The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am seriously wracked with fear right now. I was talking to a friend expressing these fears (non-program friend) and they told me that maybe the fear is trying to tell me something and that there's a lesson to be learned. Yeah, well I get that, but I am so done with living with active alcoholism that I am ready to move on. Yet, there's a part of me which is totally afraid to do all of these things:
1.Get a lame *ss resume written(it's lame because I haven't worked for 16 years so there's not much to be said, LOL)
2.Put myself out there in the work force and then tell a future employer that I need a flexible schedule. that will go over well.
3.Afraid that I will be broke in a year and will have to pack up and move 2500 miles to go live with my mom on her farm in the boondocks. Don't get me wrong, I love the farm. It's a nice place to visit, but I don't think I could live there.
4.Afraid that my son will suffer emotionally and academically if I put him in an online school. Since I homeschool, I know that online schooling will be the best fit for him next year and the year after. He can stay home or stay at AH's house while doing schoolwork and then I can help him at night/on weekends with stuff he gets stuck on, etc.
5.Afraid that all my plans will fall apart at the seams and that I'll regret leaving my AH, even though this is a crappy relationship to live in....
I could go on...Just seems that fear is managing my life right now. So many unknowns. And, the words from my friend really ring in my ears, too. I know that fear is trying to tell me something but I also think we have to step out in faith so that we can get away from fear and kick it to the curb, right? UGH....
Sorry for the vent, but I'm just exhausted. Waited all week for a doctor's appointment yesterday only to be turned away by the nurse because he, apparently, looked at my MRI and decided I needed to see the spine specialist in the office. So, I left feeling dejected and angry and now I have to wait until Tuesday to find out what's going on with my spine.
And, of course, I am glad that AH has insurance so I can get this stuff looked at. How would I afford health care if I was working part time or not at all, etc?? See..? I'm just letting my brain go wild today. So hard.
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
About the resume - you are a dynamo. I tire reading about all your accomplishments on a normal day. What employer wouldn't benefit from your demonstrated organization, understanding, communications and human interaction savvy? You just need a way to put this in a resume. Keep on mind that you have navigated getting your son what he needs and you have home schooled him. That's an immense accomplishment.
In a similar job search, I took advantage of my state's department of labor service to help us find our ideal jobs (really). We had classes in resume writing. The stay at home parents now looking for work explained the skills they had mastered outside the paid workforce. It was brilliant. Is there any service like that you could get to help you shine?
By bringing your fears here I believe you shrink them down to size.
I admire your accomplishments and desire to move forward. Well done.
1. What do you mean you haven't worked in 16 years? You've been a travel agent, a home schooler, on the tennis circuit with your son, a homemaker, bookkeeper - what specifically did you do with all those works? Any volunteer work? What did you do then or now? Any church committees? Neighborhood organizations?
2. How flexible a schedule would you need? Can you be specific about it? Can you do accounting for clients on a freelance basis?
3. You may go broke in a year even if you don't get divorced or separated. Or, you could make more than you ever dreamed possible?
4. What might happen if you let your son test drive an on-line school and see how that goes? If it doesn't work for him, then what might be Plan B or Plan C?
5. That probably won't happen.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Friday 19th of December 2014 09:03:34 PM
I got hired by a prestigious third party administrator not primarily for my claims experience but because they were looking for a person who had accomplished credits to their name in volunteer service. They wanted to hire people who could work with all sorts of people not only as claims reps but as people who knew exactly how to make their customers know they were cared about and understood. I had no idea when I listed all the volunteer services I had worked in that that would be the #1 thing this particular employer was seeking. They had tons of candidates with claims experience. They didn't have tons of candidates with loads of volunteer experience. You may very well have developed the skills that one employer is seeking and you won't know that until you put the resume and the cover letter together and start sending them out. And - these folks didn't know me from Adam - so, it isn't always who you know that gets your foot in the door of a good employer either.
Good that you can post about your fears. Maybe there is no lesson. When I start spinning, I stop thinking, just stop the chaos in my head. Get into step 11 for a bit and trust that you will be guided to the next best action. Rest.
Andromeda I agree with all that has been shared and just would like to add that I found "fear " haunted me when I projected too far into the future, It is fine to make a rough draft of plans and then come back to today , stay in the moment, in the day and take the next right action one day at a time.
