SPRING FLING, APRIL 28 -30, 2006 GALESBURG, IL contact phone # 309-484-6012 (Larry) or email: aa_springfling@yahoo.com. (may have to type in)
Speakers from Chicago, Pekin, and Kirkwood, IL and two from Nashville, TN--looks like an AA, Alanon DUO. Speakers, Raffles, Dance, Banquet, Alkathons/
Rooms available at COMFORT INN (next to Mall) for $49 through April 7th when mentioning SPRING FLING. Other motels: Holiday Inn Express, Best Western
So if you are near Galesburg, IL, you may want to check this out.
[Registrations prices vary from $15. to $30. depending on banquet included, I suppose. Alateen can attend.]
In my HP's time, not mine.
Hello Walsal,
Thanks so much for posting this! Wish I could go! cdb :)