The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I haven't seen A for maybe 5 weeks. I haven't wanted to talk to him really because he just wants to tell me about how I should give him my old car because he cn't get a job to pay me back he thousands of dollars he borrowed from me unless I do...blah blah blah whatever. He repeats the same story over and over and over. I can't stand it.
Anyway this weekend daughter has gone away and he knew she was going and said could he visit and I said I dont know I'm busy, he has some stuff here, he has ome stuff of mine, we are supposed to still be friends but last time was so unpleasant that I wasn't very enthusiastic. Anyway on Wednesday he called and said he wanted to come on Thursday....the reason? Because he was going to a charity to get a food voucher (ugh) an they were giving him a free bus voucher for the day to so he could get here. I said no, I'm busy, it's not convenient, don't come. So he moans and complains and "just wants to see me". Yeah, right. Then he his box still on the verandah. Box? Oh, he means an old cardboard box he put his empty wine bottles in last time he sat out there drinking and smoking. I said no, I threw it out, why would I want to keep a box of empty wine bottles and rubbish? Because he put all of his cigarette butts in there, silly, and he hasn't had a smoke for a MONTH (yeah right) and he was SO looking forward to coming over and being able to have a smoke but I've thrown out his smokes and how could I, how could I do that, didn't I know?
So he's really deteriorated to babyhood, crying poor and begging and then still drinking and gambling his unemployment away every fortnight then 2 more weeks of begging and crying "poor me" to anyone that will listen. It's gross. But its not my business and I don't care when I don't have to see it.
So today he is skyping me and I end up saying he can get $5 from my account (I dont keep much in it and havent taken away his access and h actually hasnt touched it) to get a bus ticket and come bring my stuff and we can talk about all this crap he wants to talk about. As soon as I said it I regretted it and his next question is can he get out an extra $5 to get a bottle of wine for the journey. Whatever, I tell him thats all there is I am broke. And I start hoping he wil just get the wine and go home and call back and lie and say he missed the bus or something, but he doesn't. Part of me saying OK is guilt, he did help me move house and its the first time he has ever really helped me do anything and he was really good around that time so I feel guilty now when he says I just used him although I know its stupid after almost 9 years of treating me like freaking garbage and living off me, bullying me into paying for everything and supporting a grown man to behave like a baby playing computer games and gambling and drinking. Nothing has changed, nothing!
Anyway he walked in the door and stood there looking fidgety, no hello or anything and then he says "well I was hoping you could buy me some smokes" and I say are you kidding, I tld you I am broke and he says "well I was going to give you this (he pulls out the food voucher he got from the charity) and I knew it, as soon as he said he was getting one I knew he would try to sell it to me. No thanks, why do I want to pay with food vouchers and have to mess around having to spend the exact amount and not buy luxury items that wont scan and be all embarrassed at the checkout so he can have smokes? Are you kidding? But no he isn't kidding and when I say no thanks he throws a tantrum because "he wouldn't even have to ask if I hadn't thrown out his "smokes" (a few butts in the bottom of a box of garbage that he probably already rerolled and resmoked anyway, i bet there werent even any in there its justhis crazy smoke and mirrors).
Anyway he was here, it was too late for any kind of transport home for him (he lives a couple of hours away now) and I wasn't prepared to drive him so yes, I went and got his smokes, and on the way I thought about was because if I didn't he would sulk all night but if I did get them then I could be angry and not talk to him and that suited me better. So there you go, I manipulated the situation so that I had the right to be angry and ignore him, wow, seeing him really brings out the best side of my nature doesn't it?
I haven't said a word to him, I was already broke and now I've wasted $35 on him today and I want him to leave in the morning so there's another $5 for his train and bus back, I said yes to him coming over so I cant very well say get out with no way home. I'm mad about that, he costs me so much money and it was always like this just a constant drain on my every resource.
So, I am in my lounge writing this and he is in bed here because he's out of drinks and I didnt get him any more and i have no interest in speaking to him.
