The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Just thought i wold say hi new to this part of the web site been on the chat I am feeling really depressed tonight and just need to vent. Chat room is full so any way. No I do not know why i am depressed just am Bi- Polar I belive is hitting me hard just not doing well with it . Alot of things going on with me right know sometimes I feel like I want to curl up in a ball and just stay there so eveyone and eveything wil leave me alone.
I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I was in the chatroom when you were there and wondered why you were so quiet. Please know that if the room is crowded and you need to talk that you can always ask me to talk to you in PM/private message room and I sure will listen to you. I have some friends that are bi-polar and I know how they struggle at times. I always ask them if there medications are working or if they have had any medication changes recently to make them feel different or worse. A bi-polar person sure needs to keep in contact with their doctor whenever they have mood changes or a crisis. Especially if a person is not able to sleep for a long period of time too. I can so relate to the curling up in a little ball. I actually will do that at times and even pull the covers over my head to feel safe. I do suffer from chronic depression and I know at times I do need to do that to feel better. But, if it lasts too long I consider it a "red flag" and call my doctor. We don't always think clearly when we are getting more ill. My psychiatrist sure likes that I come to this chatroom too because he sees how it is helping me. He tells me even though I have carpal tunnel to keep on typing and coming here. It helps to vent and to talk to people that care and understand. People here cannot help us though if we do not reach out and tell them what is wrong or how we are feeling. I am so glad you posted here. That is reaching out and focusing on you. Please hang in and maybe give us more information of exactly is going on in your life if and when you can figure it out. We are here for you. your friend in recovery cdb :)
Welcome, glad you have found us. You are in the right place my friend. We are here to listen & support each other. We do NOT judge which I found also being fairly new, a great comfort. I can be rigorously honest about me feelings when I am able and its OK,,,,
We are all here for the same reason, confusion, denied feelings, hope & strenght. Alot of us suffer from depression and this is a great place to VENT.