The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I went to an open meeting and then to a step meeting. Tonight I was at the step meeting for just the second time and shared with the group that I have spoken my peace to my husband this past week. I had told him that I was seeking recovery, that I hoped he would seek it for himself also because my fear is...and I know this has kept me out of the f2f meetings...that I will grow, he will decline, and we will not survive as a couple. It was not a threat, I simply needed to speak this because it was eating me up inside. I have been with this man for 30 years - more than half my life - and married for 25. I told him to respect my relationships outside of the home and that I will be meeting people he does not know and having private phone calls and conversations. I told him this because he has tried to control my conversations and even my phone calls. I needed the ground rules to be in place.
So, here's where I am confused. At a break, one member told me I don't need to tell him anything. I should just do my work. She also told me not to say anything that I do not intend to carry out.
Then, when I was leaving, another member told me she was in the same situation, 20+ year marriage, and told me I shouldn't make any decisions for at least 6 months. I told her I wasn't making any decisions to leave my marriage and she said it took her 3 years to do so.
So, I walked away feeling I don't understand the program or what they are saying and yet, I know I always self doubt and assume I am in the wrong.
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence...." Desiderata
newleaf66 - I believe their intentions are pure but this is exactly why we try to avoid giving suggestions/advice. My best suggestion is to 'take what you like and leave the rest.' I also can hear QTIP rolling around in my brain - Quit Taking It Personally....another of our slogans.
It's also quite possible that you were misunderstood. That happens and it's not a deal-breaker. I have to remember that everyone I come in contact with is at a different place in recovery - some are sicker than others. So, try to not worry about how you are or are not heard and focus on what's working/good at the meetings.
Sorry you left feeling misunderstood - you did nothing wrong and I would try to set it aside unless there's some processing you might want to do on the message/words.
(((Hugs))) - keep coming back here and keep going to F2F! You're doing just fine...
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Thanks for responding. I hear what you are saying. I know that I am very sensitive right now so I probably am taking it a little personally. I suppose my defense is part of the disease for me...
I will take this as a learning experience instead of a negative. The intentions were good, they were offering support, not criticism.
I appreciate your helping me to change my perspective lens.
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence...." Desiderata
Hi, Sorry you left confused. "At a break, one member told me I don't need to tell him anything. I should just do my work. She also told me not to say anything that I do not intend to carry out. " Why did she say this?
I often say this. Not everyone needs to think about this, but I did, so I warn others too. I tried so hard to be the perfect partner and I wanted him on my side, so my mouth told him everything so he could have his opinion (and control) on what I was doing in my life. Not just the big things but if, for example, I liked red grapes vs green grapes. I say "my mouth told him" because it was an unthinking thing. It was automatic. I was open. And I opened myself up for his opinion/control. That didn't always turn out so good. And I listened and valued his opinion/control. That wasn't so good either. Actually, now that I have been in AlAnon and have learned boundaries, he didn't have any right to have control in my life. It was MY life. Just like I couldn't tell him what to do. To me, an opinion wasn't just words, it was an order.
And the last sentence about not saying anything you do not intend to carry out..... that may be where she is in life right now. I remember that the more meetings I went to the angrier I got. When I got angry I was prone to saying things out of anger so I had to learn to not say anything, rather than saying something I would regret. I often wanted to say I was done, but in my head I knew I wasn't quite. I wanted to shame him. I wanted to guilt him. I wanted to make his life miserable. I am glad I was warned not to say anything rather than say the wrong thing that I would have to take back. Don't burn your bridges. Oh, I had to say that to myself a hundred times a day.
So she was telling you to take care of yourself with the tools of AlAnon.
When you get to know the person who is speaking to you, you will be able to relax and "consider the source". We all mean well but it always doesn't come out quite right depending on other things that are happening in our life.
Newleaf i went and just listened, learned and absorbed
For a long time, read your literature, also great if you
could Find a loving wise sponsor to work with if not wait.
Some might assume you want out So thats why the 6-12
month talk i got that too. Its great advise really so if you
Are thinking of leaving you are strong enough to deal with it.
i learned by hearing the stories, i usually hear what i need
to hear in most meetings still to this day. I speak now if i
Feel a need.
Boundaries, detaching and focusing on ourselves. Stay in
Our own hula hoop. Stay on our side of the street. Basically
Take care of yourself and let him do the same.
There just is so much to learn so we can change and grow.
Steps 1,2 and 3 are needed to really go forward first you
Have to get yourself ready willing and able to do them
also Learn Self love and self acceptance.
God I feel so humbled by your share remembering when I got into Al-Anon in 1979 and launching my recovery very near what you are going thru now. I got snippy and angry at times and didn't understand that my self centeredness was acting out a defense which was natural for newbies. Besides getting angry and defensive I stayed busy and asked the fellowship lots of questions so that I could get more "take what you like and leave the rest" the fellowship never ever let me down...They responded to my need for experience strength and hope and each day; each event I got closer to the serenity the program promises us members in the family groups. I pray and I hope you soon feel the miracle of recovery we come to attain in program and stay to feel it more. Keep coming back (((((hugs)))))
It sounds as if these people offerered their thoughts in an advice-giving (or advice-telling way), which would be really unfortunate. Everybody's journey is different and we can't know the right path for other people (unless there is a case of physical danger).
I am thinking about what kinds of practices were behind these people's observations. I might have an idea about the one about telling your A. From what you say, I understand it as that you were clarifying your intentions to him, that you are going to do these things and work on your health. And that in the past he has had controlling tendencies, so you were kind of stating up front, "These are my decisions to make and I'm making them."
