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Hi all! Well, I first heard of the concept of an inner child in me in a therapy session in Germany. The German therapist told me I was to imagine the adult in me and converse with my inner child. I even had to use diff. chairs and change places according to role. I found this very funny and German therapy a little strange. Then I thought again and tried, but still couldn't accept or believe my adult completely. My contrary child contradicted a lot. Then I thought, if that adult were HP, the child couldn't contradict so easily. After all, HP is in me, why not let Him/Her be the adult, I reasoned. So, I adapted the following a bit, which I received from a German member of my church, for my inner child. I want to share with you the way my inner child starts each conversation with HP:
I say,
"It's impossible." HP says: "All things are possible."
"I'm too tired." HP says: "I will give you rest."
"Nobody really loves me." HP says: "I love you."
"I can't go on" HP says: "My grace is sufficient."
"I can't figure things out." HP: "I will direct your steps."
"I can't do it." HP: "You can do all things in Me."
"It's not worth it." HP: "It will be worth it."
"I can't forgive myself." HP: "I forgive you."
"I can't manage." HP: "I will supply all your needs."
"I'm afraid." HP: "I have not given you a spirit of fear."
"I'm always worried and frustrated." HP: "Cast all your cares on Me."
"I don't have enough faith." HP: "I've given everyone a measure of faith."
"I'm not smart enough. HP: I give you wisdom."
"I feel all alone." HP: "I will never leave you or forsake you."
I too have done inner child work. It has been many years but I did some intense therapy on it and it helped me to heal some past childhood sexual abuse. Thanks for this post. I never thought of having HP as my inner child and I really love the idea of what HP may be telling us in response to our inner dialogue. This was a very helpful post. cdb :)