Old me couldn't handle it if he came over after 5 weeks apart (old me couldn't handle a single night apart) and then we argued and he went to bed in silence, I'd be in there trying to explain why I was angry and make him apologise so we could go back to pretending everything was fine.
Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.
I wanted the house to myself. I knew I didn't want him to visit but i felt guilty and it got to me when he kept saying he misses me and wanted to see me, I felt bad, I felt guilty and I felt worried that if i said no he would get angry I suppose.
So there is my disease making terrible decisions and manipulating its way through the consequences, and as a consequence I am uncomfortble, poorer and angry and have to deal with a in my house in the morning. All because i kept saying yes today when inside I was screaming NO!!!!!
-- Edited by missmeliss on Saturday 28th of March 2015 08:47:16 AM
-- Edited by missmeliss on Saturday 28th of March 2015 08:48:26 AM
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Dear Ms. M. It is progress not perfection, and I appreciate you sharing this issue with such clarity. It takes time and effort for our old habits and destructive behavior to lift. Seeing it, feeling it and completely experiencing the destructiveness of it,once again reinforces our decisions to take care of ourselves.
Please remember sharing about it helps to lift it and helps us to take appropriate action. Beating ourselves up is not an Al-Anon tool, but being gentle with ourselves is.
Recite the serenity prayer ask for guidance and listen to the small voice within. Let us know how it goes later on.
Thanks Betty.
I did think on this the other day, the fact that he uses me as a bank and just expects me to provide for him. As I noted in el-cees thread tonight I used to buy him anything and everything I could, I even paid all the rent and bills and fed him and bought him smokes and drinks and gifts and took him on holidays etc for 2 years while he lay on the couch playing games!!! Its disgusting to even think about but I did create this revolting situation in many ways, and I did it because I didn't believe anyone could like me unless I did everything, and I mean everything I could possibly do to make them happy all the time, I paid for his every need even though i didnt have much myself because I honestly didn't see any other reason that anyone would stick around or like me.
It's so different for me now, I value me and I know my HP values me, I don't want or need to give everything away in a desperate bid for love or approval. But that doesn't make him different and it doesn't change these really sad precedents I have set in this sad, sad relationship.
I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't gotten the smokes. I wish i hadn't, it was a bad decision but you are right, I wont beat myself up I just need to learn from it and ask HP for the strength to let go of whatever I am still hanging on to here. I am better than this and enabling him to beg in this manner is demeaning to both of us.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Well it's after midnight and I am honestly not trying to be mean but I decided to make soap. Which means running the cake mixer every so often while he is sleeping. I just felt edgy and irritated and so I decided to be creative. I thought at first "no I shouldn't, it'll wake him up" and then I thought "um, my house, lets not go back to tip-toeing around?"
So orange clove and ginger goat milk soap is in the process of being created. No going back now, I can't afford to waste the ingredients.
So maybe something good will come of all of this, I haven't been motivated to make any for weeks and this looks like the best batch yet.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
I can't even begin to tell you how grateful am that I can come here and connect!!
Now because A was coming I cleaned the house he wouldn't be able to do that smug thing he does where he picks at any mess he sees and makes out I am really untidy and he is some kind of tidy person until I lose it and start telling him how it "really" is.... No matter how very poor and unhealthy my reason was, my house is now very clean and sparkling and it feels nice so I'll be grateful for that too.
Add in the batch of soap and there are my 3 gratitudes
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
I swear, if you lived in the a States, I'd wonder if your A was the same guy as my exAH because I've been through this same scenario many times, right down to the half smoked butts on the back porch, and me being a selfish B for cleaning them up. My second husband is 6 foot 4 and a law enforcement officer, and it's taken that fact to keep the exAH from asking to come over, sit on my porch, eat up my food, etc. oh and I've also been offered the food pantry goodies in exchange for smokes money or petrol money. Um noooo thanks! Ugh, these guys are the pitts. I didn't have program back then, but now I find it easier to let his crazy making and sense of entitlement roll off my back.
