The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Many times have i wanted to reach out here but not feLt brave enough or worthy enough when i can see you have your own problems to deal with and there are so few of you always giving your time and precious support to those in need and I feel guilty drawing on your energy and time when i should be able to help myself. So i write messages to post and delete them. A few years ago I went with my mother to a local cancer support group and the facilitator recognised me and told me i should not be there as i had the psychological tools i needed already to cope with my mother dying from ovarian cancer and to email her if i needed a bit more support. Similarly, I found out by accident I had been recognised at a local f2f alanon meeting i had (stupidly) attended one evening when I was feeling so alone and seeking support from the only people I know truly understand my pain even if I say nothing (i never knew that the chairperson knew my identity let alone would refer another alanoner to me in my professional capacity and tell them i went to alanOn) and so it came to pass i felt unworthy and unsafe to go to any more f2f local alanon meetings. Then when my alcoholic from-tonight-ex-partner and i went to his first f2f AA meeting in the city, where noone should have known me, and unbelievably a former client of mine saw me. Turns out said client was trying to be anonymous too lol! We both ended up laughing at the coincidence....
But tonight I need to reach out because I cannot stand being alone in this journey any more.
I ended it with him tonight.
All the lies and mind games and attempts to manipulate me, then when i get strong and work my program well for a few months, reducing abusive contact to a minimum with him, focusing on my life, he started crying first time ever and begging me not to abandon him, he needs me first time ever he said this and he will stop drinking bla bla and I give in thinking I owe him after all these years to support his first detox ever, thinking he was serious and sincere...
12 days of togetherness in his detox journey, felt hope, less numb, then bang, it's over, I lose him to the drink again, he gets so abusive emotionally and psychologically, , I just can't take it any more, I have truly had enough of this suffering, my s*** quota is reached, I tell him , i ask for no contact, I'm changing my number tomorrow anyway for work, i blocked him on my work number, packed his stuff pledge I won't give him my new number.
I feel I cant get through this beyond tonight Without support from those who really get it.
I'm exhausted. Emotionally spent. Keep Telling myself this will pass. Let go let god. Talking to god asking for strength and guidance and finding myself writing this message and going to post not delete it. Wondering Is there anyone out there who can be my sponsor to help get me through the next few weeks or months? I don't know what else to do given my F2f experiences. Maybe go local again wearing a wig? Any advice about my other options to find a sponsor will be greatly appreciated. I just cant do this any more on my own. I just know in my core i have to have support to stay strong and focus on me and my program. I tell myself i deserve support too regardless of my professional skills after all i am human too aren't I ?
Thanks for reading my ramble (MIP family)
-- Edited by rainbow on Wednesday 29th of July 2015 08:21:28 AM
-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 29th of July 2015 08:45:24 AM
So glad you have gathered up the bravery and posted. I know how hard it is to take those initial steps. It sounds as if you've had a rough time with groups. I don't know what the woman at the cancer support group was thinking - who doesn't need support in those circumstances?! That is just crazy.
The truth is, though, that in groups for people recovering from difficult problems, there are always going to be some people whose recovey is not very far along. If we were all perfect at this, we wouldn't be facing any problems at all or reaching out, would we? So, many groups will have one or two people who say the wrong thing or make silly suggestions or what have you. That's why "Take what you like and leave the rest" is an important part of Al-Anon.
I live in a small town and most of the groups I tried out had someone I knew already in them. We'd sort of laugh and say "Hey! You too? Wow!" So many people whose lives seemed so ideal and well set up, who were actually grappling with big problems like me. That was kind of a relief, and I admired them for getting out there and getting support. It also made things a little easier, because then I knew some folks who had some practice at healthy thinking, and I wasn't starting from being complete strangers - being acquaintances already made it easier to get to know them further.
So I'd suggest that you don't need to steer clear of any group where you might run into someone you know. That one Al-Anoner who broke anonymity was way out of line, but that is very rare, in my experience. After you go and establish yourself at a meeting, after all, you'll know all the people there. So whether you know them already or you'll know them in six weeks doesn't make much difference.
I hope you'll go back and get the support you deserve. Take good care of yourself.
Funny about Mattie mentioning living in a small town. I live in a city of 5 million people and at my very first meeting I ran into my son's math tutor....go figure! But it was comforting to know that others were struggling right there along with me.
I agree with all that she said: maybe try another group but you are always welcome to post here or try the online meetings, as well. Basically, find whatever works for you for your own recovery but please don't let a bad apple or a negative experience hinder your recovery. It's too important and you are worth any effort you choose to put into it. Hugs and support you today!
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
It does sound like you've had some rotten experiences with reaching out for support.
I hope you'll try again; anyone who recognises you at a meeting is there themselves after all, and I can't imagine anyone with a half decent program thinking you don't deserve support or annonymity because of your profession. In my experience a huge percentage of al-anoners are in the helping professions; it's just part of our makeup!!
As to posting here, or not...I feel the same way often, when I talk a lot about my own situations and then when I want to reply to another person I feel as if I have nothing helpful to say. I used to write and delete posts constantly for the same reason.
But I find the more I reach out and share and connect, the more often I feel like I have something supportive to say to another; it's a process, it doesn't come all at once. I often share just as I would in a meeting here because I can't get to many in real life and it still helps, to just say it "out loud" to other people in a safe place where people get it.
You absolutely do deserve support. Have you tried the online meetings here?
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Rainbow. Welcome to Miracles in Progress. I am so pleased that you found the courage to post and reach out for help. I too can identify with the feeling that I should be able to handle everything and not bother anyone for help.Not so says alanon .
Living with the disease of alcoholism is extremely destructive to our own mental health and well-being and that is why Al-Anon, it's such a powerful program.
I am sorry that your anonymity was breached at the meetings you attended, so that instead of suggesting that you wear a wig. I'd like to suggest that you try our online meetings for a time. They are held in the chat room and here's the schedule.
Morning Meetings
Mon. - Fri. at 9am EST
Sat. - Sun at 10am EST
Each Sunday morning at 10 am EST, we will be having a Spiritual meeting with a topic relating to the Spiritual part of our program.
Night Meetings
Mon-Saturday 9PM eastern time
Sunday 7PM eastern time
Al-Anon literature is extremely important to my recovery and I do believe that you would benefit greatly by getting some copies.
One is called:Alcoholism The Family Disease, the Just for Today bookmark, One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Reader, and How Al-Anon Works. All powerful assets to recovery. They can be found at face-to-face meetings or purchased online.
Please keep coming back here. This is a" we "program and each of us benefits from sharing
-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 29th of July 2015 08:58:52 AM
i currently don't go to f2f meetings which i know is not recommended, but i get a wealth of knowledge, information and help here. If i am not ready for a f2f then this is the next best thing. Alot of times life isn't "ideal". But it's amazing how much this helps because after all, the tools are here and the motivation is in me. It's what *we* make of the tools. I hope you feel supported here and i know you have the strength to do this! Maybe come to the online meeting here tonight?
A friend of mine in my AlAnon group ran into her divorce lawyer. Surprise!! It was still a good meeting! I ran into my niece. She cried on my shoulder and I hugged her tight.
So much to say and so little time. I'm SOOO glad you are here. I'm SOOO glad *I* am here! I haven't had time lately to hang around as much as I want to.
I've found that Al-Anon offers many ways to work it beyond just f2f. I can't get to them often because I'm sneaking there around behind my A's back still.
THIS BOARD is my life raft. It gives me the opportunity to vent, to inquire, to learn, to interact and to be CONSTANTLY reminded that I'm not alone.
As you are aware, the people here are giving beyond measure and wise from experience. I learn something every time I spend time here.
I live in a moderately small city, and when I finally got the courage to go to my first meeting (spurred by the support of the people here) someone I knew from kindergarten (44 years ago!) all the way through high school opened the door for me.
My personality is such that I don't care who knows I attend meetings. It just doesn't matter to me. I think every human soul could benefit from therapy of some sort whether they believe so or not, but if it can interfere with your career or practice I can certainly see where that would be a concern.
When I joined this family I was beyond despondent, near suicidal and in excruciating emotional and physical pain.
I still have not been able to begin working the program the way I want to, but at this point I know that my involvement will be like the disease itself - progressive and incurable - and I look forward to exploring and learning more each day.
I have hope, and because I've learned how to have hope for me, I have hope for you. I assume that similar feelings among the kool-aid drinkers here are what drives them to the board regularly to offer their precious time.
I use to dole out hate and anger like crisp dollar bills, but now I come here to offer what little I've learned so far to anyone that it might help and more importantly to learn from everyone - both the long-timers and the new-comers. Everyone has something to offer, even if it presents in the form of pain.
So, all I really want to say is: sample every part of the program and see if you can find a recipe that works for you. Come back here and share your experiences good and bad.
Everyone here understands. Whatever you do, don't stop searching for serenity. Sending hope!
Hello Rainbow and welcome to MIP. So glad you found the courage to post and so glad you're here now!
By the time I reached out for help, I was reasonably destroyed. I believe most of us are or very close. After all, we don't seek help when we are doing good - right?
So, already feeling beat up and lacking any self-worth and self-confidence, I went to my first F2F meeting. I did not have an experience like yours, but I did feel it wasn't right for me. I was not wanting to go back but had promised that I'd try more than one. I went to a different one, and it felt better. I kept going as it brought relief that sitting alone at home did not.
My point is my own position in life played a huge part in how I viewed that first meeting, or so I believe. I am certain had I faced what you faced, I would have been scared or angry or hurt or ??? and never wanted to go again.
I have had my anonymity broken since and it is frustrating as he!! to me. But, my sponsor kindly reminded me that 12 Step programs DO NOT attract the healthy, so we must look at these situations as opportunities to grow. *sigh* - yet another time where I have to learn through discomfort that everybody has different values - even definitions of what's right/wrong, honest/dishonest, good/bad, etc.
So, please don't let your experiences drive your future. Try, try and try again - you deserve to exhaust any/all options readily available for your happiness, health and self-restoration.
The meetings here are fantastic - but attendance has been a bit lower lately due to summer-time (I think). You should find a welcoming group, but if your experience is different, try again - different folks show up on different days. The morning meetings have become my preferred but I still stop by evening at times.
We welcome you and your pain with open arms. We will care about you, listen to you, share our ESH with you and do what we can to help you heal. After all, in my experience if we don't share with others, we lose focus for our own recovery.
Again, so very glad you are here and so very glad you found your voice, strength and courage to share! Keep coming back and know that we're just a post away. As far as a sponsor, you can certainly ask someone for support. I know we've had a few persons ask at meetings, and there is the PM (Private Message) function here and there.
(((Huge Hugs))) to you and know that you are not alone!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Bless you my friend. I honestly understand where you are coming from! I have even posted a few times only to go back and delete the entire post. I promise that you are not alone.
On one occasion I spent a very long time responding honestly to a post because I really wanted to help this person....unfortunately (as often happens) someone I was not even addressing jumped in and pretty much told me I didn't have a I just deleted my I put and went on. It mattered none that I had personally given my honest feelings from what I know (in a past work life/legal issues/laws/personal experiences). And, it hurt my feelings greatly. I again felt shut out and not a part of any group, which is not a new feeling because I am not a really good "joiner".
Anyway, I do understand how you have felt and I get it....all of it! I simply close down to others when I get "slammed" and I basically close up like a clam shell.
You deserve all the help and support! You are worth it! I don't care what anyone else do matter and your feelings are important and I will always read what you have to say with the utmost respect.
Often times people look at others by their own frame of reference,..basically if you have money, if you drive an expensive car or live in a nice hone, if you wear expensive jewelry, or if you have or had a "powerful" career then you don't belong. Well I say you do!!!!
No place of helping should be limited by a person's wealth, community status, career choice, language skills, or general appearance.
I honestly believe your feelings are just as valuable as anyone else's and that honest emotional support is essential for anyone to make it and achieve happiness when they have lived with addiction in any form. Please know you will have my support no matter what.
Please keep posting and get some of "it" out because I'm betting the inside is "full to the brim". As I used to tell my AH (3+ months sober), he was like a bottle of "coke" left in the sun that kept getting shaken up and added to. At some point he couldn't hold anymore and he was "gonna" explode....he did...Thank God! Because that explosion gave him a release valve and an opening to seek help. He was lucky enough to find an AA group of like minded people who accept him and a wonderful sponsor. I know you will find your place...I'm still searching for mine too...
Aloha Rainbow and welcome back to the board your post reminded me of something I learned in recovery along the way..."Fear is the greatest emotional problem in this disease" and I was glad I was too damned angry and oppositional to just cave into fear when I got here. Yes I was afraid and the anger and rage I thought hid it rather than was evidence of it. When I got my heart shattered I got very angry and then I got into Al-Anon as you have. I learned something new right from the start, "Sit quietly (as often as I could" and listen with an open mind. The fellowship of the program led me to believe I was loveable because they told me so and acted it out where I wasn't getting anything near that from my alcoholic/addict wife or myself. I also came into Al-Anon near terminal...suicidal because no matter how much I tried and wanted to be loved it didn't happen until I got here and then learned to love myself. You're strong and have courage and I also learned in the rooms that "Courage is fear that has said its prayers". Everyone who is here practices courage so you're welcomed. We second guess our intentions all the time cause this isn't a perfect program and we are not perfect people. We do the best with what we have at the time we have it and then...turn it over to a power greater than ourselves. This works because we work it and you are invited to stay and learn and practice with us. Your alcoholic is a very sick person and his behaviors are less than admirable and still you have become sick by being affected by the disease also. You're on your way...trusting God and reaching out. Like the others I am in support if you keep coming back. (((((hugs)))))
Also, sorry you went through this. You may be upset and disappointed right now, but shattered heart implies this man had the power to literally beak you in some way. He did not and does not have that power. You will be sad, but it's okay. Remember, you dont always have to be the helper. If you do that at work already, I think you just rewarded ypurself by ending a relationship where you were constantly in that role in you personal life. Balance is a must.
Welcome back, rainbow, so glad you pushed through the fear and pain to receive some much deserved ESH.
Many good ideas and thoughts of support above, so many helpful perspectives from those who have been there and felt similar feelings. To those I would just add that along with f2f meetings, online meetings and board, a resource that can always be available to you is the AlAnon Family Groups literature. My progress in recovery got a real jump start when I began reading daily from the readers and other books. It is pure, uncut, unbiased, unsugar-coated recovery packed into manageable, 60-second reads.
I never read the same page twice because each day I arrive from a different place in my life and my recovery. I choose the time, the music and atmosphere to indulge in what has become the highlight and most peaceful time of my day. Meditating on the thoughts and wisdom of the program during this time has helped me so much.
AlAnon offers such great resources, including you. Thank you for sharing, and for allowing us to share. Please keep coming back...
"...when we try to control others, we lose the ability to manage our own lives." - Paths to Recovery