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I'm using talk to text so I apologize in advance for any typos so I'm less than 12 hours away from facing the alcoholic and drug addict father of my two-year-old son I have PTSD from his emotional abuse and the flashbacks have been horrible all day I thought I had protected myself as well as my child by entering their relationship long enough to secure a lot of evidence but in pre-trial conference today my attorney advised that the judge was very Progressive and love to give fathers Second Chances the father of my child abandoned us a year ago to go live in a state where marijuana is legal I haven't received a dime of Child Support and there's no evidence in my opinion that he has been in recovery for any length of significant time now I grew up without a father and I want a father in my child's life but his father right now is a danger to my son the father of my son has already had his second chance and third and fourth and fifth and why can't the judge see this from his 10-year record of multiple DUI and arrest meanwhile I'm the square with a squeaky clean record graduate educated and successful and this judge wants to send my son 2 Arizona for weeks at a time that will traumatize my son I am in the psychiatric field and I am sick to my stomach because I know what damage it will cause to my son I'm sick to my stomach that this judge is Progressive I'm hoping that the recordings I have tomorrow and my testimony and the testimony of my family will be enough to sway his opinion and keep my child safe are there any other people out there who have been through this and what was your experience I cannot stop crying Above All Else my job is to keep my son safe and it all lies in the hands of someone who doesn't think marijuana is a big deal are you kidding me
((KSMom)) welcome , I do not have any experience with this type of situation. It certainly sounds as if you have enough evidence to support your case . Stay in the moment and in the day and remember to pray and Let go and Let God.
I am sending positive thoughts on the way.
I had a judge tell me that the court doesn't consider men as nurturing parents and the rest was terrible history. This is a 1st and 2nd step practice. Hoping the evidence you bring and the witnesses cause the judge to be alert and reasonable. The judge is also affected by the disease of alcoholism and its inherent insanity. Prayers for you. (((hugs)))
Please try not to panic. I know that's very difficult. You arepowerless over the judge and his apparent progressiveness. you have done the very best you can. You are doing the best you can. Keep coming back, ill add you and your son to my prayers.
I will pray that the judge sees the danger to your son if he visits the father. "Progressive" may not mean that the judge is trying to balance past court practices with your son! If he has any sense, he will see the situation as it really is.
I also pray that you will be strong and composed during the hearing.
It truly is in God's hands, and God has always surprised me by giving me even more than I dared dream.
(((KSMom))) - I too welcome you to MIP. I also have no experience in this area, but can send you positive thoughts and prayers. I agree with all above me - we do the best we can with what we have and then Let Go of what is beyond our control.
My hope is for a positive outcome!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Big hugs, I'm so sorry this is so hard on you and your kiddo. Normally the courts keep safety of the kids first .. especially when it is absolutely outside the norm of what the child is used to. Yes .. ideally both parents participate .. however .. that's not always the case.
Something I learned in the courts was what I thought would happen and what did actually happen blew my mind.
Regardless how the judge rules you have some favor going for you .. if your X is not in recovery chances are nothing will manifest itself. So all of the wasted time I worried about visitation .. it's never happened .. now I have a good parenting agreement so I'm very glad about that .. the kids are able to say if they feel safe or not and if they don't visitation is over. Being 800 miles away .. out of sight out of mind. He's never contacted me about visitation with the kids so until he does it's not happening. Ultimately it's up to them. I'm ok with that because they are older and I trust their decision making and yes, they miss a dad and a fantasy of a dad .. however the dad they have .. sad to say they don't remember him really. The memories get further and further out.
Stay in today regardless of how the judge rules .. late prayers of support.
Hugs S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I was on the stand for 3 hours. Prior to the trial, the judge asked if I would settle for my son seeing his Father 2 weeks per year for 2 years, them reevaluate. I said no. I was trembling the entire time but God gave me the strength I needed. When I was cross examined,my exes attorney kept repeating "how do you think 1 hour of supervised visitation is meaningful contact" I could only respond with its the best solution right now if the alternative is my son being in danger. I was asked several times why I thought it was fair to have my ex fly in weekly and did I consider the cost burden on HIM. All I could say is, HE chose to relocate far away. He could move
back. He could get a second job. I recalled so many traumatic events. Then, the judge said we would adjourn for the day because he had to take his staff to lunch and had something planned at 3 and postponed the trial until June. Then my attorney tells me he won't use my recordings unless he has to (I disagree) and that the judge said there's really no evidence my ex hasn't gotten sober so I should try to settle. I keep reading that sociopaths will exploit any vagueness in custody agreements and my lawyer seems annoyed with my various edits. Part of my demands include mandatory random drug screenings and proof of completion of an IOP. My attorney said it will be difficult to enforce since my ex lives out of state. This is truly a nightmare. Also I realized I still have a lot of trauma to heal from. I thought if I moved away and went minimal contact, time would heal all wounds. But it's been a year and my thoughts are still constantly on him. Mostly out of fear that he will make good on his many threats. Especially now that I've testified in court. He has been texting me ridiculous things such as I he knows I committed purjury and I will be found out, and things of that nature. He also wanted to see our son before I returned home. I told him the only way I felt comfortable with that would be to meet in the police station lobby. he replied that I was sensationalizing my fear to make him look bad. I'm so sick of living in fear. The legal system does not understand the relationship dynamics of alcoholism addiction and personality disorders. Part of me wants to give up. Part of me just wants to accept the fact that I tried the best I could to keep my son safe and utterly failed. Hopefully my ex will just accept the settlement and I'm confident he will hang himself ala another DUI or probation violation, time is on my side. Oh and for some reason, the county won't allow my exes criminal records to be used in this case. it's the only County in my state with this policy. thanks for the prayers. I am going to start going back to meetings asap. I still have quite a journey ahead of me
You spoke your truth and that's not easy. Continued prayers for your situation. Don't forget to eat and rest, self care is so important. Warmest thoughts your way.
(((KSMom))) - doing the best we can is all we can do. Speaking your truth and facing the court was your best. I too am glad to see you return to meetings - do put yourself first and take care of you. Know that you are not alone!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene