense that we are damaged. Alanon is not a program people come to to beat themselves up. I think sometimes people go overboard with some of that. What other people think about what is the right approach and the wrong approach to the program seems to undermine a lot of what is so good about it. It seems like a contradiction to have to prove a point.
I hope you can agree to disagree with anything I said. I really do enjoy your post. I might have taken the things you have said the wrong way, but someone can totally relate to what you are saying and someone else has a entire different thing going on.
-- Edited by shrnp on Monday 22nd of May 2017 09:02:19 AM
I don't feel I was generalizing as I was talking about myself .. however I can see how this would be a hot topic for some trying to reconcile past relationships.
I will always stand by I did not pick the people I have been with by accident and there was a certain comfort in the dysfunction that played out in those relationships.
Not all was negative however the end result was the same for me ... I made the choice to end the relationships as they no longer worked for me.
These men I picked had many similarities so obviously I was drawn to that be it consciously or subconsciously.
Hope you have a great day, S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
I can relate and agree with everything you have shared here. I see this as the disease of alcoholism already in me before I began relationships with men because even if I look back on my close friendships through school as a child I always picked people I could be comfortable with in relation to my self esteem which really has been low for as long as I can remember back. So I was born into dysfunction and unhealthy thinking caused by the disease of alcoholism whether the drinkers or those effected by the drinking. I think it goes back generations on both sides of my family. So of course I would feel comfort in my comfort zone which is chaos, drama, excitement, never calm rational kind of behaviours or attitudes. Healthy people scared me because I felt they could see me and my fear and insecurity and also I never felt good enough.
I think its so important for our recovery to look at ourselves right the way through and not to beat ourselves up but to help us understand where weve came from and this understanding is the foundation of recovery because if we dont understand then we cant reach the acceptance part and change cant begin.
For me, what recovery has taught me is I always have choices.....I seriously did not realize this or consider this before. I have said before that my picker is broken - and that is truly an over-simplified way of saying I had a lot to learn in life and I was still doing the best I could with what I had - I just didn't have much.
I believe I have had to go through what I did to get to where I am. There are no regrets about my life, my partners, my choices or my past. Each step along the way has happened for a purpose and a reason, even the worst and most painful.
My BR (Before Recovery) thinking suggested habits are bad. Recovery has taught me I can also choose to replace old habits with new habits if I am willing to do the work...some are easier to change than others for sure.
I don't get to 'test' this yet as I'm a married gal but I tend to attract 'like' people. I have suffered from low self-worth and low self-esteem for as long as I can remember, thus tended to attract high-maintenance folks, such as me. I always felt 'less-than' too so I attracted broken souls. I don't have lists or qualifications for relationships and would not operate that way - not my MO. I've let go of many friendships as I got well because I prefer to spend time with others who are forward-facing, spiritual folks. BR, I had high-drama, high-chaos folks around me.
I do believe we are each entitled to our personal journey - whatever that may include. BR, I did quite a bit of judging based on appearance and first impressions....I have changed that up too as I believe I can learn from each person, each exchange, each event and everyone - if I am open and willing. I work to keep my focus on me, what I want/need and how to go through this day with as much serenity as I can have, and let go of the rest. I do know for me that continuing to focus on my past tends to make me sad or mad and is not worth my time unless I'm having present issues that may be related to an event from there.
I just took a long walk with the sun shining brightly, the mountains all around me and not a cloud in the sky. I sit here now completely humbled by the beauty of all that is around me in the state it is, exactly as it should be. I'm very grateful for my recovery and this day in front of me. Enjoy the moment all - that's a choice!!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I did not mean to hijack your post Serenity, I need to not pay so much attention to the "we" and "us" in post. I catch myself saying those words and I have to really think. I m just taking things to seriously.
I've come to realize that I made bad choices in relationships because of MY disease not their's. I have had four painful disastrous marriages, each worse than the one before. The only non-alcoholic was the first one and over the decades since that relationship ended I have built him up in my mind I think to be much better than he actually was. His life since our marriage ended has been very successful and he became a well-known public figure. But he was a philanderer of the worst sort and I just gave him a "pass" because he wasnt abusive or alcoholic.
Someone in the program told me that we choose partners just like us and I needed to look at myself to find the characteristic I shared with my partners. I'm not sure I believe that since I havent done to my partners what they did to me. Nevertheless I have looked deeply at my flaws and now recognize the parts of me that matched the dysfunction in my AHs. Hard to admit but important to keep me honest in my inventories. I just didnt act like them just shared their character defects.
What I mean by push back is I have my own thoughts and ideas .. so I am more likely to say I like this and don't like that. If something is going faster than I am comfortable with then I'm better able to express that while giving him courtesy and respect. I do push back and say things like stop, no or I don't like that.
So I'm no longer a go alonger which I was totally guilty of in past relationships.
Hope that makes sense .. LOL!
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop