The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
A came to visit a few days ago. It's the first time i have seen him for about 6 weeks.
I was mad.
Over the past 2 weeks I had tried to speak to him but he was always drunk, gambling and mean, so I had given up.
He hadn't spoken to me for days and when he turned up he was a little drunk. Not much drunk, but enough to make me furious.
I was out at the time; it was about 9pm and I was grocery shopping with my child and I received a call from his brother to say "hey, where are you? We've driven all this way to bring A to you and you aren't home, what's going on?" I was stunned and instantly angry and ended up making angry plans to meet him outside the supermarket. He walked up with drunk arms outstretched and I all but slapped them away, I was furious.
He followed me around the supermarket being drunk and annoying until I told him to go outside.
At home he was painful and irritating until he passed out on the couch and snored like a chainsaw for hours while I studied.
I was so pissed.
The next day it was all about what a b** I was and how i wasn't even nice to him and it wore me down until i was super sad and sorry.
My heart just hurt. I ran out of al-anon I guess.
Anyway it's been a long, tiring and emotionally agonising few days of me being wrong in so many ways.
This morning daughter had to get to a class and I'm so freaking tired and he's still here. He said he would take her. Incidentally he hasn't drank since that first night. So after a year of saying he will never drive my new car, I just gave him the keys and I'm thinking, this must be what it's like to have a husband, or a partner, or someone to help with the parenting. I'm so tired of doing it all alone. But it's never like that. He's stone cold sober but it isn't the point; I said he could never drive my new car. Now here i am giving him the keys because I'm just tired. For a moment I wanted to imagine what it was like to have a partner to pick up the slack. So i let him take her to her class.
I know I'll regret it but I'm so tired. My heart hurts and i want to pretend, just for a moment, that I'm not alone and I have help.
I'm pretty weak hey; people manage this with multiple children and I am falling apart with 1!!
But it's not the child/children, it's just the lonely. I'm alright with it until someone offers to carry it for me for a few minutes and then, oh YES, please YES.
I suck at al-anon this week.
-- Edited by hotrod on Friday 21st of August 2015 07:00:12 PM
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
"I know I'll regret it but I'm so tired. My heart hurts and i want to pretend, just for a moment, that I'm not alone and I have help."
Been there done that. I beat myself up at the time. Hope you won't. Got a sponsor? Got a higher power? Betting one or both would love hearing from you. Help is just a call away. And of course we're here for you too as always. You're doing just fine, just had a moment but you're program kicked in and that's what matters.
He'll go home and you can chalk it up to an experience. Hey, it's not like you ran out and married him this afternoon ((((hugs)))) TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
So sorry that you've had a rough couple happens, it happens to us all at some point - we are human and we strive to be and do better, not to be or do perfect.
The good news? We are not to dwell on the past. And, guess what - it's already in the past. There's no point in beating yourself up over any/every thing that has happened; make mental notes of lessons learned and restart!
You are a miracle in progress. You go this and we are here for you!
Thanks for your honest share girl - (((Hugs))) to you!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I think many are like us. We keep taking them or going back to them, testing, until we finally reach our own limit. I have seen it is so many couples. I even see different members of the same couple trade in who goes back and who stays away. There is an end to this. With help, one of us finally gets it. We internalize why going back together is not to our benefit. We promise ourselves and then the day dawns when we keep that promise to our most important person.
Until then, be easy on yourself. You are still the woman with all of your accomplishments. You can drive. You can arrange state-collected child support. Oh you can do so much I can't name them all.
(((MsM>))) you are human and I so understand wanting so much for some one to help- to pick up the slack . You allowed yourself to let down your boundaries and have discovered why they are often necessary although difficult.
HP will give you all you need. Trust the process we are never alone.
Be gentle with yourself --Positive thoughts on the way
Awww MissMeliss it's ok to feel lonely and want help sometimes. That's human nature. You deserve a break. One person can only do so much.
I was doing everything alone for so long. Oh sure I had a husband here but he was pretty much useless. And seeing him laying on the couch watching TV when I got home from work or seeing him get to sleep in while I got ready for work only caused me to have deep resentment toward him.
I was the "strong one" for so many years. I had to be. I said this is my cross to bear. But when he announced he was leaving us to go across the country to Montana I just totally lost it. I became weak. I almost gave up. Thank God I didn't. It took a couple months but I am back stronger than ever. Thanks to this program, individual therapy and a really great group of friends. I realize I'm worth way more than that.
You will get your strength back soon enough. Have faith. We are here 24/7 when you need to vent. (((Hugs)))
Missmeliss - it is OK to be at-the-end-of-your-rope tired, unable to dredge up one more scrap of response, just wanting to crawl into a hole and please, please, could someone/anyone just bring me a cup of tea or throw a blanket on me or shut the damn phone off, something, even just for an hour. OK fifteen minutes, all right five minutes even? Now you're really feeling like your head is exploding, because of course you have to get up, function, cope, deal, take care of your child, smile, etc. etc. etc.
Point 1: YOU DON'T SUCK and you ARE NOT WEAK. You are a LIONESS. Repeat several times daily.
Point 2: This person is treating you like dirt and you don't deserve it. You are a decent, struggling, hardworking person and you don't deserve to be abused emotionally, verbally, or physically.
Point 3: You'll get through this, and if you manifest help it will come. And we are here for you. Stay strong lady! :)
Put down the bat, you have a lot on your plate and are trying to make the changes, however when I split from my exah we did the back and forth for awhile before I finally realized I would never move on until I really let go. I would get lonesome even for the miserable sad old cycles they were somewhat comfortably known to me. You are making progress and very aware. You have your needs and it is hard to fill up your bucket when your a single parent, going to school and working while raising another human. It all takes energy, just don't forget to stop and put some energy back into you! You deserve to get a break and to take extra great care of yourself in order to have some energy in your overflow for others you choose to dole your time into. I would be upset too if someone dropped into my busy day unannounced and decided to change my plans especially over a few days. Take good care of you and say what you need to say and keep yourself safe with boundaries. I know you know all this. Sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Hugs to you Melly none of this is easy, so be gentle
With yourself. Change and growing is hard work.
Never mind someone that keeps coming Back into
your life.
I have been healing daily with no contact. I have
Not seen xah since the end of june, a few informative
Emails, some forwarded mail and i get my numbered
alimony check from Him monthly.
Otherwise nothing, It has helped me to really move on.
It is not easy or Simple when feelings and emotions
are still not resolved. I wish i truly hated him it would
be much easier on me to go forward alone. I work on
Forgiveness daily.
I can only keep working on me and doing the best
I can with what i have. God loves me as i am and
I go forward from there.
Mel I remember learning the definition of insanity in Al-Anon and decided to learn to do stuff I had not done yet...different stuff. Just learning to say "No" because it was a very short complete sentence was rocket science to me and my alcoholic/addict couldn't come up with alternatives I would fall for. have some ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) and let him go.