The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today's reading is a focus on Traditions One and Two. Tradition one being that the welfare of the group comes first, that personal progress depends upon unity, and two that the one authority is a loving God as expressed through a group conscience.
I have not studied and worked on the traditions as I have the 12 steps, so I cannot offer too much from my own experience, except that I have been thinking a lot of about tradition two in many situations in my own life: Saying something ONCE, when it is said with meaning, but without being mean--and then letting it go. I know that I have made some progress whenever I do that because I know that for years whatever it was I was fixated on would be just that--I would harp on it to the point that I would think--what would even be the resolution here? I started to think I just enjoyed the mulling over of things!
As for tradition one, I know that when I am at a meeting and here someone share, I am a part of the recovery process for myself, the person and the group. Forgive me of that isn't quite it, but that's how I have interpreted tradition one for myself.
hi Mary, thanks for sharing your thoughts on today's reading in the HFT. I attend a meeting every week in which we discuss the Steps and Traditions . It is often said, at this meeting that the steps keep us from suicide and the Traditions keep us from homicide. I think this sums it up pretty well. For me, the Steps, provide the important tools so I can get to know myself, accept myself and let go of negative tools that I may be using to interact in my personal life. The Traditions provide the tools for me to use in a group, including my family. I brought them out into the Business world and they worked perfectly
I think you outlined the reading very well and I appreciate it.
For me. Tradition 1 does stress the importance of maintaining the unity of the group. So that we can each make progress. I know I hesitated to appreciate this Tradition because I thought it was like my family of origin. In my family, it was expected that everybody thought the same, liked the same movies, books, etc. and if you didn't you are looked at as destroying the unity of the family.
In Al-Anon that is not so. We are asked to live by principles in each meeting, such as, not giving advice, not cross talking and to listen and learn. By treating everybody with courtesy and respect,we can support unity in a diversity of ideas.
Tradition 2 emphasizes the fact that there are no leaders all are but trusted servants in the program. That this is truly a fellowship of equals, with HP in control. To solve our issues, business meetings are held and different ideas are exchanged and discussed. Once that is completed a a detached vote should take it. Since HP is the trusted guiding force within the business meeting and in our lives cooperating with the decision of the business meeting is crucial to unity of the group.
I find the traditions just as important as the steps and living my life.
Thank you for this topic this morning, you both remind me that I have not spent enough time reading the traditions and have mostly focused on the steps. I love everything about the group and will definitely make time to familarize myself with the traditions. Happy Tuesday everyone!
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
I want to thank everyone who posts these reflections on the daily readers because I lost mine in the move and haven't yet replaced them.
Thank you!!!!!
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Thank you for your responses. I have thought so much recently about tradition two in terms of saying something once. With my children--depending on the child and what I am saying, I am refraining from repeating myself over and over, even if it's something like 'it's time to brush your teeth'. With a friend who after a couple of years of describing relationship w gf as an unstable one, is now getting married--saying once 'as your friend I do not feel you are acting in honesty' and letting it go (even though that one stings).
I am realizing how much energy has been spent and sometimes wasted on my part with saying things over and over again!