General Business Group Conscience Meeting
February 1, 2006
Chair: SenoraBob Co-Chair: Cabecka
Agenda Items
General Opening of Meeting followed by:
1. Approval of Minutes from January meeting
2. Meeting Schedule and Request for Volunteers - SenoraBob
3. Financial Report - Kismetstrand/Mastiff
1. Lovely and Talented Mastiff request and discussion of reserved topic meeting on Sundays
2. CAL in meetings - SenoraBob
3. Swearing in the chatroom - SenoraBob
4. PM'ing with sponsor/sponsee and idle time in chatroom - SenoraBob
5. Group Inventory- SenoraBob
6. I am sure there is more but I can't remember - SenoraBob
Higher Power doesn't always wrap presents in pretty paper.