The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I met Zack at the bus all I wanted to do was give him a big hug!!!! WELL as soon as he saw me he was talking a mile a minute!!! you could see the excitement in his face along with the tired look. So we talked and I asked him if all the tears shed this morning were worth it. He said no that today was a better day. He did mention that his dislike for the bus ride in the morning, says the bus driver stops too long at stop signs. makes me chuckel. He is fully aware that it is her job to make sure that it is safe for her to continue and crossing the highway is dangerous but he insists that she stops too long. Any way I told him how I was so worried about him and that I cried because he was so sad this morning and finally got my hug. He told me that he missed me too but he did have fun. Relief!!!!
I had no idea what so ever that we would be going through this for grade one because last year he went to the same school and took the bus home from kindergarten the only adjustment would have been that length of stay at the school. We also went to the meet the teacher day and took a look at the new class room before hand and he was so excited about the new teacher and a new year because last year the new inexperienced teacher did single him out and he ended up hating kindergarten.
I am feeling relief and I thank you all for your replys earlier. I was a MESS!!! SIL called and she just said "you want to go for a drive"? she had no idea what was going on and of course I bawled more and said yes so she kept me preoccupied until the time to pick Zack up from the bus. What an emotional day! I think I felt more emotions today than I have all year ever feeling I can think of I felt.
Well I hope that tomorrow morning goes better and I am sure it won't be long until he won't let me even walk him to the bus.