Your HP has your back and as Woody Allen reminds us: "Eighty percent of success is showing up".
Prayers for a positive outcome all around.
I know I have assets, everyone, and experience. It's just finding that place that values what I have. I have a 4 year degree, worked for a few years as a stock broker(had to take my series 7 and series 63, when I swore I would never take another test again my life, LOL) and then part time helping a friend set up his financial advisory firm. After a few years at home(boredom set in), I got certified to teach aerobics(yep, more testing and this time you had to know basic kinesiology along with injury avoidance and CPR, too), taught for a few years, and then expanded into teaching yoga(yep, more tests and certifications). Believe it or not, one of the things my AH compliments me on the most is my ability to recreate myself because I'm always willing to try something new. And, my first job out of college was in retail management for the Limited so I can say I have management experience even though it was 22 years ago, LOL.
My biggest fears are relating to time and making sure my son's schedule can be managed. He can do online schooling, I'm not as worried about that right now as I was in the past. It's finding a job that understands I might need off every so often to take my son to to a tournament because I can't rely on AH to do it, etc. And, yes, I'm majorly future tripping here! My mind is spinning....
I just got the packet of information from my realtor friend about starting her ebooks, too. This is a first step into something totally different for me: organizing her writings and then publishing them for her to Kindle. Crazy, because I know nothing about this and I'm just hoping I can manage it time wise. This will be a huge test for me on my organizational skills.
I thank you all for listening to me vent tonight. Just feeling overwhelmed about what may or may not lay in my future.
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
seems like the last time I wrote you, I mentioned one day at a time? That is the only way to stop this fear. Each day, do what you can, then let it go. A year??? what?
My home is the only thing I didn't lose from my AH's disease. I fight to keep it. The mortgage company pulled illegal things. I fought it for years then said that is that. Its insane. I have NO idea what is going to happen. I have not paid a payment in six years. Others are like me. They won't accept payments, I tried. In fact they sent me five hundred bucks. then just a week ago they sent me a hundred fifity. insane. so what I am saying is this, I take one day at a time. it is out of my control.
so I pay my bills, am frugal. enjoy my animals and my loved ones when I get to see them.
For you it may be to work out some possible options for you and kiddo. there has to be someone who son could get a ride with to tournaments. I know it is not what you want, but it is an option. Look for jobs at home. I know a friend who worked for the phone company at home.
Maybe take a career class at your community college to delve into what may show you many, many options fit for you.
Its hard to leave what is familiar. this is why we must be sure when we go that we are ready to go for it. For me I was forced into it. Lived in a room in my barn for petes sake.
Life does give you options, you are a smart gal and believe me I have faith you can go for what you want and get it.Living without the turmoil and influence of an A is soooo much better. believe me
As far as insurance, you are not even divorced yet. So for now, you have it. EACH day you have what you do. Many hospitals will write off debts when you cannot pay.
So what do you have to do tomorrow? Sounds like you need to focus right now on your health. let the rest go until you feel better.
Take it all as it comes. You do not have to make any decisions now. Maybe feeling so fearful is becuz you are not ready to make those decisions that scare you. Its ok to take care of your health, and take a breather. This is a HUGE decision. coast a bit.
take a breath. I remember being so freaked about this math class at college. the prof was Asian i could not understand a word he said. I needed to drop it but thought it would screw up my money, my credits etc. I was losing it. I talked to someone, financial aid. They said no problem. I could drop it all was cool, I mean I was on the honor roll.. geez/ the relief i still remember!
It will all be ok. son will be fine as long as you are. Please be kind to yourself. Are you sticking money away? Remember a's lie. Protect YOU. Maybe just look at jobs, homes etc. Have fun with it.
hugs honey...
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Fear is the biggest obstacle in my life too. Projecting and the dreaded what ifs can ruin anyones days. Its ok to not be ready to leave. It sounds like your putting pressure on yourself and then feeling bad about not taking the step to leave.
To me, alanon was founded at a time when women couldnt leave an alcoholic relationship for many reasons. So it helped women and men live a happy, contented life even with the alcoholic drinking and causing chaos. Leaving is not the only option. There is a women in my group who neverleft and she leaned on her program so hard, her life was and is as full and fuller than many people i know even people without alcohol. The turmoil you feel and have felt since ive known you here seems to come from feeling you should leave, you want to leave but you cant for lots of reasons, and some important reasons.
Do you think letting it go, i mean just try and stop the planning and scheming and trying to work it all out for you and your son. It sounds exhausting and your only 1 wee person and how can you possibly have all the answers. It will most likely never all add up and look all safe. Its notgoing to be easy ever, its hard, its a different kind of hard. I left a lovely home with just my clothes, moved into a crappy furnished flat, had no permanent job, the future was scary and very unpredictable but within a year i had a permanent job and that was all i needed to start building it up. I also got some lump sums from really unexpected places. Thats how i know i have a higher power. I got everything i needed just in time.
maybe your not ready, theres nothing wrong with that andromeda. The whole thing is stealing your serenity. What about putting it on the backburner, take a break and start looking after yourself and being good to yourself, go hunt down your serenity. Go lie in that hot sun with a good book.x
Andromeda - Go in the direction of faith. This whole program has been about relieving yourself of the bondage of self. Your AH has not kept you in shackles. You have.
I remember somewhere in my studies hearing that when we have a fear, it is often time a sign that that is the exact direction we need to head in because our dream is to accomplish the thing that we may be scared we can't. To me, it sounds like your dream is to have your independence, control of your own finances, to have your career back, and to have your son functioning out there in the world on his own even if it means you have to let go some and watch him flounder a bit. So I also remember hearing a quote from Thoreau: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." To me, you have but one chance to make your dreams come true in this life and confidence just means "have faith." I'd rather die in the street having chased some of my dreams than live in a self imposed prison of fear.
Great responses. As I applied your experiences to mine, I had more thoughts. As I mentioned earlier, when I am spinning with fear/feeling immobilized and imprisoned with my chaos, I slow way down and up my time in prayer and contemplation and, as Teresa of Avila would instruct her nuns, "go into the kitchen and wash the dishes". When I feel ready, I ask myself a few questions. I know when I am in fear, I am in survival mode. If I am in survival mode, I ponder these questions: 1. Am I selling myself for perks? 2. Am I betraying me? 3. Do I not want to be responsible? 4. Am I sabotaging me? 5. Am I victimizing me? 6. What are my payoffs? The real truths lie within my answers.
Andromeda: This is what I see: On the left side of you is a pile of huge boulders all marked with something that can be viewed as a deterrent or a fear. Directly in front of you is a path that leads to what you have been saying you want for yourself and for your son. On the right of you is a ton of listeners and encouragers who have been there, done that. Behind you is a fire of hostility and unhappiness. You stand between the boulders and the encouragers, looking in the direction of your dreams, you speak, your encouragers respond and then you turn to the left and pull one boulder after another off that huge pile of fears and deterrents and place them in front of yourself and the path to your dreams if what you have been saying what is truly what you want. The fire burns hotter behind you while you wall yourself in with boulders that stand in the way of what you have repeatedly said you want for you. Venting is helpful to a degree but it can also become counterproductive. It truly is up to you which direction you want to go and how many stumbling blocks that you want to put in the way of what you want. I do want to support you in what you say you want for yourself and the getting there, but I'm now confused if you want to stay or if you really want to go?
-- Edited by grateful2be on Saturday 20th of December 2014 04:05:56 PM
Grateful, Oh please don't be confused. I want to go. Fear is truly my immobilizer right now. Although, I have to admit I am a lot like the alcoholic in my life when I see that I am comfortable here and that things are predictable, despite the alcoholism and environment. I know that my AH is unhappy but he, too, is unwilling to file for divorce or take the next step. I certainly can't criticize him for not taking actions when I'm just as guilty as he is. We're both mired in the "well, this is at least comfortable and I don't have to painstakingly split everything up and I don't have to deal with the courts, etc etc etc"
I know why I stay: financial benefit and a fantastic health insurance plan
But, there are lots of reasons I should leave. The first thing I have to do is find out what's going on with my back.
I love your visual aid in the message above, Grateful, that was very helpful. And, I love what Pink shared, too. El Cee mentioned that this is stealing my serenity and I have to agree. Yet, I feel calm when I think about moving on, but then I get fearful when I think about the details in getting there. Like the big picture of me living on my own, providing for myself, moving forward brings me peace when I put forth that mental picture. It's those stepping stones along the way that trip me up and create anxiety: the packing, selling the house, dealing with AH's craziness and instability(this is a big one), going back to work, managing a totally new schedule and way of life. Those are things that make me sit back and then say, "Well, it's not THAT bad here......." I never take into account the fact that this life I have today could change in an instant. Another DUI? We'd be done for. Loss of AH's job? We'd be done for financially, etc.