I know that sometimes I used to try to get my A to buy in to my new ways of being, like I couldn't really move forward unless he agreed it was a good thing, because he'd be grouchy, undermining, accusing, blaming, etc. So I'd tell him about it to try to win him over. But the result was that as long as he refused to agree, I was stuck, because I didn't want to move forward without his agreement (because of how badly he behaved). So my intention of telling him what I was doing actually kept me from doing it very well.
My guess is that the person who spoke to you had that same experience I did, and was trying to warn you against it. It sounds like it wasn't a very helpful conversation, though. Sometimes people express themselves badly, and sometimes we're just in different spaces, and sometimes people have found something really helpful for them and want to evangelize it to everyone.
I hope you won't let this keep you from moving ahead and taking good care of yourself. You're on your journey!
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing. When I first started the program I felt the complete opposite. I would go in and share and no one would say anything except "keep coming back" lol. I thought I was doing it wrong or I had done something wrong etc. Then I realized how valuable it was for people to just let me sit and reflect on where I was at. I can see how the wrong advice giving could have made it hard for me. Now that they know me a little better we do have more meaningful conversations after the meetings. And they are helpful. But I don't think anyone would have been able to truly know me well enough in my first few meetings to offer advice like that.
I had a similar conversation with my AH but I think deep down for me I was trying to get him to change. Maybe that is how this woman interpreted it. That is why I love the saying take what you like a leave the rest.
Keep coming back and hopefully you will leave the next meeting feeling better than the last.
Thank you everyone for the thoughtful responses. I am thinking now that what I thought was stating my case was actually asking permission. If he had erupted, instead of staying silent, would that have changed my course of action? I don't know for sure but it is something for me to think about - a pattern that needs to be broken.
The other idea is that of reacting. I am an emotional rollercoaster right now. I can be steely calm one minute and want to break down in tears the next. This is a scary time. So, the advice of waiting 6 months was spoken by someone who was in my shoes.
I believe when we ask God for intervention, He often sends people in our lives at just the right moment. His work was at play last night and with all of you. Thank you.
Lots to think on today.
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence...." Desiderata
newleaf - I do remember at the beginning being a ball of emotions. I would 'think' I was OK and then one small thing might send me either crying or fuming. I am pleased to say that tons of meetings, literature, slogans, prayer and meditation got me through that reasonably fast. I just kept going back as that's what my sponsor would say when I wasn't sure what I was getting from the meetings.
I was a perpetual wall of defense mechanisms when I arrived. I had spent a ton of time in building walls and habits that supported my need to control and be right. It took time to find the humility to surrender and a bit more to realize that most people in life are not malicious and 'out to get me'.....I had such a low view of myself that I often thought others were trying to 'show me up' I was gearing up to respond instead of considering the words.
So glad you were able to find some peace with your feelings after the meeting. That's what so great about Al-Anon, you can share your experience and get feedback without judgment and/or advice (most of the time). I too love, 'Take what you like and leave the rest.' as it allows me to listen actively, consider the source and then move forward with a lesson learned or a feeling that it doesn't apply to me or work for me. The steps have given me the freedom to no longer need to analyze the motives of others - I just check my own motives. We can never know what another is thinking, feeling, experiencing in that moment, so why try?
(((Hugs))) - keep coming back!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
So, here's where I am confused. At a break, one member told me I don't need to tell him anything. I should just do my work. She also told me not to say anything that I do not intend to carry out.
Then, when I was leaving, another member told me she was in the same situation, 20+ year marriage, and told me I shouldn't make any decisions for at least 6 months. I told her I wasn't making any decisions to leave my marriage and she said it took her 3 years to do so.
There's a lot of good input above, here is a little from me.
Person #1 is right. You don't need to tell him anything. I don't even see that as advice, more an alternative you may not have thought of, because you don't need to tell him anything. Of course, much of this is in the delivery, and in the reception, as far as how "advicey" it feels.
Don't say anything you don't intent to carry out is advicey as well, but essentially al anon principles. Oftentimes we say "say what you mean, mean what you say, and don't say it mean". Getting caught in the trap of making threats and not carrying them out is a very common problem for partners of alcoholics, and just shows that we can be manipulated, which is a very common alcoholic tactic.
As far as the "6 month rule", it's probably better to explain why not to make decisions as to a timeframe. Certainly for me, at the beginning of my journey I was too frazzled and way too angry, if I would have made some major life decision at that point , I might regret it once I was in recovery. That first time period for me was kind of like detox to the alcoholic, except I got rid of vitriol and got in touch with myself closer than I ever had been.
I also was pretty sensitive at first. in fact, I went to two or three meetings and decided it wasn't for me, and had to wait it out a year to really hit bottom and then start going to meetings and taking to Al Anon. If someone came to me with the wrong perceived attitude, I might have given up the second time too.
So, my advice - ha, yes advice - is to keep coming back and trying more, it sounds like you are already there, so I hope to hear more from you in the near future!
Thank you Kenny. Funny you mentioned walking out - that is exactly what I did almost...wait for it...5 years ago! Took me 5 more years to get here again. So scary this crazy disease!
"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence...." Desiderata
newleaf - I came from the AA side so already had a sponsor. Our stories are opposite - she came into Al-Anon and ended up in AA. I came in thru AA and ended up in Al-Anon. So, I was very fortunate to have a sponsor from the start - and she's the one who suggested I go....
You will find mixed responses for this question usually. Some folks find one sooner rather than later and others wait for a while so ... there is truly no right answer - it's when you are ready to move forward with the program and the steps!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene