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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
'Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him'
im getting better at this step. I say it most mornings and try to think about the words. It tells me i can choose, its do-able, i can decide here and now, its a choice. For every part of my day i can think and make a choice to be in Gods will or mine. How has my own will worked out so far for 43 yrs? Em, not so good, so it should be an easy task. So i thought. Its not been easy for me but its getting a little more automatic these days.
I had to work out what my will was for myself. It seems to me its the little voice that tells me ive got the answers to any given situation, i just have to look hard enough and there it should be.
My will reveals itself in my thoughts and behaviours so i can actually see it. Its whenever i give advice to someone, Gods will just listens and knows the person has the answers within themselves. Whenever i feel fearful or panicky about the future, Gods will knows everything and everyone are just where they need to be at all times, even and especially in the midst of a chaotic crisis. Gods will knows everything will work out for the greater good that my limited knowledge and mind just cant see that far into the future or around corners.
It seems to me that my will is lack of trust in a power greater than myself. This step is deeper than i every imagined. It is the key to my serenity on a day to day basis. im finding that when i stay in Gods will or make the choice at any given moment in my day the results are beyond my wildest dreams. Im open, kind, caring, warm, like a people magnet during these times. All the things i really want to be. Thanks for reading.x
Yes, step 3 works when I implemented it. Although I've done all the book work for step 3, my sponsor recommended a few weeks of actually practicing it daily before starting step 4, so that's what I'm doing. I'm a very willful person. At first I could hardly read the 3rd step prayer without feeling uncomfortable, even angry. Now I say it many times a day and I like it now.
Great share LC I agree, and have also found all you posted to be true. I know that it takes continued effort, on my part to stay in HP's will and the moment I find myself becoming impatient or angry, I know I am back in my will.
Today I treasure my serenity and am not willing to sacrifice it for a worthless tools such as "my will.". The slogan let go and let God takes on a huge importance the deeper I go into program.
Love the pimples of this program they do restore me to sanity
Thank you El-cee - I do have trouble with my fears on a day to day basis - and your post reminds me that it is ever so difficult to put my fears in the hands of my HP. I, like you, am working on step three all the time!
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
I work my steps 1, 2, and 3 on a daily basis. They are the basis of my recovery. Great share, LC, these are very important tools for our recovery and always nice to bring awareness back to that step.
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!