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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Wow, Last week my x-A, father to our kids, (and who knows how may more...) suffered a stroke, heart attack and a drug overdose with alcohol adding to that. He was found fully clothed in, a tub full of water, partially submerged, in the rooming house he lives in. Claiming "special hardship" my son,( who is in prison for alcohol related problems), was transported to another jail in our state so he could spend time with his dad. I went to the hospital too so I could see my son and help him thru seeing his dad like that. Well, the experience was lost on my son, as his dad , who has miraculously recoverd, made more sense to us in THAT STATE, than he did before whenever we tried to talk to him. I never thought that would happen. I was sure that when Justin saw his dad he would think long and hard about his own drinking. I am not really sure that he took it that way. Even with Dad's speech only half "there" he made more sense. Go figure..... sometimes I am just so amazed at how God works. Dad has been declared incompetent and his lawyer is trying to get our daughter to be power of attorney for him. What a nightmare for her. She has thankfully refused. My X is 50 yrs old and he has siblings younger than him that should take over that job. If they were all in their 80's I could see his kids having that responsiblilty. Hopefully they will come to that conclusion SOON! It just goes ON and ON... Mamasan
Some day I wanna sit right down with God, and ask him "why?" I sure don't understand. Sometimes it's hard for me to follow that "better plan" of God's. Who am I to question though? Gotta let it go.
Be strong.
Take what you can use and leave the rest...seeking tranquilityand offering what comfort I can...Claire
I am speachless! I cannot imagine being in your shoes right now. I am thinking your daughter is able to say no from learning to be strong from you :) Maybe the state can be his power of attorney? Let go and Let god. Your son may have that light bulb moment in his own time. Who knows? It amazes me how hard headed some people are. This disease has no rhyme or reason at all. It doesn't care who it picks,,rich or poor, young or old. It is just a horrible, awful , heart wrenching disease that we are truly powerless over. ((((((((((mamasan)))))))) My heart does go out to you and your family too. One of my biggest fears was that my daughter would end up in prison for alcohol/drugs. It still could happen :( Just when you think a person has hit their bottom,,poof,,they haven't. Your son may be able to help others in the future to stop drinking/drugging. None of us know our future. We can just try to have hope. I did sence hopefullnes in your post. You have been through so much. Please keep us updated and do whatever you can to take care of you. your friend in recovery, cdb
Thanks! It's good to know that there are people who understand our particular plight. I do REAL WELL at letting go sometimes.....and sometimes.....NOT so well. I am a work in progress for sure! lol