I really need to increase my prayer and quiet time and work hard at listening to that still small voice within.
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
I have learnt a lot from your post and from those wonderful responses. I like the way that you have listed your fears, I rarely remember to do that. Humbly I look and learn. And as a read your last postI thought 'well, one step at a time.' And then I thought that your dreams sound as though you are taking back control of your life, how good is that?! All this applies to me so much, thank you for sharing Andromeda.
I understand your fear as the fear of leaving kept me paralyzed for a long time.I was very afraid to end the relationship because of financial fears,but when I looked at the big picture I was more afraid of not ending it.I became convinced that if I didn't risk change my life would be one depressing chaotic event after the next.I came to a place where I could no longer function myself from the stress of living with an active A.I knew my life would never change and that was too depressing for me to imagine.Most of my fears have been unfounded.I have a place to live, I have food.I have what I need right now.I only have to keep following this path and things will be the way they are supposed to be.
Also I realized his unhealthy choices were not helping my financial situation.Bills weren't being paid,money was dissapearing,There was lying about money so honestly if I had stayed my situation would be worse.Now I have control over my finances.I don't have to hide money anymore.
Andromeda, I would start with one small plan, just pick one issue and beginning planning how to resolve it. Forget all the fears for now and focus on you and that one issue to start! I would work on getting a few certificates of training under my belt, Robert Half International has an outstanding website for training, called Skillport, available to you after you sign up with them to start job hunting. I earned around 25 of those certificates from accounting to excel training.
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
One of the things I feared was being poor. Then, I was poor. Then, I wasn't poor. What I truly feared was giving up the security of being in the driver's seat of my own life. Then, once all the security I had been counting on was gone, I realized I wasn't in the driver's seat and never had been. That was a great relief to discover.
I did not want my marriage to end. Whenever i thought of leaving
My whole body would literally shut down. I couldnt do it in reality.
Fear,rejection,abandoment,shame, on and on the list of my stuff
Brewing way beneath the surface of my consciousness.
It took My dry ah to ask for a divorce and leave the home before my healing
Trully started. I am still home after 5 months and the divorce is going
Forward with ah being the aggresser. He has a gf and he wants to move
Back into our home because his business is on the property. We are now
At the financial stage it is unpleasant after 29 years. We still have debt
And he needs to face his consequences. And he does attend AA but he is not
Interested in working on our marriage at all. He only wants out to start a
New life.
Betty's acronym (false evidence appearing real) has been on my office board for some time now. I use those and see them but it dooesn't make it any easier to move forward when you feel like you've planted your feet in cement. Yes, my own doing, I can accept that. I just need to have the courage to move forward and that is where support and friends and even family come in. Thank you all for the ESH these past few days! I truly am grateful.
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
Courage comes from feeling the fear and taking a step anyway. Creating a resume is a very conservative step and given that you are aware of all your assets and the things you have done as an employee, a mother, a wife, an Al-Anon member, a church member, etc, once you sit down and do it, you'll come up with a mighty fine resume. If you're like me at all, you'll find yourself wondering as you actually do the task why you resisted just sitting down and doing it for so long. (((B))) You can do this. In my experience, it takes more energy to resist doing what I know I need to do than it does to do it.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Sunday 21st of December 2014 10:56:59 AM
I posted this just over a year ago. I was living in fear. Today my fears have dissipated and are very very different but all those things I feared have yet to come to pass. Lesson for today: LIVE BY FAITH, NOT BY FEAR!
Happy New Year to everyone here, especially to those who are changing their lives, making 180s, and committing to serenity and peace as they move through 2016! HUGS!
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
Yes, I was just noticing and remembering how this post is much different then your current posts. So much growth, and so many changes, and stepping out in faith, both in your HP and in yourself! So uplifting!!
Celebrate your growth and your program work! How cool is it to 'see' where you were then and where you are now!
Living proof that this program does work - Happy New Year to you too and a very Merry Christmas!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene