The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The C2C reading for June 29 speaks about the fact that Al-Anon is a spiritual program based on no particular religion, and no religious beliefs is required.. It points out that this freedom is extremely important because spirituality does not have to imply a particular philosophy or moral code; it simply means that there is a power greater than ourselves upon which we can come to rely. Whether we call this a Higher Power, God, good orderly direction, or another name, it is vital to our recovery that we come to believe in a power that is greater than ourselves. Until we do the rest of the Steps will not make much sense.
The the reading goes on to explain that the Higher Power might be likened to the electricity that operates the machinery of our recovery. It is not necessary to understand what electricity actually is to use it or enjoy its use all we need to do is turn on the switch.
I know that in the beginning of my Al-Anon journey, I elected, as my Higher Power , the principles of Al-Anon philosophy and the Al-Anon program itself. I was willing to pick up these tools and use them one day at a time. because by attending meetings I could see that they worked and that this was a power greater than I had ever known.
We may be struggling with the concept of a HP and if so, it is suggested that whatever we believe we can pray for greater faith just that little active willingness can work miracles.
The quote is from Al-Anons 12 steps and 12 traditions; "when I have at last realized that my problems are too big to solve. I myself--- I need not be alone with them. If I am willing to accept help from HP.
Thanks for posting this, Hotrod. I think that many of us were wounded by the dysfunctional religions of our families when we were young. The Steps and Traditions invite us to cast those old beliefs and behavioral codes aside in favor of entering into a one-on-one relationship with a Higher Power who is revealed to us as we work our programs. One of the greatest sources of serenity and reassurance for me comes when I remember that my HP already has everything figured out for me.
I was one of those raised in organized religion and when I got here was absolutely convinced I had done too much damage to rely on that 'being' or 'entity'. I also had some resentments against that 'entity', and well - let's just say, it was easier for me to view the group and program as my higher power.
As I began working the steps, and becoming less crazy, I was able to find gratitude for the principals and values bestowed on me by my parents and that same organized religion. I deployed the Take What You Like & Leave The Rest to that part of my life and it worked reasonably well and I now call my HP God.
I have since decided that organized religion is just that. I am interested and pursuing a spiritual life/journey. That for my program is separate from the other, and it is simpler for me to get closer to my HP, God, if I consider myself spiritual vs. religious. I want my HP in my life each/every day all day leading the way.
So - for anyone who may be new and troubled, trust me when I say that as time goes on, you too might change up how you view your HP and spirituality and spiritual growth. I am a happy camper when I can get through a day with a few curse words - that's acceptable in my spiritual journey as I'm human. It would not have been in my teachings of youth.
My HP today wants me to be happy, joyous, free and of service. He has a plan for me that I do not know about and it's a grand plan. Wherever I am today is exactly where I am supposed to be. It's a step towards that next place, which is why I've adopted my latest mantra of, "The best is Yet to Come!"
Thank you Betty for the daily and the wonderful ESH!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Must say I still struggle a lot with this one. I don't think I'm geared towards spirituality by nature. Many people translate that into meaning that I'm selfish, or uncaring, or not in tune with life or other people, but that's not the case. I'm just geared towards the more tangible. BUT, with Al-Anon, I'm at least opening myself up to it. I'm ready to receive! I also better understand people for whom this is the norm. My HP is still somewhat nebulous at this point, but I'm allowing it to take shape and become something I rely on. The main thing for me at the moment is that :
1. I don't close myself off to the idea ever, even if it doesn't fully take shape - ever (I don't know what might happen) and
2. That no issue with any single step of the program stops me from working on it, or any other step of the program. It's "All steps - All the time."
I think about how art NEVER comes to fruition in a single stage process, and is NEVER 100% perfect or complete, yet can still be beautiful and satisfying both in process and in product.
Happiness, contentment, serenity, kindness AND my HP are all things I'm guaranteed NEVER to see if I'm not always looking for them or refuse to allow them to exist for me!
That to me is the biggest gift of Al-Anon - the gift of sight.
Great post and replies! Thank you for the insight. I have a HP(God) in my life, that I don't fully understand, but have seen his miracles work in my life. Things happen that I can't explain or comprehend. I had to believe to see, than I saw to believe. ACT as if there was a God. If God was small enough for me to understand, he wouldn't be big enough to take care of me and everyone else in the world. I to started out small. My Sponsor was my first HP. Then it was the Group. Then it was The Steps. Then having had a Spritual Awakening- the change in my thinking and attitudes took hold without my permission. Although, I loved it, where did it come from? Something bigger than me.
When I sit in meditation and look back at where I've been and where I'm at now, I see there was a plan all along. I may have taken side roads and hit unnecessary speed bumps along the way, but I'm at a spot in life I certainly didn't plan out. I am powerless over the people, places and things in life.