The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi, One version of my story is under jfoy's post--if you care to read it.
A month ago, I sat down with a wonderful alanon friend and told her my woman to woman, heart to heart stuff. Let me tell you, I knew that my head had it, but my heart didn't for a long,long time. Then they both came into agreement. (They both had wisdom, peace, and serenity). What could be missing? It wasn't until after my talk with her, I said, "Ya know, my head has it , my heart has it, but my soul just doesn't yet. My spirit still asks "Why" my soul is still healing it's wounds.
With alcoholism, I get mentally ill, heart broken, and soul sickness. I can get phyisically ill too, if I don't watch it!
Hi Sal - thank you for sharing your story and feelings .
How right you are - alcoholism tears us apart and leaves us completely bankrupt.
Sharing - one on one - wth a wise al-anon was one of the gifts the program gave me. At times I talked to her everyday - she kept me grounded and helped me detach with love - for that day - the craziness around me.
Wallsa thansk for sharing so honestly and heartfully. This disease can be very painfula nd I am glad u have us to share with and tools to get thru one day at a time. you work a good program and will grow thru this I KNOW IT.
Also in response to an ealrlier post on slogans---loved the DETACH acronym Wallsa--thanks I will use it I am sure, like right now as I am thinkng about what another could change vs. focusing on me. I can shift gears and start over however with these tools. thanks for adding that and the easy fist then "do it".
peace and hugs,
Wishing all the best on your recovery journey, Luv