Mel, I know for me that when I was single or fresh off a break up....I did get lonely and I did have needs for adult company. Even though I don't have kids, I have had jobs dealing with kids and adolescents all day long. So anyhow, this would sometimes drive me to contact exes out of familiarity. It seemed easier. I really do not know if this is right for you but I wonder if other methods for meeting new adults to interact with might help. What about dating? You might think you are not ready, but maybe you are. Your ex keeps sliding back into that role due to the long history...even if you have better boundaries and are more healthy now. Also, this is just in my experience - If I was ever gonna be friends with an ex, typically there was about a year where we barely saw each other and were not close before becoming friends again. That time and space was needed to grow out of the dysfunctional patterns and resentments of the old relationship.
Its always there, our disease. My son has the power to bring this out in me. I would sell my soul for that boy and leave myself with nothing. Its our disease and i suppose like the alcoholic just for today we are abstinent but never cured. Dont be too hard on yourself, theres lots to celebrate, your enlightened, you can see, you know the truth, your rose coloured glasses are smashed, you will get better and better at it. Also, when we slip, it keeps us humble and not arrogant and you had the guts to share with us which in turn helps us. Thank you for sharing.x
I found myself being tugged back a few times, old fond feelings and hope that maybe things would be different somehow - but they never were really different, it just took me a few times to really see that though his words said different, he would have loved (was just waiting) to pick right back up where we were if I'd let him and enough time enjoying my own space and peace made me more and more protective of it - I was NOT going back to living with someone who wanted to throw poo on any situation just to control it. I love your argument with yourself - you wanted to make soap, you didn't want to disturb him, this is YOUR house.... darn right it is!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I can relate to this,I don't know how many times I made up my mind to end the relationship completely with my ex,so many times I believed his stories,his crying and whining and manipulating.Finally after the last time I ended it for good I changed my phone number,one reason I am early in recovery and I am practicing,two he stresses me out,just being around him causes a change in me,anxious,irritable,and so on.I guess the thing that really has kept me firm is the fact that he was living with another woman not long after we ended and he was trying to contact me on my daughters phone while living with her!So he isn't above lying and using another woman to get a roof over his head that means he will also do the same to me.I think that is the first time I realized he isn't capable of truly loving someone and I know we can never have any kind of relationship so I have zero contact.I also know that if I have a really tough and lonely day I could be vulnerable to him,he is quite a charmer as hard as it is to admit.There have been times his voice has lulled me into a sense of calm,he would make so many promises,but then break them,Don't beat yourself up just use this as a learning experience.
It sounds like the guy can be likeable sometimes, and I know you have feelings for him even though he doesnt treat you good, I understand that. He thinks he still has a chance with you WITHOUT changing. Maybe it would be good for HIM if you refused to see him. He may have to stop and THINK. It sounds like a simple concept and it is, but our emotions get in the way sometimes. Thinking of you and wishing you good Ah-Ha moments everyday when needed. linsc
Me too. I did that. I returned to him, then he returned to me. I know what the bottom on that one is. It feels terrible. I lived it for a few days (it was bad), and then out of nowhere I promised myself I wouldn't live another hour like that.
Like that meant I wouldn't sell myself so short. It meant I would treasure what was good in and around me. It meant I would protect my environment. I would clean my house (get my own place without him and without people around whom I felt the way I did when I was with him).
After that promise, it took me baby steps to make it happen. It was as if I were headed toward a light. No matter how far from that goal I was in the moment, I was comforted knowing I would get there.
I remembered that feeling right before my promise to myself. That kept me from going back. Powerful, that.
Melly you are growing away from that type of person.
One day you will have had enough. It makes me smile
For you to be interacting and enjoying healthy normal
People again. There are tons of them if you are in a healthy
Environment, Like you at school. Enjoy good people!
Now when i am near negative or bad people i get all
Jittery. I can not run away fast enough They do nothing
For me in my healing journey. They try to take it away.
I understand exactly how you feel... I just recently separated from my ah and I am trying to gain control and sanity over my life. After all these years of "can you do this for me can you do that and I need you to take care of this" I never got anything in return! I never asked for anything either. Even though we were married it was more like having a roommate that never cleaned, cooked or helped pay the utilities. Just an angry drunk who worked but still asked me to pay all the bills and bail him out when he was jail. Now since we have lived apart I don't know what the future re holds. I do know that I don't want to live that way anymore. Not another weekend of binge drinking or blaming everyone else for why he is the way he is. Especially me. I still talk to him,we do have kids together. It's not the same. I love him and I want to believe that he will quit drinking. Right now I don't have very high expectations of him. Especially When I check our joint bank account I remember why. 2-3 stops at the liquor store every night on the way home from work and of course the drunk phone calls late at night. He says that he loves me and I f I loved him that's all that should matter!! I stopped trying to argue about that cause he just gets nasty then I have to block his number for a couple days. But I do miss him. The sober him, which I never saw to much of. I constantly have thoughts of doubt, several times a day. Then i look at my boys and it goes away. I don't do anything for him any more. I don't help him pay any of his bills, or even do little favors! Now I'm trying, I stress the word trying, to take care of me. Pulling away from him is the hardest thing to do. They suck you back in so easily. Why are we so weak and gullible when it comes to our A's???? Why do I give up my happiness and well being so he can have his???
Sorry I just had vent about this!! Today was not one of my better days.
4myboys, sounds like it may not have "felt" good, but I'm hearing you actually "did" very good. Acting differently is hard and it's even harder if you beat yourself up while doing it. Huge progress to even be at the point where you are living separately. It's not unreasonable to take some time to just detach a bit and wait and see if him being on his own sparks any change. You need not obsess over it, and like you said, expectations are best to be low. Be kind to yourself. Nobody wants to scrap a marriage without making their best effort. Women are much more in tune with wanting their kids to have their dad around and active in their life and sacrificing to make that happen. Women are socialized to suffer sometimes for the betterment of a union. These are negative societal pressures that still exist (at least in my opinion)...So are being courageous to break these patterns in spite of him not changing. Affirm yourself.
Thanks Edna :) I wish it wasn't that way, but I think we are really only like 50 or 60 years since young girls were learning how to be "happy housewives" in home ec class. *shudder* Those themes still infiltrate relationships and may keep women trapped in bad relationships. I observe many women come here and say their AH is a "great father" and "great provider" but just drinks too much and is horribly nasty to them. That's not a great provider or a great father either. A great provider would also provide stability, love, respect. A great father would model how to treat a woman.
Oh Melly you have grown a lot. I can relate and would get lonely and hang out with the exAH even after the divorce for awhile and it always went like it always did. It took me awhile to find new things to replace our old cycles, but al-anon helped with that and being so busy with school and my job finished off my spare time. I made lots of new girlfriends and have them come over when my kids are away. Now I have a great new man which makes me realize how much healthier I have gotten to have fixed my picker. I am so glad to share this journey with you and see you coming through the dysfunctions of old and seeing your awareness in it. The 3 A's come to mind, awareness, acceptance then action when you are ready. Sending you much love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Pink, I try m hardest every day to be positive and read the steps and go to f2fs. I think I am getting overwhelmed! I feel I am reaching for something that is out of my grasp. I dont know how to control my emotions, they are like a tornado right now spinning around and destroying everything in its path. Especially when my ah reaches out to me when he's sober! I have managed to handle the drunk husband for many years. I don't expect much from him like I said before. But is a little but of understanding from him to much to ask for from an alcoholic? How long do I have to feel guilty and wrong for wanting a better life? One day at a time, accepting,understanding and letting go????? I am having a hard time with these! I feel like I am losing my mind!
4my boys, it could be that your husband reaching out to you is setting you back. Its a bit like an alcoholic who is early in recovery walking into the pub every day and trying to remain sober. Your trying to heal and recover but your talking with him regularly which could be setting you back. A sober day is not a sober mind. I remember loving the few sober days in between drinking days. He would get so passive, guilty, apologetic. He would say all the things i wantedto hear. I would cling onto evey word, each and every time, for years and years. This is the insanity. Nothing changed. Its ok to tell him you need a break for a while, why not, not talk to him? Go drama free for a while? Your children will also get a break, its not just us who get exhausted by the merrygoround.
4mb, for me those things seem to have been all connected. Wanting understanding and validation from my A, and feeling guilty and wrong for wanting better. They eased through working the steps and value and validate myself. It takes time, obviously for me it's still an early work in progress! It still astounds me when he shows me how very little concern he has for my needs, wants or well-being. This last incident left me shaking my head in amazement as he explained to me that it's very important for him to pay his brother back (he owes him a few hundred dollars and his brother has no kids and is wealthy) while he owes me thousands and is still trying to borrow from me every single week! And when I told him to borrow it from someone else he went into a detailed and so sincere explanation of how he "doesnt want to borrow money from anyone, he doesn't want to be indebted to anyone ever again" and then in the same breath ask me to lend him even more if I literally do not count as a person and thus borrowing money from me isn't the same as being "indebted". Mind boggling.
When he is nice now I can see how much of an effort it is, it's as if he is wearing a facade and it is exhausting for him; when he can finally get drunk ad abusive it seems to me that is his "relief", his reward for being nice to me for a few days is to then have impunity to get drunk and be horrible to me. I don't any longer see a "nice guy who has all of his efforts undone by that evil drink". I see someone who is addicted not just to the substance but the freedom it gives him to go on a rampage. That may not be true of other people but it is what I see in my A and in my biological father who is dreadfully similar. I think he's addicted to being the monster and alcohol gives him the perfect excuse. So when he is being super nice and treating me like a princess (which he does sometimes now that I have stopped living with him) I think he's just storing up points towards his next vile bender. That's not to say I think he likes who he is, I can't begi to know hw he feels about it. But I do see that he's as addicted to his drunk behaviour as he is to the drink.
So for me, spending time with him when he is being nice and 'reaching out" is more dangerous than being around him when he is being vile. It messes with my head and I don't think there is a genuine desire on his behalf to make things better. I have the sense that he is just "prepping me" for his next bender, and keeping me on the hook as his provider. In our current situation I rent a house and am responsible for a child. He lives with his brother and has no real expenses and yet still tries to borrow from me, wants to come over and eats my food, and has just told me (not asked, but told me) that he thinks he is going to get all of his stuff out of storage and put it in my garage. He also expects not to have to pay for the privelige but he will reward me by "having more money so he won't have to borrow from me as much". Goodness. How could I refuse such a great offer? I do not believe he heard my no, and I don't know how I will respond when he inevitably turns up here with is brother and a houseload of his old junk expecting to fill my garage with it. It's not going to be pretty. I suppose I can begin by telling his brother not to hire a trailer or come here with A's stuff because I will not store it. He also keeps trying to sell me on the idea by telling me I can use some of the an old freezer that was full of rotting food when he put it into storage 6 years ago, "it will just need a wipe out". A bookshelf he thinks I can use in my bedroom. Always trying to inch his way in, insert himself into my home and life. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
Lets not even mention ta last time he stayed over, I woke up to him trying to very quietly get it on with me in my sleep (since I have no interest in being intimate and haven't for a long time). I have told him absolutely and without any doubt that it horrifies and disgusts me when he does that and he may not violate me when I am sleeping. He used to when we drank together and he found it acceptable to do this when I had passed out. Out came the whiney little boy "well what a I supposed to do, you won't let me touch you". It's just all about what he can take, no matter how good his "nice guy" act is. He has no actual regard for me as a human being. He seems to consider himself entitled to my entire being; nothing is off limits.
It's amazing to me, what i used to tolerate in the name of feeling "wanted". It horrifies me more and more each time I see him and am reminded. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, I am still very angry about what happened last time. When I woke up to find him undressing me I ordered him to get his things and get out, that i would never trust him enough to sleep in the same place as him again. Then I went through a couple of days of being miserable, second guessing myself, feeling guilty for being angry with him, feeling guilty for "denying him". I used to go through that on a weekly basis when we lived together; I would snap and get angry and then be filed with guilt and fear. It's terrible, traumatic even. I can't allow myself to believe the nice guy act again, it's just (for me) a big fat load of denial. I suppose part of me wanted to believe that by moving out alone it might inspire some kind of change in him, maybe I was still clinging to a little hope that involved action by him. I wasn't aware of it but I think it was still there. Well he has visited me in my new home twice now and all I see is that he is worse than ever and I can't stand to be around it. Or maybe he's not worse and i just can't tolerate it any more. I don't know but I don't enjoy his visits and I need to get real about breaking contact now. It's not good for anyone.
-- Edited by missmeliss on Sunday 5th of April 2015 02:35:05 PM
-- Edited by missmeliss on Sunday 5th of April 2015 02:59:43 PM
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
I go for the second option - maybe he's not worse but your ability to "not see" how bad he is has changed, when those rose-colored glasses come off its really hard, impossible, to see him the same way again.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
First let me say happy Easter! I do know the feeling. When I dropped off our son with ah on Saturday we sat outside and talked. He told me how much he loved me and missed me and he doesn't want a divorce and why am I pushing him away. He always ask me if I love him!! That we should be working through this together. I'm his wife and we shouldn't be separated! This is driving me insane! I do love him. I want the best for him. But when I ask him to give my time and let me work on myself. He gets mad. I told him I can't take the drinking anymore. I have had enough. He needs to some changing too. I'm terrified of living with him again because deep down I know things will not change. He already told me he's not gonna quit but he will try to cut down???? I don't believe him! He hasn't shown any improvement at all.
Anyhow that was Saturday. Today I told him I wanted to talk to him about some things and I would come over after work. So I called him when I got off he didn't answer. We played phone tag for a bit. He was just acting weird. So I checked the bank account and saw the all the liquor store transactions for today!!!! Figures.. So I changed my plans. I can't deal with drunk ah. He knows this. Of course here comes the carp. "There you go picking your family over me. I'm done with you. Give me a divorce. I don't want anything to do with you"!!!! I didn't answer his calls or texts. So of course he gets nastier. Send ing texts messages real nasty ones. Accusing me of being with another man and just mean!
All I ask is he give me space so I can heal and take care of myself. I didn't ask for a divorce. And it bothers me that has no concern of my well being. I am a wreck and I need help and i am getting it. Trying my hardest to take care if myself. Hoping that this will change my view of him. So I am not angry and bitter or sad. I want to be able to use the tools in alanon to have a better life. Not just for him but for me and my children. I am seeing his true colors. His selfishness and how he worries about him and not what he's done. How he wants me to just accept and deal with all the crap! I can't do it anymore. I block his number and try to not have contact with him. It is hard because of the kids and we do have finances together.
I don't mind the rants. They are not rants at all. They make me feel much better because I can relate. Knowing I am not alone is helping me with this journey. All the experiences of others and their actions help me handle my situations in a different way than I am used to.
Keep praying and reaching out 4myboys. You are at a difficult transition spot. My heart goes out to you. I have heard similar responses many times on this board as things got ugly during a split with an alcoholic spouse. We are here to support you!!! You are doing great considering all this chaos.
Agreed 4mb, you are doing great.
I guess when we know the person we want to rely on truly doesn't have any concern for our well being at all, it becomes doubly important for us to grant ourselves permission to give that care and concern to ourselves. You know you need time to heal and recover, and of course he doesn't want you to do that. Happy healthy you won't enable him and he knows it!!! I remember realising that any time i was sick or feeling down my A would be extra nasty to me...and it dawned on me one day that it was because he couldn't stand for me to have any needs. How could i devote my whole being to caring for his needs if i was going to get sidetracked by my own? Realisations like that...that I had lived an entire relationship where 2 people's care and concern was all directed at only one person made me very determined to keep my own wellbeing (and my childs) front and center and to never again let someone manipulate and confuse me into devoting my everything to them and their disease.
Fiunny, it's much more rewarding this way too. It used to be, no matter how hard I tried or how much I sacrificed, he was never happy or appreciative of my efforts. Yet when I show up for myself and treat myself well, I am very happy and this program and everyone that has helped me understand what I was doing to myself and how to heal that damage. It's way more rewarding this way
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)