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Ive chatted with many of you over the past month or so. Thank you for offering this forum and chat to vent feelings and fears and yes joy when it comes.
My request today and i will hope if i may would be to request prayers for my friend Lori. Lori is a wondeful person she a joy to be with. Even the hard times were still good times with this fine woman. She has a disease, a thing called alcoholism but is in denial. At times she speaks to me about it and at times I try and reinforce what she has told me. But Denial has grips. Hard to tell someone who on the outside so much of the time appears to have it so together but over the years I have seen changes. Things that point to worsening of the disease process. Black outs that are very apparent are the most recent. I love this woman, will always love her but know Im probably just not the one to flick her bic so to speak. But also think she needs the honest prayers of a bunch of good people i know read this site. I believe in prayer. I belive my Hp God provides for those in need at in the toughest of times. Well God is my Hp and i hope some on this board might offer a prayer for Lori H. from time to time for she is trully a wonderful woman gripped in alcohols arms. Please God open her mind to possibilities of what she needs to do for her. Shes had hard times in the past. I know we all have but this woman is a cancer suvivor, a loving mother who needs this so much for her to turn around the things that count most in life. Thanks
Just wondering if there could be a thread for prayer requests only. - Not the verbose request i had above but maybe a weekly or monthly list. Power of prayer is a wonderful thing I think. Wonder if it might not help to have a site full of prayer warriors multiplying the prayer for each of our loved ones or ourselves when its needed most.
My heart was truly touched by your warm love and sincere concern for your friend.
Yes, I know that many wonderful people are enslaved by alcohol. Including my husband.
After twenty years of daily and constant drinking binges of extremely heaby consumption, he is no longer the same man I married, but I do remember when I thought he was the cat's meow as my Mom would say, .
Sadly, after my husband told me that he would gladly pick alcohol over me and I would leave his life before alcohol would and separating from me for 1 year, during which time he refused to speak to me at all, I gave up that he would ever get better. I spoke to an addiction counselor trying to arrange an intervention for him as a last ditch effort. The counselor dropped my case...
He actually said my husband was a lost cause to him as that is USUALLY the ace in the hole for an intervention, the threat that the alcoholic will lose their family or their wife will divorce them. He said that since my husband cares about NO ONE really (he told my daughter that since she was 18 he was "divorcing" her when he divorced me and would have nothing more to do with her since she was "siding" with me since he had no legal obligation to her), not his parents, his wife, or daughter, that there is no "bargaining chip" with him. The counselor also said he had NEVER worked with someone so ill and into their addiction that they would tell their wife and PROVE IT that they did not care at all about her or the marriage or children, and that he felt that a person like that was beyond help...and this man did this for a LIVING!
I am SO glad that your Lori is not so far gone that you have given up on her. I hope she knows how fortunate she is to have a friend like you.
I will pray for Lori, her family, her children, and YOU!
I sure will put Lori and you on my prayer list. This is an awful disease. We all have free will and the alcoholic has their own HPs too. I do believe in prayers and I do see that HP/God works in his own time too. I surely will keep her and you in my prayers bob. Keep us posted and detatch and let HP/God do his work in his own perfect timing. your friend, cdb