The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Thanks to all of you who responded to me...I guess I just lost it yesterday, and it's wonderful to know you out there who've been there, and lived to relate to my woes.
Today's A worked at home today, and volunteered to keep our granddaughter...last night he mowed with her help.
You're all right. I've lost my focus in the rush of making a living, and until I respect myself, there will be none forthcoming from the A. So, starting now, once again, I will gently remind myself to quit enabling, and realize that if he doesn't like it, it's his problem.
By the way, this am, after finding his sneakers (hidden in his closet!!), I courtesied when delivering them to him. I think he noticed I considered myself used, but will concentrate on verbalizing my feelings this weekend.
More and more, my "ME" time is here at work...not at home. Until that changes, I'll accept, with grattitude that I have my space here.
Sounds like a great plan. So glad you are on your way to taking care of you! Keep up the good work.
I'm not very good about saying things to my A but I am getting much better. He asked when he left for the bar this evening, what I was fixing for dinner. I have told him that I wasn't cooking for him because half the time he just lets it sit in the frig--and if I cooked, he would have to clean up...which he doesn't like to hear. But we do have to stand up for our rights.